The house we live in now is a replacement for the old one, and we paid some money when we bought it. But your father and I have saved a lot over the years, and we still have about 1.3 million yuan." "Your brother has also saved a lot of money after working for so many years, but it's still a long way from the house price, but if we pay a little more for the down payment, they won't have any pressure. In addition, they both have high salaries, so they won't have any pressure to repay the loan in the future." The son's provident fund plus the supplementary provident fund, plus the daughter-in-law's provident fund can almost offset the repayment.

"Your father and I have decided before that we will take out 1.2 million and give 600,000 to your brother. The 600,000 will be used to buy you a dowry. Your 600,000 will be used to buy a car when you get married, or to decorate it, or to make up for the down payment. It doesn't matter what you do. In fact, it would be best to buy you a small house before marriage, but the housing prices are too high now. Your parents are powerless and can't afford it. They can only help you pay the down payment reluctantly. Your salary is too low, and you can't pay it back even if you buy it."

"In addition to cash, there are other assets, your father's and my future salary, and some remaining money in hand. Because I live with your brother, their children will most likely be taken care of by me in the future, and he will also be the main force in the future. Most of this money will be used for the daily living expenses of the whole family and to subsidize you.

However, when it comes to the main force of the elderly, your father and I have worked all our lives and have medical insurance and pensions, which are most likely supported by the state. Your brother is a boy. Although your sister-in-law earns a lot, her family has no help. Overall, he still has to give more to him. Do you have any objection?"

Cheng Guo shook his head immediately.

"There is also the house. Let's talk about the house we live in first. Your father and I should live for at least ten or twenty years, so this house belongs to us before we die. After we die, you and your brother will divide it equally. We will write a will in advance."

"There is also the old house my parents left me. That house is not in the city, but in the suburbs of Beijing. If it is sold, it can make some money, but there are rumors that it will be demolished, so I plan to not move it for now and wait and see. If it is demolished in the future, your father and I will not want either the money or the house. You and your brother will divide it equally. I have already told your brother that he has no objection."

"Does your sister-in-law have any objection?" Cheng Guo asked.

Although she and her sister-in-law have a good relationship, but in the situation of her sister-in-law's hometown, her family's money and house are basically given to her son. She is worried that her sister-in-law has the same idea and will be unhappy, which will embarrass her brother and her parents.

"Your sister-in-law has no objection, but it's useless. The house is mine. If you're happy, I won't give it to your brother. If you make me angry, I won't give it to you. I can donate it or give it to my nephews and nieces. I have absolute right to dispose of my house. Just like your grandparents left their house to me, they have a say in their house."

"And the broken yard of your father's house is also said to be demolished, but the documents have not been issued. But even if it is to be demolished, the house was built by your grandparents before, and your eldest aunt, your second aunt, and your two uncles all have the right of inheritance. We don't know how it will be distributed at that time, so it doesn't count."

"And the house allocated by your father's unit, The house has no property rights, and the property rights still belong to the unit. The rent is not too high, not enough for daily groceries. When we are a hundred years old, I will give it to the one who is doing poorly or poorer. In addition, I have collected some old items. Your brother gave him a few pieces when he got married, but I have saved some jewelry over the years, and all of these will be given to you. "

"Really! Give it to me now, I have been eyeing your jade bracelet for a long time, and the color is very suitable for cheongsam and Hanfu!"

Mother Cheng looked at her daughter for a few seconds, smiled and shook her head, and went to her own box to take out the bracelet that her daughter had been asking for a long time and put it on her daughter's hand.

"Be careful, don't break it!" Cheng Guo nodded immediately, and then looked at the bracelet in his hand that he had been thinking about for a long time happily.

"The rest will be given to you when you get married, and I will take some of it myself. When I am gone, all the jewelry will be yours."

"The above is all the wealth your father and I have saved in our lifetime. I hope you have no objection to my arrangement."

Cheng Guo quickly shook her head, "Whether it is money or house, it belongs to you and your father. I have no objection to how you divide it." But her mother said this to her, clarifying the future arrangements, and still gave her a full sense of security.

Her parents are different from the parents of many of her classmates and colleagues.


There is also my uncle's family, including my sister-in-law's parents.

They also love their daughter, but they all think that their daughter belongs to someone else's family and needs to be married off.

They think that their daughter does not need it, her future husband will have it, and her son needs it more.

During that time, she felt that her parents were also such people, and she could not accept it and felt wronged.

She even had a heartless attitude when taking the college entrance examination. She lived for more than 20 years, and that period was the darkest moment of her life.

Doubt the love she once received and was full of confusion about the future.

In fact, whether it is money or a house, these are all her parents', and she has no right to control how her parents distribute them.

The reason why she didn't ask was that she was afraid that if she asked, she would break the protective shell that her parents gave her in the name of love. She was afraid to accept the fact that her parents really couldn't love their children equally and didn't love her that much. She was afraid that she would be jealous, alienated, resentful, unable to love her parents, and would blame her parents and accuse her parents, becoming hateful.

Now that her mother has explained everything to her, she feels that the confidence and self-confidence she had lost before has returned.

Her parents love both children equally.

There is no difference.

There is no preference for boys over girls.

It is not that love is given to daughters and money is given to sons.

On the contrary, she feels a little guilty because of her previous suspicion of her parents.

"I'm sorry, Mom? I shouldn't doubt your love for me." Then she told her mother about her mental journey.

Cheng's mother touched Cheng Guo's hair, her eyes full of heartache, "Mom and Dad will not blame you, and Mom and Dad are also wrong, because we want your sister-in-law to integrate into our big family as soon as possible, because we have to take care of pregnant women and newborns, and we have neglected you for more than a year."

Cheng Guo threw himself into Cheng's mother's arms and burst into tears.

Then not long after, Cheng's father came and knocked on the door, and Cheng's mother said to him: "Go to bed, it's okay."

Cheng Guo's voice became quieter.

Then after crying, she laughed, because she had explained everything and removed a thorn in her heart, and laughed from the heart.

After crying and laughing, Cheng's mother continued to explain.

"Although I hope you get married early and urge you to go on blind dates. Now think about it, it's okay to get married later or not get married."

"Before, I saw that you didn't even have a serious boyfriend, so I was anxious. Now that you are in a relationship, I guess you won't agree to break up. But Liu Qinglin's unknown and uncertain factors will not be reduced because he has money and a career. On the contrary, I feel that they are even greater.

So if you want to fall in love, just talk about it first. There is no rush to get married. It's not too late to get married when you see it clearly and are sure.

But speaking of this, there is one thing I want to say in advance. Before getting married, don't let yourself get pregnant. Then you are forced by your child to get married. Don't sacrifice yourself for the sake of your child. Do you understand? "

Cheng Guo nodded, "That's what I planned. He is like a piece of driftwood to me. He has many characteristics that I don't have. He has a fatal attraction to me. I really like him. I like him very much. I haven't met a boy I like so much."

"But if I get married, I want to wait two years."

"Because I have the courage to learn to swim now." She hopes that she will not be dependent on her parents or lover in the future, and she will not be drowned.

"You just have your own ideas. No matter what, your parents will support you. No matter what happens, your parents will cover you. Don't be afraid to tell your parents if you have anything. You have to know that there will be no one in this world who loves you more unconditionally than your parents."

"Yeah, thank you, mom. Mom, I love you too."

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