During this period, Jiang Xue met Cui Ziqian many times. When she went to visit enterprises in Innovation Society, she met him when he was discussing cooperation.

Their eyes crossed, and they smiled and said hello, but they did not chat.

I met him and his female companion at the mall, and I met him again when he was waiting for his female companion to finish beauty treatment in the afternoon.

Jiang Xue took street photos and met him who was also shopping with a girl. He stopped to look at Jiang Xue with interest and took out his mobile phone to take a photo with her.

The staff went to negotiate and asked him to delete it. He smiled and said to Jiang Xue, "We meet again."

Jiang Xue greeted politely.

"You look cool when you take photos. So you are a model."

"You are really beautiful, well-educated and capable."

"It is fate that I often meet you. Can you give me your contact information?" Cui Ziqian asked.

After meeting him several times in a row, there is not only one female companion around him.

A playboy.

Does he think he can be the next one around him?

Jiang Xue looked at the female companion who was obviously unhappy with him and declined politely.

She said she was working and asked him to do as he pleased.

He was not angry at Jiang Xue's refusal, but there was obviously more curiosity and inquiry in his eyes.

Then after that day, Jiang Xue met him more often.

Some professional courses, some activities of their college, and activities of the innovation club, she was assigned to be responsible for the company she was responsible for, and the people she was interviewed were related to Cui Ziqian. Jiang Xue met him more often, and he was not far away from her, observing her, making her feel like she was being targeted by prey.

But the other party did not come forward to talk to him in a substantial way, and Jiang Xue could not refuse him even if she wanted to. She did not understand what he wanted to do.

May 1, 2013.

School holiday arrangement: April 29 to May 3, a total of 5 days.

May 1 is a statutory holiday,

April 27 will make up for the class on April 29 (Monday),

April 28 will make up for the class on April 30 (Tuesday),

May 4 will make up for the class on May 2 (Thursday),

May 5 will make up for the class on May 3 (Friday).

In the class group, forum, and Weibo, there are complaints everywhere.

The hot topics on Weibo are all about the May Day holiday.

It is called a holiday, and it is called a five-day holiday, but in fact it is only one day, and the other four days are borrowed from the original weekend.

Jiang Xue accepted the holiday arrangement without much emotion, because she would always take the weekend off in the future, and she was used to it.

When she was a child, she had a week off on May Day, a week off on National Day, and a holiday for wheat harvest, but that was a thing of the past.

Five days off together Regarding the arrangement of May Day, the dormitory had already made plans.

An Han and her boyfriend from the next school, Chen Man and Zhou Fei who came from afar.

Jiang Xue and Xu Mo, as for another girl in the dormitory, Zhao Xiaotang, she said that as a single dog, she would not make an appointment.

She usually eats enough dog food in the dormitory, and she doesn't want to eat dog food with them.

They are all couples, but she is alone.

She doesn't want to be a big light bulb.

Three couples drove two cars, Jiang Xue and Xu Mo drove one, and An Han wasted her boyfriend and drove one, bringing a lot of things to a resort in the mountains outside Beijing.

They booked a three-night, four-day package and made reservations in advance, so even though it was a long holiday, the reservation system had limited rooms and was full, but it didn't feel crowded.

The weather in May was neither cold nor hot.

The scenery in the suburbs of Beijing was pleasant. A group of six went rafting on the first day, and rented fishing rods to go fishing when they came back. The small fish they caught were thrown back into the water, and the big ones were given to the resort kitchen for a processing fee, and they would help you handle them. At night, they sat outdoors, grilled the marinated fish and barbecued skewers in the kitchen, with beer, and talked about everything.

The next day, several people went boating, rode bicycles, and went to the picking garden to pick.

Although they had a destination, they were not so eager to arrive immediately. They would be attracted by a wild flower, a tall tree, and a beautiful scenery on the way, and they would stop, stop, take pictures, and chat.

On the second day here, Jiang Xue felt that the whole person had slowed down from the inside out.

Because there are three couples, most of the time, like dinner, some project activities, we act together, and sometimes we act separately. Separation does not mean that the couples are separated, but that the boys are in one group and the girls are in another group.

An Han's boyfriend is an insect lover. Many insects in May are still dormant, or in the pupal chamber or

In the form of fleshy worms, he suggested to catch worms, saying that there were many worms in some rotten wood in the forest. The three girls were not interested, while Zhou Fei and Xu Mo followed him with tools.

He listened to him popularize the species of worms, the types of tools, how to raise some worms, and how to deal with some worms if they died and made specimens.

It was gutting and hollowing out the worm meat.

The three girls felt disgusted, but the boys' reaction was just the opposite.

So they acted separately.

Jiang Xue brought a camera, and the few people walked and stopped to take pictures of each other, and they felt very comfortable.

Jiang Xue and the others also walked until dark before returning. When they returned to the hotel, An Han called her boyfriend and the three of them had not returned yet. She said that some worms would not come out until dark, so the three of them should not wait for them to eat.

The three of them were in the lobby of the hotel where they were staying, discussing what to eat later, and they met Cui Ziqian head-on.

Jiang Xue frowned and stood still.

The number of encounters is really too many, too frequent.

So many that Jiang Xue felt it was abnormal.

Cui Ziqian took the initiative to come forward and say hello.

He said, "What a coincidence, Jiang Xue, we meet again."

"Are you Jiang Xue's friends? Hello."

"Yes, what a coincidence." Jiang Xue said with a sarcastic tone.

Considering that Jiang Xue might have misunderstood, he immediately explained, "I'm not following you or anything. The air here is good. I will come here to stay for two days during holidays or weekends."

"Then I wish you a good time." Jiang Xue and the other two roommates were about to leave and go to the restaurant for dinner.

But he called him back, "Jiang Xue."

"Since we have met, there is something I want to talk to you about." Cui Ziqian called Jiang Xue, and when Jiang Xue stopped, he asked for a private chat.

An Han on the side said, "Then let's order the dishes first, and I'll call you when the dishes are served."

Jiang Xue hesitated, but still nodded.

If the other party said that he was interested in her or had a good impression of her, Jiang Xue would reject him.

After making such a decision, the two came to a coffee shop nearby. Cui Ziqian ordered a cup of coffee, but Jiang Xue did not order coffee. The waiter helped her get a cup of hot water. The two sat down at their seats. Jiang Xue signaled him to say what he wanted to say quickly.

"Today is really an accident. I admit that I am interested in you before, so I meet you frequently. I want to know you and understand you."

"Thank you for your kindness. I have a boyfriend. This time I came to play with my boyfriend. We love each other very much and have no plans to change boyfriends." Jiang Xue clearly refused. Hearing Jiang Xue say this, he smiled and waved his hand.

"I am not interested in you now, and what I want to talk to you about is not pursuing you."

Seeing that Jiang Xue obviously did not believe it, Cui Ziqian joked: "You are very good and beautiful. I did have a good impression of you at the beginning, just because of these external factors. Now I think it may also be because of the attraction of blood relationship."

Jiang Xue was puzzled when he heard him talk about blood relationship.

Cui Ziqian didn't say anything else, but asked directly: "Is your mother's name Liu Yan? I investigated you and thought you might be my niece."

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