The two of them are still together.

Liu Qinglin learned from Jiang Hang that Jiang Xian brought the twins here.

Liu Yan might come over in a while.

Jiang Hang told Liu Qinglin that he wanted to get closer to Liu Qinglin and to say something good to his sister, fearing that Jiang Xue would be angry.

See if Liu Qinglin can help.

Liu Qinglin's face immediately turned cold after hearing this, and he said he knew, then turned around and called Jiang Xue.

"Why don't you send your brothers and sisters to me? I'll teach them well."

"And your cousin, just fire her. She's annoying."

Jiang Xue comforted him, "I've sent my brothers and sisters to sort express delivery. They have to work more than ten hours a day and the salary is very high. You don't need to teach them for the time being. They can't do it and will go back to their mothers."

"As for elder sister and brother, I have been in contact with Cui Zihua for a while and learned some great truths."

"In fact, the higher the position you sit and the greater the power you have, the less you should do whatever you want and act on impulse."

"Cui Zihua often says that you should leave a way out for things. His life experience says that you should not be blindly impulsive, not go to extremes, and consider the long-term impact of things, not just limited to the current emotions."

"I transferred her to H City in Zhejiang Province and promoted her. If she works hard, stable development will not be a problem. It won't affect me in the future."

"On the contrary, just tell her to quit. I was angry for a while, and she lost her job. If she doesn't have a good development in the future, she will resent me. If she doesn't take care of me, it will be difficult to control her."

"Besides, we are relatives who grew up together. We can't be too extreme."

"Including our mother and the twins, we have to deal with them calmly."

"After all, your sister is also a public figure now. We must avoid public conflicts and avoid damaging her personal image and reputation."

Liu Qinglin nodded in agreement during Jiang Xue's call: "You are right. I also have to control some of my emotions."

"Don't act on impulse."

"But think about the relatives who have been hurt and neglected. You have to completely draw a line and turn against them. You may also have to support them and give them money to spend. It's really frustrating to think about it." Jiang Xue could hear Liu Qinglin's frustration across the phone.

Jiang Xue smiled on the other end of the phone: "Spend some money, anyway, we are not short of money now."

"But I can't spend real money for them. I will spend the money so that they can't get any concrete results. At the same time, they will be afraid of me and dare not do anything to discredit and hurt me."

"Here I am again, this feeling is here again. I really think you are more like my sister!" Liu Qinglin said in an exaggerated tone on the other end of the phone.

Then he said a little emotionally: "From you, I have learned a lot of ways and ideas to deal with problems."

"I feel that you are the person who has had the greatest influence on me in my life."

"There is a feeling that without you, my life should not be so smooth and should not be like this."

"If you forgive them, give money, give houses to help solve various problems, I will not blame you for anything, but I will definitely be disappointed in you."

"Because I know that your experience is only a part of it. It is definitely not as simple as just leaving you at home and ignoring you.

There must be some experiences that we don't know about.

Before, you had great emotional resistance and fluctuations towards your parents, your brothers and sisters, and your childhood.

Now I am very relieved to see that you can analyze calmly and deal with it with foresight."

"Because of you, I know that they can't hurt you. Apart from blood ties, legal obligations, and secular definitions, they are insignificant people to you."

"To me too." He also learned from Jiang Xue how to maturely face some relationships that he didn't want to deal with but couldn't avoid.

"I'm honored to be able to influence you."

The two smiled at each other across the phone.

After the physical examination, Jiang Chao and Jiang Lu received their work uniforms and went to work.

The work content is a bit difficult, but it is still simple for young people, and they can quickly become competent through learning.

But the continuous flow of packages, like an assembly line, and the assembly line is longer than the factory assembly line, which makes the two people a little nervous.

The first day of the hectic work is over, and the two people leave work early to move the things in the hotel to the factory dormitory. Looking at the workers who have not yet finished get off work and don't know when they can finish work.

Both of them have the idea of ​​quitting.

But there is no way to quit.

It can be refunded. When they came to Jiang Xue, Liu Yan did not give them much money.

One person gave 1500 yuan, and two people gave 3000 yuan.

That brother Li arranged for someone to take care of them and arranged a dormitory for them.

The two people who took care of them were very enthusiastic after receiving the money from brother Li. They helped them move things, paid for taxis, treated them to dinner, paid for the high-speed rail when they came, and then the two people went to buy some mats, mosquito nets and other things they needed.

They used credit cards to pay in the cafeteria, and when they were paid, they would be compensated with the amount of food consumption together with their wages.

When the two people just came, one of them recharged the card with 500 yuan to save for later meals.

Each of the two people had a few hundred yuan left in their hands, and they had no money.

After officially going to work, the two were assigned to the night shift.

From 7 pm to 5 am tomorrow.

Ten hours.

Look carefully at the labels on each package to know which area they should go to.

Move quickly, but more accurately.

It was their job. At first, the two of them followed the requirements and could keep up with the speed.

But as time went on, Jiang Lu, who had never done physical work, began to feel sore in her arms.

Then it was her waist and legs.

She finally got a break and a meal, but she couldn't eat in the middle of the night.

She went back and rested like many people, and felt like she had just fallen asleep when she was called up and had to continue working.

In the second half of the night, in addition to physical discomfort, she began to feel sleepy. She couldn't rest even when she was sleepy. Instead, she had to focus on the work in her hands, fearing that she would make mistakes.

It was the first day for the two of them to go to work. There were old employees watching them work all the time, and they would be woken up when they felt sleepy.

After get off work in the morning, the two boys and girls, who were obviously teenagers, seemed to have been sucked out of their energy and spirit after a night of hard work, and they had no lively expressions.

"Brother, let's call mom and go to the canteen to help. I don't want to distribute the express delivery anymore." Jiang Lu said.

"I'm so sleepy. I just want to go to sleep first." Jiang Chao rubbed his eyes and said.

Compared with his sister, although he also felt tired, he had sports experience and was a boy, so his physical fitness was better than Jiang Lu. Except for feeling sleepy, he could accept everything else.

The two went back to the dormitory to sleep, and when they woke up, the pain in their bodies was more severe than when they were at work.

He was reluctant to get up from the bed, but his colleagues had already called them to eat, and then it was time to go to work in the evening.

The next day, Jiang Lu cried while sorting.

The supervisor was very fierce and said some great truths to make her persist.

She retorted, and the supervisor taught her a lesson with a stern face: "This is not in school. You are not a young lady."

"You are not a princess, but you have princess syndrome."

"We are all human beings. Others can do it, why can't you do it?"

"Cheer up!" Although Jiang Lu had a temper in front of Jiang Xue before, in front of outsiders, this person was still her boss and leader, and she was very timid.

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