The new film was released, but the new film was released.

The iQiyi team watched the sample and was very satisfied.

They also held a meeting to discuss it. They felt that the production was very good and the content was fast-paced. Although they only watched two episodes, judging from their business sense, the launch will definitely cause a lot of discussion.

This time, Jiang Xue and the others were called here to negotiate the price.

If both parties have no objection, the letter of intent can be signed today.

The price offered by iQiyi is 16 million for the buyout, which can be said to be full of sincerity compared to the other companies.

The team members were also relieved to hear this price.

Because they have looked at many companies, 16 million is the highest price at present.

Comparing the various expenses, although it has not doubled, it is profitable overall.

Jiang Xue asked about the profit-sharing plan launched by their company at this time.

"You want a share?" The other party was puzzled.

In their opinion, the price offered by their company was not low. Although the production was excellent, they had calculated the cost and they would definitely make money.

A share was too risky for the other party.

Jiang Xue nodded, "Yes, I want to consider a share, but I don't know how your company calculates the share price."

The other party explained their profit-sharing model in detail to Jiang Xue and others. It was just launched and was not very perfect.

"Although I only brought two sample episodes of this drama, I believe everyone can see the quality of this drama through just two episodes."

"The director of the filming was engaged in filming before. He has his own bottom line for the picture and the actors. The screenwriter is the original author. The plot of her own secondary creation is more advanced than the entertainment and values ​​of the novel."

"A good script, a good director, and a good actor can be combined into a good TV series." Jiang Xue talked freely.

"Only in this way can good wine be sold at a low price. Our company has found the most professional team on the market to make a marketing plan for this drama. Please take a look." Jiang Xue said, taking out the plan made by Cui Yuan and handing it to everyone.

"We have made full preparations. We are willing to take a gamble and hope that you will give us a better price, just like the original intention of this activity you just launched. Sharing the same taste and coexisting interests can achieve sustainable development."

After Jiang Xue finished speaking, their management discussed in a low voice, and finally interrupted the chat, asked higher-level managers to come and talk to them.

"In fact, the profit-sharing model is risky for you, and it is also risky for us. If you give you a relatively high rating unit price and you cannot bring the expected traffic to our platform in the end, it means that you use the original user traffic of our platform to watch your drama and share our original money. After all, our platform has its own membership base and traffic. As long as you promote it, you can attract a lot of viewers on your site. We still have to pay for our traffic." The person in charge of the other party surnamed Fang said to Jiang Xue.

"Mr. Fang, this is not how it works. Don't forget that you are willing to spend 18 million to buy our drama, which subconsciously proves that you are as optimistic as we are."

Mr. Fang nodded, saying so.

They are willing to sign a profit-sharing agreement, but he doesn't want to sign a profit-sharing agreement with a high customer unit price.

Jiang Xue observed Mr. Fang's expression and continued, "The number of paying users on video websites is increasing rapidly. I think the biggest idea of ​​all video platforms is to grab higher commercial value from these users faster than their competitors."

"Like the opening of a profit-sharing model for online dramas, it is beneficial to the platform without any harm. First of all, it reduces the purchase cost. It is not a loss to exchange it with your platform resources and membership base. As long as we succeed and prove that this model is feasible, more excellent teams will be attracted through the profit-sharing model."

"For the platform, it is equivalent to obtaining a large amount of content at a lower cost. I feel that it is beneficial without any harm."

After Jiang Xue finished speaking, everyone present could not help but nod.

iqiyi platform agreed to Jiang Xue's proposal, and the two sides began to discuss back and forth.

Calculate the price and finally determine it. The unit price of A-level is 20 yuan.

The price is calculated as follows: the amount of the member payment period + patch advertising + embedded advertising

The formula for A-level web dramas is: the share of the partner = the number of VIP effective playbacks × the unit price of each episode × 70%

Jiang Xue was very satisfied after the calculation and signed the contract happily.

The platform was also very satisfied. It was supposed to cost 18 million yuan, but now it has signed such a good quality drama for the platform without spending money.

As for the money to be divided, it really depends on the ability.

It is really as Jiang Xue said, they succeeded and took a large sum of money from their platform, this is

A good publicity outlet will definitely attract the attention of industry insiders and attract many high-quality teams to participate in this model in the future. Overall, as Jiang Xue said, it is also a healthy development model for the platform.

This is also the reason why they are willing to give Jiang Xue's team a relatively high rating unit price.

Jiang Xue took the contract and returned to the company happily. Other employees were very confused about the boss selling the drama without spending money and making the so-called share.

Jiang Xue said she was confident and confident in the drama.

Morale is still not very high.

All members of the team are confident in the drama, but everything is left to data. No one has tried this model before, and it feels that the gambling element is too high.

However, the contract has been signed, and it was signed by the boss himself. They are willing to trust the boss and quickly devote themselves to the remaining work, purchase the soundtrack copyright, continue post-editing, and re-dubbing if necessary.

Send the subsequent edited episodes to the platform. If the platform reviews it without problems, sign a formal contract.

The iQiyi platform has also set the launch time, the end of June, the summer season.

From Monday to Friday, two episodes a day, members get priority to watch two episodes.

The platform began to warm up internally in advance, releasing some trailers and clips.

At the same time, many stills, shooting highlights, and feature film trailers were released on Weibo. The content editing was very high-quality, which also attracted a group of netizens, looking forward to the official launch at the end of June.

Then this drama has not been broadcast yet, and the post-production has just been completed. Jiang Xue immediately launched another campus sweet cake of Yu Yue. The original director, original screenwriter, and original creative team changed the male and female protagonists. The male protagonist of the previous drama became the female protagonist's brother, and many supporting roles in the previous drama had guest appearances in this drama.

With the cooperation of the previous drama, this drama was much faster from project establishment to post-production.

All departments are proceeding in an orderly manner, and at the same time, they are waiting for the official launch of the first web drama at the end of June.

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