The film was shot in a big way, but the film was shot in a big way.

In the remaining time, Jiang Xue watched all the other works of Mu Yunzhou in her spare time, including some commercials and music videos.

There was also the script given to her by Huang Can.

After reading it, Jiang Xue told Yang Wengang about the situation and asked the company to do a risk assessment.

Huang Can originally thought that it was all over.

Because there was no news from Jiang Xue for a long time, who knew that Jiang Xue contacted her after more than 20 days.

Jiang Xue said she wanted to meet her boyfriend.

After getting this news, she immediately agreed with Jiang Xue to meet, and then quickly contacted her boyfriend who was still in the crew as an assistant director.

After explaining the situation to her boyfriend, Mu Yunzhou said, "I can't leave. The crew I'm in is very busy." He said that he was an assistant director and basically did all the work of the director. The other party paid him a lot of money, so he had to work and endure the director's self-professed professional guidance. He endured it all.

"Find a way to ask for leave. The other party was my previous boss. She was also a makeup artist and a photographer. Her skills are very good. She is engaged in e-commerce photography business. The photography studio has opened many stores across the country. Basically, each store is booming. She is very good at marketing. The most important thing is that she has money. The main thing is that I handed your script to her half a month ago and thought it was over. I didn't expect her to contact me formally. It's obvious that she likes your script. Are you sure you don't want to come? It's a pity to miss it!!"

"And she said on the phone that there is also an investment company coming with them." Huang Can said again.

"Oh my god!" Mu Yunzhou said immediately.

If you are scolded by the director, scold him.

If you deduct your salary, deduct your salary.

If someone is really willing to invest, he will just go and shoot what he wants to shoot, and he won't suffer this cowardice.

Jiang Xue came with a young female investor from the company and Yang Wengang.

Mu Yunzhou is 1.8 meters tall, and you can see that he has deliberately dressed up, but he looks tired, and you can see that he is not living a happy life.

After meeting, apart from the initial greetings, the two sides quickly got down to business, mainly Yang Wengang talking to him, and Jiang Xue quietly listened and interjected at the right time.

Speaking of investment, Yang Wengang said: "We don't invest in this script, but in your company."

Mu Yunzhou founded his own studio, which was mainly opened to connect with some commercial advertisements for the public.

The company is just him and an extra-staff financial officer.

"Then after you invest in my company, will you invest money for me to shoot this script?" Mu Yunzhou asked.

Yang Wengang: "No, at least I won't start this project for the time being."

"Then why do you invest in my company?" Mu Yunzhou asked puzzled.

"Our company has never been involved in this industry before, but we want to get involved because we are impressed by Director Mu's talent. However, since we have just started, the investment amount will not be particularly large," Yang Wengang replied.

Mu Yunzhou frowned deeply and wanted to get up and ask his girlfriend to leave.

He said that he was investing in his company, but he didn't have much money. If it made money, he would share it. If it didn't make money, he probably wouldn't get paid. He went to other crews to film and they still paid him. At least they were big productions, and he followed them to gain experience and resume.

He let the other party invest, restrict his direction and couldn't shoot what he wanted. Does he look stupid?

He also felt that this company was introduced by his girlfriend.

It would be impolite to leave after just a few words, so he patiently asked: "What are you shooting?"

"Movies? TV series?" Mu Yunzhou asked again.

"It's a web series." Jiang Xue said.

Yes, a web series.

After watching Mu Yunzhou's works, Jiang Xue felt that there was nothing to complain about his lens art.

The key is that Jiang Xue found that the female characters under his lens were very beautiful. She also watched the video clips of other roles of the actress. In contrast, Mu Yunzhou's shots were really beautiful.

At that time, she had an idea that it would be a pity not to shoot idol dramas if he was so good at shooting.

Moreover, she had never heard of this director in the future, and it was likely that he was unknown.

Jiang Xue thought that there seemed to be a lot of popular dramas in recent years, and she also learned that whether it was a TV series or a movie, the investment was really high.

If you really plan to enter this industry and get a share of the pie, it is appropriate to enter at this time.

It just so happens that she has some spare money now.

In addition, the investment in TV series and movies is large, so you can not do it first, but enter the industry through online dramas.

Yes, online dramas.

Thinking of online dramas, Jiang Xue thought of online novels again.

She didn't read many online novels in her previous life, but

She had watched some classics.

Especially in the later generations, many online dramas, movies, and TV shows were adapted from online novels.

Now, many of those dramas have not been written by the authors, and those that have been written have not been sold for film and television rights.

Should I hoard the copyrights of some online novels, and then make a profit by filming those that can be filmed and reselling those that cannot be filmed?

Thinking of this, Jiang Xue immediately spent time to study, and then quickly finalized a controversial novel two years later.

At this time, this novel had just been completed.

It had a certain popularity, but not much, with only a few thousand collections.

Jiang Xue remembered that many of the author's works were adapted into films and televisions, and the author himself was also a screenwriter.

It seems that he is still a student now.

The author has a phenomenal work later, which was written by the author himself and edited and adapted by himself, and the online reputation is very good.

The novel that Jiang Xue chose was also adapted into a film and television in his previous life. Jiang Xue had not seen it, but only some editing and video clips of complaints.

The original novel was adapted beyond recognition, and the author even criticized the screenwriter, saying that the screenwriter changed it with his feet.

Fans also had many complaints, saying that the novel and the TV series were different, but the meaning was the same: the novel was good, but the adaptation was terrible.

Jiang Xue finished reading the novel and felt that it was still very suitable for film and television adaptation.

She read other works of the author, selected another one that she remembered, linked to the copyright editor of Green River, explained her purpose, and quoted a price. The two works, which totaled more than 500,000 words, were bought for more than 600,000 yuan.

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