The old man was very angry, but he was still very busy.

Granny Jiang certainly didn't want to take care of the child. Her husband was in poor health, and she was the one doing all the work at home and outside. Her youngest son hadn't married yet, and the bride price was rising every year. She also had to save money for her youngest son to marry a wife, and taking care of a child would only affect her work.

In addition, she had so many sons, and as long as she agreed to take care of one, the others would have to take care of it, otherwise it would be biased.

But the second daughter-in-law acted first and then asked for permission, and directly threw the child to Grandma Jiang, without explaining anything, and left directly.

This undoubtedly added fuel to the fire, and Grandma Jiang was so angry that she scolded for several days, but she couldn't just ignore it. However, there was too much work in the fields, so she could only leave her to her grandfather.

In the same year, Uncle Jiang's younger brother also threw his three children to Grandma Jiang, and the two went out to work, so Grandma Jiang scolded even more fiercely.

Fortunately, the youngest of the three children of Uncle Jiang was born in the same year as Jiang Xue, and the other two were grown up. The eldest sister Jiang Xian was already seven years old and could take care of the younger brothers and sisters. With the help of Grandpa Jiang, they could also take care of them.

But the food consumed every day, the piles of dirty clothes, and the messy house made by the children, the four of them grew up in the scolding of Grandma Jiang throughout their childhood.

She scolded their parents in front of the children, complained that the two sons gave them little money, complained that the children ate too much, and dirty clothes, and delayed her work.

Because she didn't like the second daughter-in-law, she didn't like the granddaughter born by the second daughter-in-law, and she would say that you look exactly like your mother.

If she was dissatisfied, she would say that she didn't want to raise Jiang Xue and wanted to give her to her parents.

Your mother said she didn't want you anymore, she threw you to me and ran away, I don't want you either, go beg for food.

Jiang Xue spent her childhood in extreme insecurity, afraid that her grandmother would not support her and her mother would not want her. She was like the homeless people in the town, begging for food, fighting with wild cats and dogs, and picking up garbage from the trash can to eat.

The three children of her uncle's family were like a group, competing for favors and food, she was one, and the other side had three, so she was like a puppy to please her grandparents, trying to be a good child, and developing a pleasing personality that she hated later.

When she was a child, her grandmother often asked: "Who will you be filial to when you grow up, Xiaoxue?"

She immediately flattered: "Grandma, I will be filial to you and grandpa when I grow up."

"Then you won't be filial to your mother?" Jiang Xue chose to remain silent, because if she said that she would be filial to her mother, her grandmother would start to scold her for having no conscience and being untouchable.

During the Chinese New Year, she was not at peace. Grandma Jiang asked for money, but her parents were reluctant to give more.

She was kicked around like a ball. Jiang's mother was only willing to follow the money given by Jiang's uncle's family. There was only one child in her family, and Jiang's uncle's family had three children. She gave one-third of what Jiang's uncle gave, and she was unwilling to give a penny more.

But Jiang's mother would leave pocket money for Jiang Xian. When Jiang Xian bought snacks and took her two younger brothers to eat, she was always the one who watched eagerly beside her.

Jiang's mother would send clothes, school bags, and books to the three children, and ask people to bring food and daily necessities. Her mother would not give anything.

So all her clothes and shoes were picked up from Jiang Xian's younger ones or her cousin's from her aunt's family when she was young.

The clothes were either ill-fitting or very old, so she was inferior, cowardly, and timid.

In this family, she was the most transparent and the lowest existence.

Jiang Xian from her uncle's family was the opposite of her. She was confident and had good grades. Her grandmother also liked her the most, saying that she was the most sensible. With Jiang Xian taking the lead, the children below had good grades.

At that time, Aunt Jiang sent a lot of books back to my elder sister. She followed along and read them, immersed in the colorful world in the books. Maybe she didn't understand much at the time, but the seeds were planted.

When she was a little older, Grandma Jiang would pretend to be nice to her when Jiang's mother came back for the New Year, asking her to choose between her mother and her grandmother, whether she liked her mother or her grandmother more, and asking her to answer whether her mother treated her better or her grandmother treated her better, and whether she would be filial to her mother or her grandmother when she grew up, etc.

She was afraid to answer, and looked at her mother carefully, and chose her grandmother. She knew that her mother would be unhappy if she said her grandmother, but she still had to say it. In that era, only the agency stores had telephones, and there were no mobile phones like in later generations that could make video calls. As she grew up, her impression of her parents became weaker and weaker. Her parents were two somewhat unfamiliar people who would only come back during the New Year.

So between her stranger parents and her grandmother who took care of her, she instinctively chose her grandmother

Because compared to her mother who only spent a few days a year, she was more afraid that her grandmother would be unhappy and not take care of her.

, not giving her food, and beating her afterwards.

She was caught between these two mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law throughout her childhood.

This should be one of the reasons why her mother hated her. Jiang's mother could not accept a daughter who was not close to her and who was in a constant relationship with her annoying mother-in-law to make her angry.

Then Jiang's mother got pregnant again, and it was a rare boy-girl twin.

At that time, they had some savings in their hands, and their debts were paid off. They had a stall in the vegetable market and sold some vegetables.

The child was born in a big city and was born with a relatively light weight. Jiang's mother raised them very carefully.

Jiang Chao and Jiang Lu both grew up with their parents, and because of the two children's schooling, they gave up the stall outside and returned to their hometown.

They valued boys over girls here. When Jiang Xue was a child, she thought that it must be because her mother had another brother, so her mother liked the younger brother and sister more.

But in fact, her mother treated Jiang Lu better than Jiang Chao.

She still remembers that during the Chinese New Year one year, her mother held Jiang Lu, who was wearing clean clothes, and said to the neighbor: "We work outside. People there don't favor boys over girls at all. Instead, they prefer daughters. I think it's right. When we get old, daughters will definitely be more caring than daughters-in-law. We can't even rely on our own children, so it's impossible to rely on daughters-in-law born by others. When sons grow up, they will marry and forget their mothers. Only daughters are mothers' little cotton-padded jackets."

The neighbor echoed: "Then you will be blessed in the future, with two daughters."

Jiang's mother glanced at her dirty daughter and said indifferently: "I will only rely on my little daughter in the future. She is the same as her grandmother." She didn't understand it at the time, but she was still sad and wronged because of this sentence.

Jiang's mother couldn't beat Grandma Jiang, and verbally attacking her daughter who was the same as her grandmother seemed to become an outlet for her to vent her emotions.

She slept too much during the day and it was difficult to fall asleep again. Some memories that were almost blurred became clearer and clearer just because she was in this environment again.

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