The two of us are still together.

"I don't believe you anymore. I need to do a paternity test to confirm it." Cui Zihua said.

"You can do it, but you have to make sure my brother won't be exposed in front of others."

"I came here today to confess this to you. My brother doesn't know. He got married on May 1st. His fiancée is pregnant. He is also excellent. What you found out from my investigation should be that he didn't have a good life since he was a child. His parents went out to work and favored his younger siblings. I grew up with my grandmother."

"And my brother, he is the child born out of wedlock by my mother. After he was born, he was registered in my uncle's household and raised by my grandmother."

"His childhood, his childhood, was many times more miserable than mine."

"Is your brother called Liu Qinglin?" Cui Zihua asked.

Jiang Xue nodded.

When Cui Zihua investigated Jiang Xue, he saw this name more than once.

Many of Jiang Xue's businesses were related to this name.

He was Jiang Xue's cousin, the child of Jiang Xue's uncle.

He had never thought that this child was actually his son born by Liu Yan.

In fact, whether a paternity test was done or not, he was sure.

Liu Qinglin looked like him and his father.

Even his brother who was not from the same mother looked very similar.

Liu Qinglin looked too much like the male of their Cui family.

He looked at the video in the phone that Jiang Xue handed over again.

This child not only looked like their Cui family, but he also looked like Jiang Xue in front of him.

He was a handsome child.

But with the misunderstanding about Jiang Xue, it would be safer to do a paternity test.

But Jiang Xue was right. At this point in time, if they did it, they had to ensure Liu Qinglin's safety.

Cui Zihua looked at Jiang Xue and asked suspiciously: "What role did you play in this incident, and what did you want to get?"

"We also checked the information of your Cui family. The reason why I pretended to be him was to prevent him from being exposed in front of others. I hope he can live safely."

Jiang Xue's words were not for no reason. If people knew that Liu Qinglin was his son, his situation would indeed be dangerous if he had such a big son.

"Aren't you afraid of danger?" Cui Zihua continued to ask suspiciously.

"I'm a girl, and you have many daughters. I thought it would be safer if I was exposed. In addition, I was mostly in school. You should be able to sense my attitude towards you for so long. We were forced into this game, and all we wanted was to make a living. Before, we were not positive or proactive about your so-called inheritance and property."

"But Gu Xun'an died."

"I've seen that child several times. I like him very much. He's a very smart child."

"I don't want my brother to be in danger or die."

"My brother is my closest family member in the world. We don't have the same father, but we came from the same mother's belly."

"Blood relationship and other things are secondary. Our similar growth environment makes us Two people who are not warm, huddling together for warmth.

During the time together, I found that he is a very good family member and a very good brother.

I am also a good sister, and I want to win him over to do something. "

"So I told you this, you can tell others that I am your daughter, protect my brother, and then we will lead out the person behind the scenes. If the other party attacks me, you and I will work together to completely eliminate the threat for my brother."

"As for your inheritance, we don't care whether it is divided with my brother or not. It's up to you whether to divide it or how much to give him."

"All I want is to eliminate the people who threaten the lives of my family."

"Solve this matter."

"I have to think long-term for the family I recognize."

After Jiang Xue finished speaking, she looked at him calmly.

This long-term is not only the safety of life, but also the inheritance rights that she wants to win for her brother.

Cui Zihua's heart suddenly received so much information, and it was very complicated.

He still doubted Jiang Xue.

Suspicious whether the relationship between the two people is really as she said.

Suspicious whether he has other intentions.

"Go back, I will verify what you said." Cui Zihua said.

"Tomorrow I will also ask someone to take your brother and me to do a paternity test."

"As for your proposal... I will also consider it carefully." Cui Zihua said and signaled the bodyguard at the door to come in and take Jiang Xue away.

"Wait for your news." Jiang Xue said, walked out of the ward, and when she walked quite far, she met a beautiful middle-aged woman with a girl in her twenties walking towards her.

Jiang Xue guessed that this person should be Cui Zihua

wife and daughter.

She couldn't help but look at the two of them a few more times.

The two walked to Cui Zihua's door and wanted to go in, but the bodyguard didn't let her in.

She was so angry that she cursed at the door.

Then both of them were politely sent away by the bodyguard.

Jiang Xue returned to the room just now, took off the nurse's uniform, and changed back into her own clothes.

The person who just brought her in continued to take her down.

After meeting with Wei Nan and appearing in the public area, Jiang Xue breathed a sigh of relief.

She was actually afraid and nervous.

She acted very calm, but in fact, she was not sure about Cui Zihua's emotional response to what she said today.

But for her brother, she still wanted to take this risk.

"The few people I asked you to find to protect me yesterday, are they protecting me?" Jiang Xue asked Wei Nan.

After asking, she looked around and didn't see those familiar faces.

"They are hiding around us to protect you. They are divided into two groups, two to three people in each group. Do you want me to call them out?" Wei Nan asked.

"Just make sure there are people around. No need to come out." Jiang Xue waved her hand and said.

She was still quite afraid of death. After knowing about Gu Xun'an's situation, she felt that it was not good for her to be alone with Wei Nan, so she immediately asked her comrades to call a few people from the security company, split into two groups, and hide beside her and Liu Qinglin.

She felt that this was still not working.

She took a taxi with Wei Nan to Lu Ren's company.

She wanted to ask if the positioning device they had asked them to study before was ready.

If it was ready, she would quickly implant the positioning system into her mobile phone and other accessories and clothing she was wearing.

In this way, if she was also kidnapped, she could be located through high technology.

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