The reason Cheng Guo gave was that it was not the right time yet.

Let's wait a little longer.

As for the relationship between the two, she seemed to avoid it whenever the future was mentioned.

Usually, they would not mention it.

Liu Qinglin thought of the time when they were just dating and wanted to get closer, but his girlfriend kept rejecting him.

He thought his girlfriend did not want to have sex before marriage, and she had said more than once that she wanted to get married when she was in love.

After marriage, he could kiss her, hug her, and bully her openly.

He might have been horny when he said these words, but in fact, he and Cheng Guo felt that marriage was good after getting along, and he wanted to settle down.

When his girlfriend heard about marriage, she refused even more thoroughly.

The two even quarreled over this matter.

"My parents won't agree." Cheng Guo's original words.

"Why don't you agree? What aspect don't you agree with? I'll try to make changes." Liu Qinglin asked.

Cheng Guo remained silent.

After a while, he said with a little struggle: "Let's not talk about other things first. Just one thing is your education. My parents will definitely not agree with you if you are still a junior high school graduate."

"I love you. Can't we just have a relationship? Don't let them get involved first. Don't rush to meet your parents to get married. Wait until you get your education from night university, and then we can discuss the matter of going to the door, okay?"

"Then you haven't told your family that you have a boyfriend, and your family has been arranging blind dates for you. Are you planning to go on blind dates while talking to me? Have you ever thought about my feelings!" Liu Qinglin asked a little angrily.

"I only went to that one blind date. It was really introduced by my sister-in-law's boss. I had to go to be the middleman. I turned down all the other ones."

"In addition, I told the other party when I went to meet him. It was to deal with my family, so that he would go back and say that he didn't like me. I didn't like him either. We both did that." Cheng Guo explained again in a gentle voice.

"Okay, don't be angry. I will definitely not go to a blind date arranged by my family again."

The matter was revealed just like that.

The two people's love is really sweet.

After falling in love, Cheng Guo is a girl who loves to act like a spoiled child.

Compared with the friends around her who are angry and jealous when they are in love, Cheng Guo is different from them.

She studied fine arts in college and worked as an art editor in a publishing house after graduation.

Although the salary is not high, only a little over 4,000, but there is a system, the work is easy, and her personality is not the kind of ambitious, very Buddhist.

She is a bit of a homebody, loves to watch Japanese comics, American dramas, novels, and chase stars. She has many hobbies of her own, so when Liu Qinglin is very busy, she is also busy with her own things, and will not feel neglected and ignore him.

When they first started dating, she would not accept any expensive gifts, but she would return the gifts if they accepted them.

Later, as their relationship deepened, she asked him not to spend money recklessly.

The gifts should not exceed a certain price range.

She also thinks about herself in their daily life.

She is reluctant to let him buy expensive and luxurious things for her.

Liu Qinglin wants to spend more on his girlfriend because he can't spend the money.

He doesn't let her return the gifts, which means she doesn't have to wrong herself. He also gave her his bank card with 300,000 yuan in it, so that she can spend it. This is all his wealth now, and the rest is basically locked up by two businesses. She took the card and helped him buy bank financial products seriously, and told him how much profit from his Taobao store he would deposit into it every month, and she would check it!

Then, a few months later, Liu Qinglin logged into his online bank to check his account and found that the money in it had basically not been moved.

Cheng Guo's salary was so low that she had to rent a house and live on her own. It was difficult for her to survive on her own. She rented a house and her brother helped her pay part of the rent every month.

Her parents would also subsidize her. She took the subsidies and bought him a lot of clothes, shoes and other things.

Liu Qinglin originally thought that her family might be a patriarchal family, but from his girlfriend's words, it seemed that it was not the case.

It can be seen that her parents protected her very well, and her brother and sister-in-law often called and texted to care about her.

She had to go home for a meal every week without fail.

Even at this age, her parents and sister-in-law would buy her clothes and shoes.

