The old man was in a hurry to get a new one.

Jiang Xue was counting the backstage orders in the photography studio and calculating the employees' wages for last month, when she saw Liu Qinglin pushing six 22-inch makeup cases in a cart.

There are currently four makeup artists in the two studios, one for each of the four makeup artists.

It is considered a company reward, and the money will be settled by Jiang Xue.

The remaining two black and silver ones, Jiang Xue asked Liu Qinglin to take them to the next door for photos.

As for the price, it will be calculated according to the charging standard.

Jiang Xue can actually take the photos herself, which doesn't take much time, but she has too many scattered things now, and she has related business herself, so she lets the employees take the photos, which can also be regarded as generating income.

"I bought some vegetables. Come to my house tonight to eat and discuss what to do with the store later."

It was already past three in the afternoon, and Jiang Xue was still busy on the keyboard.

"Give me your keys, I'll go to your house to cook the rice, prepare the vegetables, and wait for you to come back to fry them."

"Okay." Jiang Xue gave him the keys.

Since Liu Qinglin moved here, she would ask him to eat with her whenever she had free time to cook.

Jiang Xue liked to cook several dishes at a time, but she couldn't finish them, and she didn't like the feeling of eating alone. All the employees in the company treated her as the boss and kept a distance in front of her. The only person who could eat with her was her brother.

Liu Qinglin could also cook, but only some simple ones. After eating Jiang Xue's meals a few times, he completely gave up the idea of ​​cooking for his sister.

Arriving at Jiang Xue's house, she cooked the meal, and then took out the vegetables Jiang Xue bought from the refrigerator and pre-processed them. After finishing everything, she cleaned the kitchen. Seeing that Jiang Xue had not come back yet, she found a mop and mopped the inside and outside.

When Jiang Xue came back, she saw the clean and bright floor with watermarks.

"Brother, you are really so nice and diligent." She lives alone, and the floor in the house is not mopped every day, but her brother always comes to mop the floor, brush the door mats and floor mats, and he can always find some work to do.

At first, she would stop him, thinking it was not good, and his brother would show a look of loss, but Jiang Xue let him go later.

Jiang Xue put the things away, washed her hands, and quickly fried three dishes and a soup.

The two sat at the table and chatted while eating.

After eating, Jiang Xue went to wash the dishes, and Liu Qinglin cleaned the table and took out the garbage.

After finishing all the work, the two sat on the sofa to rest. Liu Weilin handed the notebook he brought with him to Jiang Xue, "This is the bill of my recent expenses. You can take a look at it when you have time." Jiang Xue took it calmly and said politely that she would not look at it.

Liu Qinglin felt more at ease when she did this.

The two of them did business together. Brothers should settle accounts clearly so that they can go long-term.

"I have recently opened an order and sold some of the small things I took last time. I went to replenish the goods myself the day before yesterday."

"Now the box manufacturer has also made it, and it will be put on the shelves for sale immediately. Do you have any ideas?"

"If I rely solely on Taobao's natural traffic, I may have to sell these 200 makeup boxes for a long time. I have seen many people on the forum recently opening direct trains or advertising positions for promotion. I am thinking of starting paid promotion after the boxes are put on the shelves."

"Sure, direct train advertising positions can be placed." Jiang Xue nodded affirmatively,

"Should I post advertisements on the forum like your photography studio?" Liu Qinglin asked.

"Directly posting advertisements will not have a very good effect. For example, I started looking for free models for my photography studio. It was only after others saw my skills and attracted a part of the target group that I started charging."

"If you post advertisements directly, not only will you not be able to find the target group, but it may also make customers rebellious."

Liu Qinglin nodded, not quite understanding, "Then how should we do it?"

"Brother, do you have any ideas?" Jiang Xue actually already had a complete promotion process, but she still wanted to hear her brother's ideas.

"I plan to hire a customer service. Now the store opens two or three orders a day, and there must be a customer service in front of the computer to reply to customers. In the early stage, there were no orders. The customer service hired should be responsible for store maintenance and daily packaging and delivery, so that I can be free."

"In addition to online paid traffic, I plan to visit some photo studios offline and promote directly to wholesale stores."

"It's right to sell professional things to professionals, but have you ever thought that wholesale stores have cooperative manufacturers, and they may not necessarily choose you, and how big is the photo studio in the entire S city?

, photo studios are not located together, but are scattered far apart. If you just rely on your feet to promote one by one, it will be very labor-intensive. Maybe you can promote some, but it is really too slow. Can we use this idea to think of a simpler way? "

"Online?" Liu Qinglin asked, not quite understanding.

"Yes and no, my promotion plan is divided into online and offline. Let's talk about online first."

Zhang Xue took the newly bought notebook on the computer desk.

Then I saw that the shooting of the makeup box had been completed, and the photos were sent to her brother's mailbox. The photographer in charge of the photo sent her a message to tell her.

"Brother, Jiang Xinyi just told me on Penguin that the photos have been taken. She sent you the files. You can use my desktop computer to simply process the pictures first, and then put the boxes on the shelves. ”

Liu Qinglin was operating on the desktop computer. Jiang Xue was not idle either. She opened her photography account Dongdong's Photography Diary and posted a post.

"The new makeup box I bought is so big! Finally, I don't have to carry a box weighing 40 or 50 kilograms anymore. I can just pull it up and go. It frees my hands like a suitcase." The photo is of the box of the previous sample. She had taken it some time ago. There are photos of it being filled with cosmetics and used upright, and also of it being turned into a box.

The post she just sent out has not been replied yet. Jiang Xue posted a similar dynamic in her space.

She has added many customers to her photography Penguin account. In addition to the customers who take photos, there are also some people who ask for photography and makeup skills on the forum.

Maybe the crowd is not accurate.

But there will be relevant people.

Put the links of the boxes that Liu Qinglin just put on the shelves.

The products that have just been put on the shelves sold three orders in a short time because of Jiang Xue's operation.

Many people also saw her post on the forum and responded to it.

2nd floor: Dongdong is becoming more and more commercialized. It is not satisfied with just attracting people to take pictures, and now it has started to post advertisements.

5th floor: There is no sales, it is a complete advertisement.

OP: My friend opened a store. I think many makeup artists will need this product. If they need it, buy it. If they don’t need it, ignore it~~

10th floor: I bought it!! I need it. I am a makeup artist. I have muscles in my arms from carrying my makeup case every day. It is very friendly for girls to be able to push and pull it like a suitcase.

12th floor: The tenth floor is a trustee. The identification is completed.

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