However, the store was not doing well, so she thought about joining various groups to do rebate and brush orders to brush the store level. Then, after a complicated operation, all the money she deposited in the software she joined was stolen.

Originally, there was a franchise fee, and she deposited 500 yuan in it. Later, she didn't have enough money to do the tasks, so she deposited another 2,000 yuan.

2,500 yuan, all was cheated away in order to make a few dozen yuan.

The frustration made her feel that her hard work these days was like a joke.

She was embarrassed to tell others, because looking back, the experience of being cheated was very simple, and she was too stupid to be obsessed.

She also gave up the idea of ​​opening an online store.

The online store is a very low-cost and high-investment startup project. The online store cannot be established, and she has no money to open a physical store, let alone.

She can only work honestly. At the same time, she admits that she seems to have no talent for the things that Jiang Xue is good at.

This transfer made her realize that it is useless for her to feel unfair and jealous.

The two are no longer people of the same class or world.

And the distance is very far, and she may never catch up.

In the end, Jiang Xian did not call Jiang Xue. She came out of the bathroom and found her boss and told her boss that she was willing to accept the transfer and willing to go to H City.

She said loyally that she would work hard and live up to the company's cultivation.


As for Jiang Chao and Jiang Lu, their mother asked them to come to Jiang Xue with their cousin at the beginning, but they didn't want to come.

They have not forgotten the experience of being slapped by Jiang Xue in front of their relatives.

Not only that, in the eyes of the two, their parents have always been a place that they dare not resist, but their eldest sister pointed at their mother and said: I am a beast, you are an old beast, and pointed at the two of them and said, these two are little beasts.

Then their parents had no way to deal with Jiang Xue.

This eldest sister is no longer the same as the eldest sister in memory.

The two dared not offend this eldest sister, because she really beat her, beat her hard, and was not soft at all.

"You two must go over there. Look at how good your sister Jiang Xian's job is. Your eldest sister is rich now. When you go over there, listen to her and let her help you find two high-paying and easy jobs. It's better than you working on the assembly line in the factory." Liu Yan comforted.

"I'm afraid she will beat me." Jiang Lu said a little scared. Unlike Jiang Chao's slap, she was slapped several times at that time, and each slap was very strong. Now her face hurts when she thinks about it.

"She won't beat you for no reason. Don't make her angry, listen to her. Be good." Liu Yan said.

"You go first. I'll wait until the school is completely closed and come to see you after I'm done with my work."

"Your elder sister is successful now. According to your cousin, she has more than 100 million yuan in assets."

"She is so rich. If I really want to beat you, just bear with it as long as you can get benefits." Liu Yan said.

They have not worked yet, and they don't have a clear concept of having a lot of money.

However, after Liu Yan said this, they had no support for a while, and got on the high-speed rail in the city with the mentality of being beaten.

After arriving, the elder sister did not come to pick them up. The person who came to pick them up said that she was the elder sister's assistant.

The luggage of the two was very heavy. She put one in each hand and put it in the trunk easily.

You can see from the posture of lifting and putting it down that the smiling girl with a round face in front of you is very powerful.

The two looked at each other and got in the car honestly according to the arrangement.

The car drove away, and the cousin did not get in the car. The two also heard the conversation between Wei Nan and the cousin.

But they didn't interrupt much.

They didn't like Jiang Xian, their cousin either.

Jiang Chao took the initiative to ask Wei Nan: "Are you taking us to find my sister?"

"No, I'll arrange for you to stay in a hotel first. Aren't you working here? There's an interview for a job tomorrow. Your sister is not in Kyoto. You go to work first. When your sister comes back, she will come to see you."

Wei Nan took them to a small hotel, opened a standard room, paid for three days, and said to the two: "You are brother and sister, so stay in the same room first. There are two beds in it."

"I'll come to take you to find a job at seven o'clock tomorrow morning."

"Your sister is very busy. If you have any questions, call me." Wei Nan left after giving instructions.

The two sat in the hotel, always feeling that it shouldn't be like this.

Jiang Chao called Liu Yan and told her about today's situation.

"If your sister is not here, you will listen to this assistant."

After hanging up the phone, the two fell asleep in confusion about the future.

The next day, they got up early, packed up, and went to the hotel.

The two of them were manipulated like puppets, and were pulled to the gates of some factories by vans with many people. Some of them went down, and some continued to the next factory. Li Ge looked at the two people and said, "Sister Nan greeted me. The place where you two work is carefully selected by me. It is much better than working in a factory. It has some technical content. You must work hard!" Then he took them to an express logistics park. "Logistics sorter, salary 4000-8000, no problem, go for a physical examination in the afternoon, come for training tomorrow, and start work the day after tomorrow." After talking about the salary and benefits, the two people filled out a form each. They were taken to see the dormitory, canteen, and working environment. The two looked at the packages that were constantly being distributed, and the staff in work clothes standing on the sorting line. A little confused, and at the same time a little puzzled, is this the good job Jiang Xue found for them? ? ?

It was completely different from what I had expected, sitting in the office.

The two returned to the hotel and called Liu Yan, who also frowned and asked them to call Jiang Xue.

They didn't dare to call directly, but called Wei Nan yesterday, saying that they wanted a more relaxed job. Wei Nan said embarrassedly: "With your education, including no experience, you are not qualified for easy office work. If you don't like this job, the other is to join the factory. Ask the two if they want to join. She asked Brother Li to arrange it."

"We'll think about it."

Jiang Chao hung up the phone, and Jiang Lu took the phone and said, "I'll call my eldest sister. Isn't she very rich? She also opened her own company. Why doesn't she arrange us to join her company? I want to call and ask."

The call was connected, Jiang Xue picked up and asked who it was. Jiang Lu heard Jiang Xue's voice and was inexplicably a little nervous, "Sister, I'm Jiang Lu."

After exposing her family, Jiang Lu said: "Sister, when will you return to Kyoto? We haven't seen you for a long time. How are you now?"

"Go back when school starts."

"What do you want?" Jiang Xue said in a slightly cold tone.

"Sister, my eldest cousin said that you opened a company and an online store to make a lot of money. We are your younger brothers and sisters after all. We don't want to work in a factory or sort express delivery. Can you ask your assistant to help us get a job in a company and find us an office job?"

"Am I right about your technical secondary school education?" Jiang Xue asked.

"Yes, technical secondary school."

"Why didn't you think about getting a few more points when you wanted to work in an office? What's wrong with sorting express delivery? What's wrong with working in a factory? The people working there are all your age and have similar education. I was younger than you at the time. Didn't I also go to the factory to screw in screws at the beginning? If you can do it, do it. If you can't do it, go home and find your mother."

After hanging up the phone, the two looked at each other.

The indecisive one continued to call Liu Yan.

Liu Yan said on the phone, "Your sister is probably still angry about me letting her work in the electronics factory before."

"I heard from you that the benefits of sorting are quite good, and the salary is quite high. You two should just do it first, be good."

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