The old man was very smart, but he was not very smart.

Jiang Xue was so smart that she must have noticed it, so when she was able to, she left home, worked hard to complete her studies, and worked hard for her career, and basically had no contact with her parents and family.

Ice and charcoal are in different furnaces, and she and her parents are not from the same world.

So they treated her badly, so she stayed away from them.

His eldest brother is recognized as very smart in the family.

Jiang Xue probably took after him.

So many things about Jiang Xue that don't make sense can be explained.

Coming from a small place, her demeanor doesn't look like a rural person, because the blood flowing in her bones is the blood of their Cui family.

Jiang Xue is not a golden phoenix that flew out of a mountain nest.

But a phoenix that landed in a mountain nest.

Cui Ziqian deduced the fact that Jiang Xue was his brother's illegitimate daughter through the information he had at hand.

Cui Ziqian, who felt that he had learned the truth, secretly calculated how to cleverly use Jiang Xue as a chess piece to gain more benefits for himself.

She was very good. She played such a bad hand at the beginning so beautifully.

He thought that he might not be able to do it if he were in his place.

As for the two nieces of his eldest brother's family who only knew how to buy bags, had mediocre grades, and were jealous of men at a young age, they were even worse.

"You are very similar to your father, very smart and excellent. In addition to the online store and internet celebrity business, I also found out that you are the boss of Blizzard Capital. No wonder there is the word "Xue" in Blizzard Capital." Cui Ziqian's tone was a bit tentative, and his eyes wandered on Jiang Xue's face, trying to capture every subtle change in her expression. Jiang Xue listened to her talk about Blizzard Capital and remained calm.

She is the boss of Blizzard Capital. Because she is still a student and an internet celebrity, she didn't tell everyone about her assets. She just didn't say it, and she didn't cover it up. Basically, anyone who wants to find out can find out.

"Your father's name is Cui Zihua. I don't know how much you know about Cui Group. He is the current person in charge of our Cui Group." Cui Ziqian said in a low voice.

Jiang Xue's eyebrows raised slightly, "So?"

Jiang Xue's reaction was beyond Cui Ziqian's expectations.

"Do you know Cui Group?" Cui Ziqian asked.

"I've heard of it." Jiang Xue replied.

Cui Ziqian took a deep breath. He knew he had to be more direct. "After your father abandoned your mother, he returned to Hong Kong and married his fiancée not long after. By the way, you have two younger sisters."

"Then what?" Jiang Xue guided him to tell his purpose.

"Your father has no son. Your father has no successor." Cui Ziqian's words were simple and straightforward, and he observed Jiang Xue's expression while speaking.

"I want to do a kinship test with you. If you are really my niece, we can cooperate and I can help you." Cui Ziqian said sincerely.

"What does it have to do with me? Why do you want to help me? You also said that he has two daughters. It's not my turn anyway, right?"

"Oh, the two daughters should be still young, and your brother is not old either. He can still be the person in power for a few more years and slowly cultivate him. You use the adjective "no successor" as if your brother will not live long.

If you think in this direction, even if your brother's other two daughters can't be helped, don't you still have such an excellent brother like you? You said you want to cooperate with me and help me, I don't understand.

Why must it be me? What do you want to get?" Jiang Xue just guessed what she thought, and Cui Ziqian was shocked by Jiang Xue's questions.

She is really too smart and sharp.

He only said a few words, and Jiang Xue had pieced together so many things he didn't say from his words.

His eldest brother was in poor health and sick. Except for a few people in his family, basically no one in the company or the outside world knew about it.

Jiang Xue even guessed that her two sisters were helpless and could not bear the heavy responsibility.

And himself.

Jiang Xue would not have guessed his identity, right?

He regretted it now.

He should not have met today and come to talk to Jiang Xue.

He was not fully prepared.

As a result, he was always at a disadvantage when talking, and did not get any ideas or opinions from Jiang Xue. On the contrary, all his cards were exposed.

During this period, Jiang Xue received a call from An Han, saying that the dishes they ordered were served, and asked when Jiang Xue would go back, "You guys eat first, I'll be here for a while."

Jiang Xue did not leave her seat to answer the call, and she looked at Cui Ziqian when she answered.

After hanging up the phone, Cui Ziqian said, "Why don't you go have dinner with your friends? We are on a temporary basis.

I didn’t mean to chat with you and delayed your meal.”

“It’s okay, you can eat anytime.”

“Uncle Cui, you haven’t answered my question just now. "If Cui Ziqian hadn't been sitting on his seat, he would have stepped back a few steps and stayed away from Jiang Xue.

Why did Jiang Xue look so unfathomable and speak so meaningfully?

Cui Ziqian hesitated a little, not knowing whether to say what he had expected.

Jiang Xue saw his expression and saw that he was slightly flustered. She was in control of the conversation, which made her more relaxed.

If Jiang Xue still thought Cui Ziqian was unfathomable at first, after talking about this, combined with the true and false rumors in her previous life, Jiang Xue could also piece together part of the truth.

In her previous life, she didn't know that her brother was taken away by the Cui family.

In her previous life, she was just an ordinary person. The news about the Cui family was popular in the information explosion era in the future, so she passively knew some of it.

Especially about Cui Zihua being photographed in the hospital due to illness, and the fact that he had been issued a critical illness notice and might have passed away. In order to stabilize the Cui family, the news was concealed. , saying that he was sent abroad for treatment.

Then there was the news of the marriage of the two daughters.

The son-in-law took over and the Cui family changed his surname.

There were news flying all over the place about the century-old enterprise, the building was about to collapse, it was going downhill, the mainland assets were sold off, the stock market plummeted, etc.

In her previous life, she was just an ordinary person, and she couldn't tell the truth from the false news.

But one thing is certain, in this incident in her previous life, she not only did not see any traces of Liu Qinglin's appearance, but also had never heard of the name Cui Ziqian.

Combined with what Cui Ziqian said to her today, Jiang Xue was sure that Cui Zihua was in poor health and Cui Zihua's two daughters were not up to the task, otherwise it would not be the son-in-law who was pushed to the position.

Cui Ziqian also hesitated, not knowing whether to tell Jiang Xue the next words.

If he said it, would Jiang Xue be used by him again, and could he really use Jiang Xue?

Let's not talk about today's topic.

"Your father and I are not from the same mother, but half brothers. " Cui Ziqian said.

"Don't call him your dad, I still have doubts whether I have any relationship with him." Although Jiang Xue said so, Cui Ziqian was already sure in his heart.

However, he still followed Jiang Xue's words and stopped calling his brother your dad, but called him by his name directly.

"Speaking of which, my life experience is similar to yours. If my father was still alive and was still in Cui Zihua's position, then after Cui Zihua stepped down, his two daughters had no sons, and his position in the family business would definitely be mine."

"But now Cui Zihua is the one in charge. As for me, his younger brother, he is too cautious to guard against me. He would rather choose an outsider to be his son-in-law than let me get involved." Cui Zihua looked down on him because of his illegitimate status.

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