The reason why the other party chose them is because there are actually more suitable companies in the mainland than theirs.

I think of the two flops of this director, and I think it may be that other investors are afraid of further flops.

I figured it out this way.

If the box office is really good, it can be considered mutually beneficial. In addition, the investment itself is not large, and it will definitely not lose money if it is operated a little bit. It may even make a profit. There is no reason not to invest.

"It's a good project. Assistant Yang, please let the person in charge continue to push it forward." Cui Zihua closed the folder in his hand and handed it to him.

Assistant Yang immediately recorded it.

"I heard that the boss of Blizzard Capital is a girl from Beijing University, and she will only be a junior in September." Assistant Yang mentioned gossipingly.

"Oh? That's really a young man to be feared." Cui Zihua thought of his two daughters, one in high school and the other studying abroad.

Both of them didn't have very good grades, and couldn't get into good universities in Hong Kong or the mainland, so they could only spend more money to send them abroad to get a foreign diploma.

They were also girls, and I didn't know how their parents raised them.

Thinking of this, he felt depressed.

He couldn't help coughing a few times, and a beautiful woman with a bag and a lot of jewelry walked in.

Before the woman entered the door, the scolding words were heard by everyone first, "You are already in the hospital, but you still don't keep quiet. Have you reported? If you have reported, leave quickly. President Cui needs to rest."

No one in the ward dared to move, but used their eyes to ask Cui Zihua who was lying on the bed.

"Go back and get busy." Cui Zihua frowned and said in a deep voice.

After hearing Cui Zihua's words, everyone packed up the documents and notebooks in their hands and left the ward quietly.

The door of the ward was gently closed, leaving only Cui Zihua and Li Xi who had just entered.

Li Xi is Cui Zihua's wife, in her forties, and still has a charming look because of her good maintenance. She walked into the ward, her eyes turned to Cui Zihua, and she put down the tonic soup in her hand with a complaining look on her face.

"Look at how you look now, and you are still busy with these trivial things all day long," Li Xi's voice was a little reproachful, but more concerned, "The doctor said that you need to rest well."

"Liu Ma has made tonic soup, do you want to drink it now? Or should you drink it after dinner?"

"Put it over there." Cui Zihua gestured.

"Please help me move my seat down a little, I'm tired."

"You are tired and busy with work. I suspect that your illness is caused by tiredness." As he said, he immediately put down everything in his hand and quickly adjusted the head of the bed to a suitable position according to his request.

Cui Zihua leaned on the bed and said angrily, "I don't want to be busy either. There must be someone who can make decisions for a lot of things."

Li Xi sat on the bed and gently stroked Cui Zihua's hand, "I'm useless, I don't understand the company's affairs, and I can't help you. You don't have to do everything yourself. The company pays so many people to work, they don't eat for free. You can also give them some power appropriately."

"You also said that they are paid. There are so many companies under Cui's, and there are so many branches and so many complicated things. Even if there are these people to manage, there must be someone to preside over the overall situation and make decisions."

"Are you blaming me? Blame me for not giving you a son?" Li Xi questioned.

"No, I am also responsible for my son's affairs. I have never blamed you."

"Jingqi should not continue to study art, and she should not continue to study. I will find someone to use his connections to find her a university in Kyoto, where she can study management as a graduate student. She will study with me in the next few years."

"Whether it is an employee or a son-in-law, they are all outsiders, and there will be changes in the future." Cui Zihua told his wife about his plan.

"She has been in school for so long, and the notice has come. Should I change it now? Besides, the child wants to study art herself and is not interested in managing a company. She may not cooperate with us making decisions for her."

"Her father is about to die, but she won't cooperate. If she doesn't cooperate, let her learn painting and don't give her a penny. If she can not rely on the Cui family, I will also consider her capable!"

"She is a girl! She is naturally not interested in these things. Do you think it's fun to say such angry words?" Li Xi muttered dissatisfiedly.

"What's wrong with being a girl? It's not like other families don't have daughters who inherit the family property and the company! There are many female employees in the company. There are also many managers. The boss of a project that the investment company just invested in is also a woman. She is about the same age as your eldest daughter. That child is in college.

study, start your own business, and manage the company to be prosperous. Girls from other families can do it, but my daughter Cui Zihua doesn't even want to try, and says no! ! "

"Okay, don't be angry, I will persuade my daughter." Seeing that he was getting more and more angry, Li Xi hurried to comfort him.

"I didn't expect you to get sick suddenly. Who would have thought that you would get sick at such a young age. If you don't get sick, you can at least work for more than ten or twenty years. If the eldest daughter is not interested, let her learn what she likes. Isn't there Ruilin? The youngest daughter is interested. She is still tinkering with opening a store during the summer vacation. She also said that she wants to open an online store, Amazon and Taobao in the mainland, to sell things to the world. She is interested in business. We can train the youngest daughter to learn management. You can also bring her out step by step. "An illness broke all the plans.

"You also said that you are not sick. "

The youngest daughter just started high school this year. She is a child and she is not familiar with things for three days.

The doctor said that even if he didn't die so soon, his body would get worse and worse due to the side effects of the treatment.

He needs to rest.

The doctor didn't say, but he knew that even if he actively cooperated with the treatment, he might not live too long.

He is destined not to live long.

The Cui family has such a large industry, but it ended up with no successor.

The two daughters are very filial, and he loves them very much, but none of them has a personality that can stand on its own.

His son outside has just started elementary school. If those two sons were not aborted.


Cui Zihua sighed.

If she hadn't aborted, she would be two years older than Ruilin and almost an adult.

What a pity...

He and Li Xi are in a business marriage, Li Xi liked Cui Zihua a long time ago.

The two had a good relationship after marriage. When the eldest daughter was born, she was only one year old. She got pregnant again unexpectedly. At that time, the child was four or five months old. Because she found Cui Zihua was having an affair outside, Li Xi was angry and quarreled. The baby in her belly was aborted. It was a boy.

The two children were too close to each other, which hurt her body. The miscarriage of the child and her husband's cheating were particularly devastating to her.

She went back to her parents' home to complain, and her father took the child of his other woman and aborted it.

At that time, he needed to rely on his father-in-law and had business cooperation, so he dared not speak out.

Later, Li Xi got pregnant again. When she gave birth to her second daughter, she stayed in bed almost all the time during pregnancy. She was very careful and had heavy bleeding during the birth. The doctor determined that she had no chance of getting pregnant.

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