After the two of them had a fight, they were still very tired.

She cried and said she wanted to go home because the work was too tiring.

She said Liu Yan lied to her and that what they did was nothing like Jiang Xian's easy and high-paid work.

They didn't even meet Jiang Xue. She called Jiang Xue twice, but Jiang Xue had blocked her number.

She could only call her assistant, who would answer every call, but didn't solve any of her problems.

Liu Yan comforted Jiang Lu, and said what Jiang Xue said about suffering first and sweet later. Jiang Xue said that she would help them change jobs in the future, and then asked Jiang Chao, "Can you do it?"

"I'm fine." Jiang Chao replied.

"I asked the old employees, they earn 5,000 to 6,000 yuan a month, and I don't have any other good places to go, so I'll work for a while." He is a boy, and he is more mature than Jiang Lu.

He has kept in touch with his former classmates.

Although his job is tiring, the salary is much higher than those assigned to factories by schools.

"Besides, didn't you just say that the eldest sister said that if we persist in doing this, she will arrange other jobs for us." Jiang Chao said.

He grew up in a big city.

But the school environment is the lowest and the worst.

Later, he returned to his hometown and has been in his hometown county.

He went to the eldest sister's school after the early shift.

He met the eldest sister's assistant named Wei.

He was just an assistant, and the car he drove to go out was something he might not be able to afford in his lifetime.

Jiang Xue is definitely richer than what they heard from Jiang Xian's cousin.

Her attitude towards her parents and them.

He also has a bit of the mentality of a young man who refuses to admit defeat.

He thought that if he stayed in the big city, he would be as successful as his elder sister in the future.

In addition, he didn't believe that Jiang Xue would completely ignore him.

His mother had such a strained relationship with his uncle and aunt, and his cousin from his uncle's family was going to buy a house in the county town when he got married, but his mother was still busy helping without reservation.

At that time, his mother said, "When a woman lives to be ninety-nine, she should also leave a way for her family."

His grandmother also said this, saying that when she died in the future, her family would be the most distinguished guests at the funeral, and many things could only be done after her family gave the order.

A woman should never completely cut off contact with her family at any time and in any place.

He always knew that his parents were partial to him before.

Because he was a boy, Jiang Xue always competed and compared with Jiang Lu.

He was also favored, but because of his gender, he was perfectly invisible.

When they came back for the Chinese New Year when they were young, Jiang Xue, as a sister, treated him well, and he also liked Jiang Xue, a sister who could take care of him and didn't compete with him.

Unlike Jiang Lu, who is spoiled, competitive, and noisy.

His relationship with Jiang Xue is not as antagonistic as that between Jiang Lu and her.

So now Jiang Xue is doing so well, has such a good school, and has a high degree. Most of her complaints about her childhood are about their parents.

When she calms down, he believes that she will not ignore him.

His own sister must be more useful than other relatives and strangers.

So he wants to stay.

Otherwise, it will be like what her mother said, raising such a capable daughter in vain.

He will not get any benefits.

"If you want to do it, stay here and do it yourself! I want to go home." Jiang Lu said to Jiang Chao dissatisfiedly.

"Then you go back with your parents, I'll stay." Jiang Chao said.

Jiang Chao said this, and took advantage of Jiang Lu's absence to tell his mother about his ideas.

Liu Yan was very relieved and felt that her son had grown up.

He considered things in the long term and had foresight.

Think about it, they are all her children, Jiang Xue is so smart, her son is not stupid.

"You are right, try to maintain the relationship with her, coax her a little, and wait for her anger to subside."

"No matter how angry she is, it will subside after a long time."

"Your sister and you stay, I will persuade your sister." Liu Yan made up her mind.

Then she coaxed and deceived Jiang Lu and persuaded her.

Jiang Lu continued to work reluctantly, alternating between day and night shifts, familiar with the process, although she still felt very tired, the hours were too long, and the night shifts were too difficult, she was more comfortable with it.

After working for a month and a half, the salary for last month was finally paid.

Jiang Lu calculated how much salary she had, and when she was about to collect it, she was told that her money had been taken away by her family!

She quickly found Jiang Chao and found that Jiang Chao was in the same situation.

The first person she thought of was Jiang Xue. She wanted to call Jiang Xue to ask, but was stopped by Jiang Chao.

"Call mom first." Jiang Chao said.

Jiang Lu listened to him and called Liu


Originally, I thought my mother would be united with me and help them find Jiang Xue to get the money back. Unexpectedly, Liu Yan on the other end of the phone said happily that the money had been transferred to her account.

"Your sister said she was afraid that you would spend it recklessly. I will transfer your living expenses to you now."

"You should also save your living expenses and don't spend them recklessly."

"I want to get my own salary and spend it myself!" Jiang Lu said.

Liu Yan on the other end of the phone immediately became unhappy, "You can't spend every penny you earn even if you have the ability to make money."

"Lulu, haven't you been complaining that your home is too small and your room is too small? Our family will work hard to get a bigger house."

"You have never been able to keep money in your hands since you were a child. Send me your salary and I will save it for you."

"Or do you not want to give me your money?" Liu Yan asked sternly.

"I want to take it and give you the rest when we go back. Brother, what do you say? Are you willing?" Jiang Lu asked Jiang Chao.

"I have no objection. I want my mother to take my salary." Jiang Chao accepted it well.

After he said that, Jiang Lu couldn't say anything to her mother who was obviously unhappy.

She just grumbled and complained quietly, sulking.

She thought she could buy whatever she wanted after working and making money.

She originally planned to buy cosmetics, clothes, and a new mobile phone for herself.

When the money came to her mother, she said it was for their living expenses. This money was tight and she had to plan how to spend it.

She couldn't afford anything a little more expensive.

Although Jiang Lu was reluctant, she couldn't change her mind.

She was forced to accept it.

All this was within Jiang Xue's prediction.

Her mother had a strong desire to control her children.

She controlled her in her previous life, but she was not controlled in this life. She was good at controlling her children's wallets and holding her children with her salary.

Now that she got the money, it was difficult for her to let it go.

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