After Xu Mo decided to go abroad, he was busy and Jiang Xue was busy too. They were in the same school, so their schedules were always different and they could not meet each other. They could only see each other once a week.

Xu Mo talked to Jiang Xue about what he was doing and his progress.

The courses of his two majors for a double degree were quite heavy, and he also participated in some research and experiments.

And because he was preparing to go abroad, he had to do more urgent things.

He was basically working non-stop.

Occasionally he was free and Jiang Xue was busy.

So they met every week at Jiang Xue's house.

They kissed and hugged each other and talked about interesting things that happened around them.

"My roommate is as busy as me and neglected his girlfriend. He only found out when his girlfriend started dating a boyfriend. It turns out that the last time they quarreled and broke up, they were not joking. They really broke up." Xu Mo and Jiang Xue were gossiping about his friends.

"One of my roommates is in love. Unlike other people, he gained 20 pounds."

In other departments, the laboratory next door dripped concentrated nitric acid into detergent, and a mushroom cloud suddenly appeared, and the entire ceiling was blackened.

Which senior student blew up the sturdy equipment.

He hugged Jiang Xue and talked, and then his voice became weaker and weaker, and he fell asleep.

Jiang Xue quietly looked at his sleeping face. His eyes, which were always energetic on weekdays, were closed at this moment, revealing the fatigue of the past few days.

Jiang Xue gently stroked his dark circles with her hands, her movements were gentle and distressed.

He had lost a lot of weight recently, and his hands were more bony. She gently put his hands in her hands and played with them, feeling the warmth of his palms and the roughness of his fingertips.

Xu Mo frowned in his sleep, woke up dazedly and asked Jiang Xue: "I just fell asleep."

"Let's go to sleep in the room." Then the two went to sleep together.

After waking up, they continued to be busy.

It has been a long time since the two of them went out for a formal date.

When Xu Mo mentioned this, he felt guilty.

He felt that he was too busy and ignored Jiang Xue.

Jiang Xue did not feel ignored.

Although the two did not meet, go out to play, or go out on a date.

But when Xu Mo was eating or resting, the two often contacted each other on the phone.

She herself liked this way of getting along.

The two are separate individuals, and they have their own things to do and deal with. There is no need to stick together all the time.

But it is impossible to be in a relationship without seeing each other or contacting each other. There is time for eating and sleeping. She does not believe that she is too busy and does not have time to type a few words online.

The reason why she did not feel ignored is that no matter how busy Jiang Xue is, she feels that she is taken seriously.

From the beginning to the relationship, he always had a habit of not being able to reply to messages immediately, but would respond to Jiang Xue's previous messages and things after the fact.

Remember the events Jiang Xue mentioned and find time to deal with them.

Instead of completely shirking them because he was busy.

Perfunctory to her.

She also learned from him to respond without perfunctory.

Both of them took this relationship seriously.

After Gu Xun'an passed away, Jiang Xue still contacted Gu Tingxi.

She did not return to her hometown, but stayed in Kyoto.

She and Cui Zihua separated.

Cui Zihua gave her a lot of real estate, shares, and money as compensation for her.

But the departure of a child is very hurtful to a mother who loves her child.

Jiang Xue saw her a few times at the beginning, and her complexion and mental state were very bad.

Later, she was in a better state, and they met in some stores where they exercised together before.

She still asked Jiang Xue some investment questions.

Talk about some fashion topics.

As for the children, Cui Zihua had never mentioned it to Jiang Xue. Occasionally, she would send Jiang Xue some cookies and cakes she made.

They were not too far away from each other.

During the summer vacation of her junior year, Jiang Xue went abroad.

She took Wei Nan and the staff of Netstar Media with her.

It was mainly some clothing projects of Netstar Media abroad.

Her schedule was not announced to the public, and even Cui Zihua didn't know.

In reality, even if you have money, you can't have connections, especially in the capital, where bad people have restrained themselves.

Jiang Xue also encountered people with bad intentions.

They wanted to abduct her, but Jiang Xue was not so easily fooled.

They also wanted to pretend to be her family and kidnap her on the street. Wei Nan's presence played a big role.

They subdued them with a few moves, and then called the police to send these people in.

Jiang Xue's house was pried open, the door

Before the door was pried open, the camera alarm went off, and Wei Nan in the next room had already opened the door and caught the person who was trying to escape.

The police also questioned the people they caught, and they had nothing to do with the Cui family.

They seemed to be just ordinary thieves and bad guys.

Jiang Xue withdrew some of the bodyguards around her. These people's methods were not like those in many novels she read, where they could find and kill people with just a phone call and send out killer mercenaries.

It was impossible in reality.

Jiang Xue felt that she had overestimated the people behind her.

After returning from abroad, Jiang Xue met with Cui Zihua and decided that it was not a good idea to sit and wait for death, so she began to take the initiative.

When school started in September, Jiang Xue officially entered Cui's new company in Kyoto as an intern.

She did not start from the grassroots level, but started as Cui Zihua's secretary as soon as she arrived.

Cui Zihua took her hand in handling Cui's current business.

After handling several projects independently, Cui's people had some understanding of her personal business capabilities.

She had some authority and started to take action against some employees in Kyoto.

She moved two old employees brought from Hong Kong, who were Li Xi's people.

She demoted several middle-level leaders who were not worthy of their positions.

She fired several problematic grassroots staff members.

After dealing with these, she immediately started to take action against Cui Jingqi, who had always held a position in Cui's company, and it was a relatively important department.

She was different from Jiang Xue. Jiang Xue came here for internship, and everyone knew that she was Cui Zihua's daughter, but she did not tell anyone about her background when she started working at Cui's company.

But her style and her last name Cui made everyone know it even if they didn't say it.

Cui Jingqi was also full of energy at the beginning. She learned when she didn't understand and asked when she didn't know. She didn't go to school much and basically stayed in the company.

She did a good job and was praised by Cui Zihua.

Then Jiang Xue suddenly appeared, and suddenly appeared such a capable heir, and her father's attitude.

She was a little self-destructive.

But her position is quite important, and she has caused some problems in her department because of her.

Later, she asked for leave blatantly, left early, skipped work, or simply didn't come.

Her immediate boss also knew that she was the eldest daughter of the Cui family.

He was very permissive with her, and Cui Jingqi came and left as she pleased.

When she came to work, she intervened in important projects, but she didn't do it well. She had a lot of opinions and suggestions, and made decisions in a frivolous way, which made other people in the department very dissatisfied.

Some people couldn't stand it, so they blamed her, and then this person was fired by her boss.

After Jiang Xue came to work, she paid more attention to her work because of the comparison with Jiang Xue.

She made trouble for Jiang Xue and didn't cooperate with Jiang Xue's work.

Jiang Xue didn't say anything at the time, and then began to investigate and visit evidence that Cui Jingqi was not competent for her current job.

Jiang Xue didn't even ask Cui Zihua, and directly fired her.

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