"Don't talk nonsense." Cui Zihua just thought Jiang Xue was joking. "If you don't like any of my requests, we can talk about it." Although he didn't do a paternity test, he was still sure that Jiang Xue was his daughter. "I'm not your daughter!" Jiang Xue said. "My father is Jiang Haiyang." Jiang Xue's tone was equally sure. "Although my father is like that, I have never doubted that I am not his daughter. My last name is Jiang, and Jiang is a good name. I don't want to change it for the time being."

"I don't want to give you a grandson with your last name to inherit your family property."

"It's just a few hundred billion. It's not impossible to earn it if you work hard."

"After all, I'm still young, right?"

Cui Zihua smiled. He liked Jiang Xue's attitude and tone.

Hundreds of billions, it feels like millions when it's said.

However, based on his understanding of Jiang Xue, she is quite capable and there is a real possibility in the future.

Cui Zihua felt disrespected because of Jiang Xue's attitude, but he was proud of Jiang Xue's ability.

He didn't listen to Jiang Xue's words at all. The more Jiang Xue said that she was not his daughter, the more he felt that Jiang Xue was his daughter.

This was just a young and angry remark.

"Jiang Xue, no one thinks that money is too much. Don't say angry words. I believe you can achieve great success in the future, but inheriting the Cui family can save you many, many years of hard work." Cui Zihua said earnestly.

"Jiang Haiyang and Liu Yan, I know they are not good to you, nor do they love you. Your childhood experience may have been caused by me, and I also want to make it up to you."

Jiang Xue smiled, and laughed sarcastically, "I said I am not your daughter, and there is no need to make up. Besides, my parents are not good to me, they are partial to me, and compared with you, they are still good. At least they did not mess around during their marriage, and my life is not in danger."

"You said that when you left, you didn't know my mother was pregnant. Did you really not know? No, why didn't you want to do it at that time? Now you find me. You think I have good qualifications in all aspects. You let me inherit, don't you want me to be grateful to you?"

"Your wife gave birth to two daughters for you, and you have other children outside besides Gu Xun'an. Are they all dead? There are also some who are not dead. Do you give birth to children for love? Do you love every one of your children? No."

"You only love children who are useful to you. No, this is not love. It can only be said that you only want children who are useful to you."

"That's not the case, Jiang Xue, you have a deep misunderstanding of me." Cui Zihua explained.

"I didn't misunderstand. Let's not talk about other things. Just look at Gu Xun'an. Do you really love him? Loving him will prevent him from appearing in front of people openly and legitimately. Loving him will prevent him from going to school and restrict his freedom. Let him be exposed to danger and don't solve the problem from the source."

Looking at his sad and upset look, Jiang Xue didn't stop there, but continued.

"I have seen parents who love their children. There is a saying that parents who love their children will plan for them in the long run."

"What long-term plans have you made for your children?"

"You don't love anyone, only yourself."

Cui Zihua was speechless by Jiang Xue's series of questions.

Let's not talk about other things. Xun'an's problem was his fault.

He was greedy for the feeling of occasionally getting along with his children. When he was old, he was still a little son. He might have invested too much expectation in the early stage for this child, and he was the only son. In the process of raising him, he gained the joy of being a parent and the satisfaction of being trusted and admired wholeheartedly. He wanted to see him grow up and let them go to Kyoto.

He should have followed the initial plan and hid well and stayed away from her.

Let him live in the Gu family all the time, at least he could survive.

Thinking of this, regret, sadness and many other emotions attacked him again.

After a long time, Cui Zihua's emotions calmed down.

He continued to lower his voice and asked Jiang Xue, who had no expression on her face: "Jiang Xue, can I call you Xiaoxue like your grandmother? You told me so much, do you want me to do something?"

"You should still call me Jiang Xue. I said, I'm not your daughter." Jiang Xue replied.

"Maybe my age made you misunderstand. I'm three years younger than my ID card. I'm the child of Jiang Haiyang and Liu Yan."

"You and Liu Yan's child is someone else." Jiang Xue said, opening the album on her mobile phone, which contained a video sent to her by Sister Cheng Guo.

Liu Qinglin smiled gently at Cheng Guo, the photographer. His face and figure were illuminated by the sun, and he felt warm.

Liu Qinglin in the video was filled with happiness from the inside out.

Jiang Xue handed him the phone.

He took the phone puzzled and clicked play. His expression changed from nonchalant at the beginning to Cui Zihua's trembling fingers, and he could hardly hold the phone steadily.

The young man on the screen, his eyebrows, his outline, looked like, too much like.

His voice was trembling with a subtle tremor, as if he was afraid that this answer would shatter all his fantasies. He asked Jiang Xue: "Who is he?"

Jiang Xue's eyes were firm, and she said without hesitation, "Your son."

"My son?" Cui Zihua asked himself in a low voice.

"He is my son?" Then he repeated it again and asked Jiang Xue in a louder voice.

Jiang Xue nodded, "Yes. Your son." In an affirmative tone.

Cui Zihua's face flashed with complex emotions, shock, suspicion, anger, and a hint of unspeakable surprise.

He took a deep breath and tried to calm himself.

"How is this possible?" There was a hint of doubt in his voice, "What evidence do you have to say that he is my son, he is my son, and you, what is your relationship with him, isn't your mother Liu Yan?"

"The reason you think I am your daughter is because of my age." Jiang Xue explained slowly, "The age on my ID card is three years older than my real age. At that time, I deliberately reported a higher age in order to work earlier or to have a second child."

Cui Zihua frowned, he tried to digest this sudden truth, "You mean, you are not my daughter, you have a brother from the same mother, he is?"

Jiang Xue nodded, "Yes, my mother is Liu Yan, his mother is also Liu Yan, we are brother and sister."

Cui Zihua's heart was filled with complex emotions, he felt that he was deceived.

"If you still don't believe it, I can ask him to come over and do a paternity test for the two of you." Jiang Xue added.

"What about the paternity test with my brother?" Cui Zihua asked puzzledly, with a hint of confusion in his voice.

"I deliberately used my brother's hair to replace mine in the identification, and my brother also knew about it." Jiang Xue confessed.

"You knew it a long time ago?" Cui Zihua asked.

"Yes." Jiang Xue replied.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Cui Zihua asked again, with a hint of anger and confusion in his voice.

Jiang Xue smiled, but there was no happiness in that smile, only sarcasm, "Tell you, the dead person may be my brother. I did this just to see what you were going to do. We have no intention of hiding it from you, just to protect ourselves. Gu Xun'an died, and your will was written in my name. I know it's time to tell the truth."

Cui Zihua was silent, his heart was like a surging wave, unable to calm down.

He looked at Jiang Xue, the Jiang Xue he had always thought was his daughter, but now told him that she was not.

Liu Yan actually gave birth to a son for him.


He still has a son.

There is no end to the family line.

No need to worry about going to the underworld and letting down the ancestors of the Cui family.

He was happy in his heart, but besides being happy, he also felt that he was fooled.

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