She would act like a spoiled child with him. He thought they were in a relationship, but she would act like a spoiled child with her parents and brother on the phone.

"It seems that your parents and family treat you very well, why did you cry and come out to find a house at that time." Liu Qinglin asked puzzledly after talking for a while.

He once thought that his girlfriend's parents favored boys over girls, and then his daughter grew up.

, his son married a daughter-in-law who couldn't tolerate her.

Cheng Guo was a little embarrassed when talking about this experience, "Maybe I was jealous."

"Jealous of whom?" Liu Qinglin was puzzled.

"Jealous of my nephew, my brother is several years older than me, and I have always been the youngest and most favored in the family. Including my father and mother's relatives, I am also the youngest, so after my brother and sister-in-law got married, my sister-in-law got pregnant and gave birth to a child. From the beginning of her pregnancy, everyone's attention was on my sister-in-law and her belly. I felt a little unbalanced at the time."

"I felt that I had fallen out of favor." Cheng Guo smiled very embarrassedly when she said this.

Liu Qinglin expressed his understanding and motioned her to continue.

"You know the prices in Kyoto. My parents have limited wages. My house is only over 150 square meters. It will be replaced in a few years.

The house has four rooms. Before my brother married my sister-in-law, it could accommodate her. My parents had one room, my brother had one room, I had one room, and there was another room for study. Oh, I have a lot of books at home."

"After my brother got married and my sister-in-law got pregnant, the house prices went up. My brother and sister-in-law couldn't afford to buy a house in the same location, so my house couldn't accommodate them."

"My parents had to go to work, and my sister-in-law had to go to work too. Then my sister-in-law got pregnant and had a baby. She needed to hire someone to take care of her during the confinement period, including the confinement nanny during the confinement period. The nanny who will take care of the child in the future will all live at home.

Originally, my aunt planned to live in the study, but the child was not born yet, and my aunt hadn't moved in yet. My sister-in-law bought all kinds of items for the child, such as the crib, stroller, and other items, and they put them in their room. No, it would be too messy and ugly to put them in the living room, so I put them all in my room. "

"During that time, I actually kept enduring it. I felt that my private territory was being invaded. My brother and sister-in-law's winter clothes in the closet, the baby's diaper and blanket. Such a big crib was just placed there, blocking the way in and out. Because their things were placed in my room, they went into her and my room more often. But my parents don't have the ability to change to a bigger house. For the sake of family harmony, this is the only way."

"Then I heard my sister-in-law suggested to my mother that other girls would go out to live for a while after graduation, and that girls should try living alone. She said that my unit is a little far from home, and living out can also reduce commuting time."

"Then my mother didn't refuse my sister-in-law at the time, but said that she would ask me when she had time." Cheng Guo said that she still felt wronged after such a long time.

It's not because my sister-in-law raised this question, but because of my mother's attitude.

Since getting married, my mother has been polite to my sister-in-law, with some flattery and caution in her politeness.

It is reflected in all aspects.

Before, when the family ate fish, the belly of the fish was given to her. After my sister-in-law got married, this special thing became my sister-in-law.

She loves to eat chicken and duck intestines. A chicken only has such a small section.

My sister-in-law also loves to eat it, and then her mother will pick it up for her.

Cheng Guo is willing to give in to all these, because the mother wants to get along well with the mother-in-law under the same roof, so she can only sacrifice her.

Later, my sister-in-law proposed that she live independently, and her mother did not refute. Cheng Guo was very unhappy, but she could not vent it, and finally took the initiative to move out.

Then she found a shared house, but she was not happy living there. She was also bullied by the people living with her, saying that she had princess syndrome, and princesses were reduced to renting a house with them, and scolding her for being delicate.

She wanted to go home, but found that she could not go back.

Her room was already filled with things and was occupied by the aunt who moved in.

Not long after she left, there was no place for her at home.

That's why I had the experience of going out and drinking too much and crying, and being picked up by Liu Qinglin.

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