The time when she was reborn was nearly two months since Jiang's father and mother came back.

One of the reasons for coming back was that grandpa was seriously ill and grandma broke her leg. Grandma called her two sons back and returned the children to their parents. Grandpa's family took turns to take care of them for several months.

It was Jiang Haiyang's turn, but grandpa Jiang died not long after taking care of him.

Without this restraint, Jiang's father and mother would definitely not be able to stay in their rural hometown.

But if they returned to S City, the two children could only go to schools outside the city without paying social security, and the teaching quality of schools outside the city was not good, so they could not take the high school entrance examination.

But if they returned to their hometown, they would not be able to look down on the junior high school in the town.

Jiang Chao and Jiang Lu were not used to the primary school in the village, and they clamored to transfer.

Liu Yan wanted to buy a house in the county town so that she could do some small business while taking care of her two children to study.

Jiang Haiyang was silent. The four-room bungalow they were living in was built only a few years ago.

It was Liu Yan who asked for it at that time. She said that she didn't want to see her mother again after the Chinese New Year and strongly requested to build a house and separate them completely.

After the house was built, it was basically idle except for a few days during the Chinese New Year.

This time, his father was sick, and these few months were the longest time he lived at home.

They had 40,000 yuan in savings.

According to Liu Yan, there was still a lot of difference in buying a house in the county town.

And her wife, even if she couldn't afford it, she had to buy it. At worst, she could take out a loan.

After buying a house with a loan, they had to pay back the bank every month. It was still unknown whether they could make money in the county town. The two children were studying, and the eldest daughter had to give her mother living expenses at home. He told Liu Yan all these difficulties. Not only did he not give up her idea of ​​buying a house in the county town, but he also made Liu Yan set her sights on Jiang Xue.

The eldest daughter is 15 this year.

She is younger in reality, but she is eighteen on her ID card.

When she applied for the ID card, family planning was strictly enforced. In rural areas, if you want to have a second child, you must have a gap of three to four years between the first child and the second child, except for a daughter.

Jiang Xue is a girl, so she and her husband must have another son.

She didn't want to have such a long gap, and in time for the census, Jiang Xue's household registration was three years older than her actual age.

Jiang Xue started school late, at the age of eight, so she was one year older than her classmates.

The school organized everyone to apply for the second-generation ID card. After getting the ID card, Jiang Xue found that she was an adult on the ID card, and was four years older than some of her classmates.

She was ridiculed by her classmates because of her age.

In the past life, Jiang Xue didn't dare to tell people her age for many years. She didn't know whether to say it on the ID card or the actual age. She said that she was several years older on the ID card, but she felt like she was lying when she said it was the actual age.

Jiang's mother didn't care that Jiang Xue was not actually an adult, she was only fifteen years old. She felt that many girls of her age in the village went out to work to supplement the family income. Since she was already eighteen years old on her ID card, she should be considered an adult. Jiang Xue should contribute to the family.

The key is that the eldest daughter is dull and not close to her.

Although her grades are not bad, they are not outstanding.

Then she was asked to drop out of school and go out to work.

In her previous life, she actually went out to work at this time. There was no resistance. She listened to Jiang's mother and went to S City with her aunt's sister-in-law Qiuxia and entered the electronics factory to screw.

It's not that she doesn't want to go to school, but her grandmother has clearly said that she won't take care of any children, and her parents are in a hurry to go to the county town, and she doesn't want to be a burden.

The school will start soon and she will be in the third year of junior high school. There is no school in the county town that is willing to accept students in the third year of junior high school, and they are in the villages and towns below, and the grades are unknown.

And Jiang's father and mother didn't even think of asking someone to find a relationship to run around for her.

If she is left alone in her hometown, many people will probably start to say that Jiang Haiyang and his wife are biased.

Jiang's father meant to wait a little longer and farm for another year at home. If the eldest girl can pass the county high school, the whole family will go to the county. If she fails, it will be more reassuring to bring her with her. After all, the child is a big girl, and she is worried that she will be cheated by a man if she is not with her parents.

But Jiang's mother can't wait any longer. A few years of living in the city made her feel very uncomfortable living in her hometown.

She was not used to living in her hometown for the past two months.

So Jiang Xue was sent out to work. The family didn't have to stay in their hometown anymore, and Jiang Xue could earn a good salary to supplement the family income.

In addition, the other two children were about to enter junior high school, so if they transferred there early, she could hurry up and get into a good junior high school.

Her mother thought of all aspects, but she didn't plan for her future.

In her previous life, she just went out to work and faced high-intensity

She couldn't do the assembly line work.

She called her parents and cried that she wanted to go back to school, but was ruthlessly rejected. "Others can bear it, but you can't. Work hard, get your salary back, don't spend it carelessly, and don't play with boys. If I know you dare to date someone outside, I will tear your skin off." After the call was hung up, she cried and didn't get a word of comfort.

She numbly did the same work, thinking about many books she had read, questions she had written, and words she had memorized.

Qiuxia said she was going to get married during the Chinese New Year, and she would not work in this factory after the marriage.

She brought Jiang Xue here to meet a blind date at home and hastily decided to get married.

Less than half a year later, the man's family asked for marriage, and her parents had set the wedding date for her, just waiting for her to come home.

Qiuxia's classmate Yu Juan is pregnant. The child is from the leader of the production line next door. Yu Juan is also looking forward to visiting the man's home during the Spring Festival this year to see his parents and discuss marriage.

A girl in her dormitory is dating a barber in a barber shop outside. Recently, she doesn't go back to the dormitory every night.

Jiang Xue has worked in the factory for a few months. Her skin has become much whiter. Although the working hours are long and the intensity is not small, the food is good and there are enough meat and vegetables. In the past few months, she has gained more than ten pounds of weight and is no longer so skinny. She has also grown several centimeters taller. After receiving her salary, she bought herself a few new clothes. The whole person suddenly brightened up. The most intuitive feeling is that there are many more people of the opposite sex who come up to show their courtesy.

Every time Jiang's mother called her, she would warn her not to have a boyfriend. If she dared to have one, she would break her legs if she heard about it. Jiang's mother's tone was more serious than ever before, so she didn't dare to do it at that time. In the future, she might go on a blind date and get married with a stranger arranged by her parents like Qiuxia, or secretly have a relationship with a suitable person like Yu Juan, and she might also get pregnant.

She felt terrified when she thought about her future.

One afternoon when she was working, she suddenly had an idea.

After get off work, she called her eldest sister Jiang Xian from her uncle's family.

Her eldest sister just graduated from high school this year and was admitted to university. When she was working on the assembly line, her eldest sister had already started her university life.

They talked on the phone for a long time. Jiang Xue asked her eldest sister about her life in college. After hearing the other world described by the person who grew up with her on the other end of the phone, she made a decision that would affect her life.

She decided to resign and go back to school. She also wanted to go to college. She didn't want to be like the girls on this line, dating a boy who also graduated from junior high school, or going back for blind dates when she was old enough, giving birth to a child and keeping the child with her, or leaving the child in her hometown as a left-behind child like she was when she was a child. She didn't want to live like this. She wanted to be like her older sister, see the world and make more money in the future.

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