After all, she was a dreamer.

I thought it was a dream, but it turned out to be true, she was really back to her twenties!

She couldn't adapt to this young body and made a series of mistakes.

She tried to reintegrate into society, experience the life she didn't enjoy when she was young, help her granddaughter pursue her dream of becoming a fashion designer, and persuade her daughter-in-law to be herself and return to the workplace.

They are not someone's mother, wife, or daughter-in-law, but themselves.

She hides her true identity while adapting to the rapidly changing society and fashion industry.

She and her granddaughter participated in a fashion design competition to complete their unfinished dream of tailoring.

Various old objects and old sewing machines make her look very different from everyone else.

Their designs and tools are like a strong retro style.

This process triggered a series of hilarious stories.

The whole story explores social issues such as family relationships, communication between children and parents, and the living and retirement of the elderly, while also giving the audience deep thoughts about youth, dreams, and family affection.

The novel is only 160,000 words.

The author is already in the final stage.

So the script was written very quickly.

She worked overtime to complete the first draft of the script, and when she sent it to Jiang Xue, Jiang Xue was shocked.


She remembered that a movie called Back to 20 was released around 2015.

It was similar to the theme of this movie.

There are many local rebirth novels with various brain-opening novels. There are now various novels and online literature themes in China, but there are few styles of this type that are moved to the big screen.

Jiang Xue remembered that this movie was shot in China and South Korea with the same script.

It happened that she had seen both versions.

She watched it with a friend at the time and discussed it with her friends.

There are obviously many good ideas in China, including rebirth and time travel, and novels about becoming younger, and they are in a state of flourishing. I don’t know why they want to introduce Korean ones.

When it was released, the news about plagiarizing Korean movies and remaking Korean movies was a hot topic.

It was very controversial.

Unexpectedly, she did not intervene at all, and a similar script was made by Mu Yunzhou two years in advance.

Called Mu Yunzhou.

"The script is very good." Jiang Xue affirmed.

"You should complete the script as soon as possible, let the relevant departments of the company make a budget, and I will go to attract investment." Jiang Xue explained.

"You can prepare first, let Chen Jing transfer money to you, shoot as soon as possible, and strive to release it by the end of the year."

"I know!" Mu Yunzhou immediately took action with full interest and fighting spirit.

Jiang Xue officially worked at Blizzard Capital since the summer vacation, and now everyone knows that she is the boss.

At the same time, Jiang Xue began to participate in some industry activities as the boss of Blizzard Capital.

Now there are rumors about Jiang Xue in the Kyoto investment circle.

A talented girl and a new investment upstart.

She is young but has a sharp eye.

Especially recently, because the online drama "Xu Nana's Promotion" invested by Jiang Xue has been popular, the profit sharing data has not yet been released, but an insider has reported that it is expected to share 100 million yuan.

There is some exaggeration, but the second work "You in Time" has an investment cost of less than 10 million yuan and sold the copyright at a sky-high price of 65 million yuan.

So even if the profit sharing of the first work is not 100 million yuan in the end, it should not be much less.

For a while, many investment companies or professional teams are also preparing to enter the online drama industry.

There are also many people who want to poach directors and screenwriters through their connections, but they have not succeeded.

They followed Jiang Xue to buy film and television copyrights on the market.

For a while, the copyright departments of companies complained that the price of film and television copyrights has increased a lot, and there are many more competitors. Their works with similar prices have been intercepted.

Buy the copyright, find the screenwriter, and immediately find someone to start filming.

So when Jiang Xue spread the word that the next project would be to invest in movies.

Looking for financing.

Many people are interested.

Although these people are approaching with a wait-and-see attitude and may not pay real money.

But the heat is there.

Jiang Xue handed the project to an investment company under Cui through Cui Ziqian.

In the Xiangjiang ward.

Cui Zihua was wearing a hospital gown, half leaning on the head of the bed. One of the two assistants beside him took some contracts to Cui Zihua for signature.

At the same time, the heads of other companies under the company came in and out one by one, reporting some work to him.

Cui Ziqian had arranged people before, and Jiang Xue was betting big with a small investment. This

Cui Zihua was told about his experience in the web drama and the last time Jingsheng acquired Jinxin.

This gave Cui Zihua a vague impression of Yunzhou Film and Television and Blizzard Capital.

Then Cui Zihua saw the familiar name of Yunzhou Film and Television, and asked the assistant beside him uncertainly: "Is this Yunzhou Film and Television the one that filmed the web drama some time ago, the workplace drama?"

The assistant checked the information and nodded affirmatively, "It's this company."

Cui Zihua was interested in this project for a while.

The projects he invested in include video websites.

The recent big move in the video website industry is due to this film and television company.

Because of the success of the profit-sharing model of iQiyi's "Xu Nana's Promotion", iQiyi officially launched a detailed profit-sharing model.

Other video platforms followed closely, not to be outdone.

The film and television company under their company is also preparing to shoot web dramas to test the waters.

The business adjustments of many companies are all due to this company.

Seeing Cui Zihua's interest, the assistant introduced the company in detail.

This movie is their third project.

Including the director's previous works.

Blizzard Capital's entry.

"I remember hearing someone mention it before. This Blizzard Capital is the company that challenged Jingsheng last time."

The assistant quickly looked up information and checked the equity structure of Yunzhou Film and Television.

"Yes, Blizzard Capital owns 90% of Yunzhou Film and Television's shares."

Cui Zihua looked at the script of this movie again and the market positioning.

The investment amount is not large, and the return rate written on it is quite considerable.

A total of more than 60 million, Jiang Xue's company invested 40 million, and there is only a gap of 20 million.

In Cui Zihua's eyes, this 20 million is like a pledge of allegiance.

The reason why he chose this company under Cui's is that he also saw their company's theater resources.

He is a smart man.

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