The water spilled out of the cup.

Jiang Xue was holding a cup of boiled water, but she almost lost it and spilled the water.

She took out a tissue to wipe it, and then looked at Cui Ziqian with a puzzled look on her face.

What the hell, she is Cui Ziqian's niece? ?

The other party also investigated her, and got such a conclusion after the investigation?

But is it positively confirmed that Cui Ziqian's brother, the Cui family leader named Cui Zihua in the information Jiang Xue checked, is really her brother's biological father.

That's why Cui Ziqian investigated her situation and said she was his niece after knowing her mother's name.

Should I tell him the real situation?

After thinking about it, Jiang Xue decided not to say it first and listen to his intentions.

She had not forgotten the rumors that her brother was gone in her previous life. Although she was not very clear about the specifics, she should have had something to do with the Cui family, her brother's stepmother, or Cui Ziqian, her brother's uncle.

"My mother's name is Liu Yan. Why do you say that?" Jiang Xue asked in a puzzled manner.

Cui Ziqian saw that Jiang Xue was shocked and puzzled when she heard the news, which confirmed that Jiang Xue should not have known about her life experience before.

This was the best way, he had the initiative.

"Because I was curious about you, I looked up your information." Cui Ziqian said.

Jiang Xue frowned, wondering what he had found out about her.

"When we first met, I felt that you were special."

"Yang Wengang used his eyes to ask for your opinion intentionally or unintentionally. I felt that your relationship was special at that time, at least it was definitely not the superficial relationship between a boss and a part-time intern in the company."

"Other people in the same group thought that Yang Wengang brought you here, and there was a lot of eye contact between you two. It is likely that you two have a secret relationship."

"I have no comment on this."

"The second time we met, your car took me along. The driver in the car or the girl with you treated you as a boss, so your identity is definitely not as simple as a college student."

" Later I learned that you are an Internet celebrity, doing women's clothing business, and your business is very good. Although it is only an online store sales, you have a great influence. Our company also has a women's clothing brand, and there are many chain stores in many cities. Their sales are far behind your online store. "

"Our company's brand also plans to do online business. To benchmark you, we need to understand and analyze you. Only after understanding you can we feel that you are very extraordinary."

You started playing the Internet and hanging out on forums at such a young age in junior high school. Although his analysis of her posts was a few years ago, outsiders just watched the fun, as an insider, he could clearly see that Jiang Xue's posts were very professional.

Whether it is the words, or the emotions it brings to everyone, or the photos and matching.

There should be a team behind it, and the team is very professional. After all, Jiang Xue was so young at the time.

Knowing these, and the two of them were in the same school, Cui Ziqian began to deliberately approach her, observing her like a hunter to understand her.

Looking for an opportunity to conquer her.

In the past, he was so interested in a girl, and he was curious and fell in love with her.

Jiang Xue is so pretty, it's normal to like her.

He has dated career-oriented women, but they are very different from Jiang Xue.

Jiang Xue is too complicated.

As he got to know her better, Cui Ziqian knew that she was from City A, and she was the top scorer in the science exam in their province.

Very smart, very good.

Not a vase with an empty head.

Looking up her school information, her education background, from the village primary school, to the town junior high school, and then to the city high school.

The whole teaching background is incompatible with her personality.

She doesn't look like a phoenix flying out of the mountain nest.

She has a poor family background, and he has met many girls who got in through studying, but these people don't have her confidence and temperament.

Cui Ziqian, the more he knows, the more interested he is in this girl.

Especially when Jiang Xue occasionally shows him a defensive look, he knows that pursuing Jiang Xue should not be that simple, and he wants to know both himself and the other.

Cui Ziqian checked her past information and saw the names and situation of her parents.

Liu Yan.

Liu Yan?

Such a familiar name.

F City, Province A, and then look at Jiang Xue's age.

It feels like something is connected in his mind.

His elder brother worked in F City, Province A for a while before!

The timeline matches Jiang Xue's age.

He was still young at the time, but he had a deep impression. The servants gossiped about his elder brother in the mainland and

A village girl got pregnant.

His eldest brother thought the child was not his and abandoned her.

What was the woman's name Yan?

The gossiping servant said, "That is quite similar to the second young master's experience, and the woman's name is also similar. I remember that the second young master's biological mother seemed to be called Yan. Do you think that in the future, the eldest young master will be like the old master, and be visited by a woman with a child?"

"It's not impossible." Others echoed.

The gossiping servants exchanged what they knew.

The servants behind saw Cui Ziqian and chose to shut up.

Cui Ziqian was not very old at the time, but he kept this matter in mind.

With this suspicion, he immediately started to investigate this aspect.

Asked the old employees who had followed the eldest brother in F City before.

He also found a special person to go to Jiang Xue's hometown to inquire and took a photo of Jiang Xue's mother's current appearance.

Although Liu Yan had changed a lot, she was fatter, older, and uglier, but the employees who had followed the eldest brother before still recognized her.

This person also looked at Jiang Xue's photo and said that Jiang Xue looked very much like Liu Yan when she was young.

In addition, people who went to Jiang Xue's hometown to inquire also got the answer.

Liu Yan did get pregnant before marriage.

She married her current husband after giving birth to the child.

The date of birth on Jiang Xue's household registration book does not match the time of marriage between Liu Yan and her husband.

Cui Ziqian concluded that Jiang Xue was definitely not born after Liu Yan and her current husband got married.

In addition, because of Jiang Xue's provincial champion status, the person who was inquired could not help but say a few more words, and the person who inquired also got some other rumors.

Jiang Xue's parents were not very good to Jiang Xue, and the treatment they gave to the two twins born later was simply different.

They treated Jiang Xue so badly that it didn't seem like they were their own children.

Liu Yan and his wife were particularly partial.

The two children Liu Yan gave birth to later were also much worse than this sister. It is said that they didn't even get into high school and went to vocational high school.

How could the IQ of the two children who crawled out of the same belly be so different. The person being questioned said this.

Of course it’s because the child’s father is different!! Cui Ziqian answered in his heart.

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