The price of the product has been very high.

"One person has bought it!" Liu Qinglin said in surprise.

He had just been there for a few minutes, and the backend had increased a lot of traffic to the store, all of whom were looking at this product, and one person had bought it and paid.

After Liu Qinglin finished speaking, he came behind Jiang Xue and saw the forum page.

"You posted a message, no wonder someone bought it."


"I don't know how many orders I can open. The post has been posted for a while and it has been more than 30 times." Liu Qinglin was shocked by Jiang Xue's appeal.

"Brother, look at how I will operate next." Jiang Xue turned around and smiled, her smile was flamboyant and confident, then she took the mouse in her right hand, looked at the screen with a firm look, and continued to operate.

Copy the forum URL and come to another Penguin account.

The account name is very simple and clear, makeup artist Xiao Jiang.

"How many QQ accounts do you have?" Liu Weilin asked curiously.

"Many, each with a different identity." Jiang Xue replied.

Liu Weilin couldn't help but give his sister a thumbs up.

In his heart, his sister is now the most powerful person in his eyes.

No one can beat her.

"Look at these groups I have added recently!" Liu Qinglin set his eyes on the names of the groups. The names are basically S City, makeup artist order group.

A City, wedding shooting and makeup exchange group.

B City, makeup artist part-time order group, etc. . . This kind of name.

"Where did you find so many groups?"

"Make good use of search, and after adding a group, you can change groups in the group. You don't need to pay any big conditions to change groups. You can change a few professional groups like this by becoming a member and using Penguin's virtual currency."

"What's wrong with your brain? It's amazing!" He has said the compliments countless times, and his sister always refreshes her height in his heart again.

"They are all our target groups. We don't need to find them one by one. There are many here."

Jiang Xue has actually been there for a while, and she chats with them every day to make them familiar.

"We have to show our boxes in front of them in a way that they don't dislike."

After that, Jiang Xue posted the Tianya post to the group, and then said: A blogger who is a fan of Tianya recommended a makeup box for makeup artists. It seems to be very useful. Has anyone in the group used it? Is it useful? If it is useful, I will rush to buy it.

Group member: I'll go and have a look.

Jiang Xue: It feels so powerful. With this box, my messy cosmetics can be tidied up a lot.

I'm going to place an order.

He didn't expect that he could do this.

One person is divided into several people, and a thing is said in a tactful way.

A ding-dong sound came from Wangwang, and Liu Qinglin came to his computer. Someone asked about the makeup box that he had just uploaded, and someone else took a photo of it.

"Seven people bought it."

"Three more people bought it."

The cost of their product is 200 yuan, and because it is large in size, the express delivery price is also expensive. The express delivery price they contacted is about 20 yuan per box, and the packaging cost is 5 yuan per box.

So the delivery cost of this box is about 225 yuan.

As for the price, he consulted Jiang Xue, and the price was 499 yuan, which is more than half of the profit.

Selling a box can make 274 yuan!

Ten orders were opened in this time! !

He made more than 2,000 yuan! ! !

Facing the consultation of customers on Wangwang, he was a little dazed.

"So, are you still anxious about the 200 stocks? The factory's production cycle is quite long. I suggest you order a batch as soon as possible. Didn't you say that you can order 2,000 pieces at 180 yuan each? Just order 2,000 pieces."

Liu Qinglin calculated 2,000 pieces in his heart. Even if the price was 20 yuan cheaper, the total price would be 360,000 yuan.

His sister said she had to order something worth 360,000 yuan, but they didn't have that much money.

Seeing his concern, Jiang Xue said:

"We can't pay the full amount this time like the first time, we need a deposit. For the other 2,000, you can pick them up in batches instead of at the same time, and pay the money in several installments according to the number of items picked up."

"Also, you don't have to worry about the money, your sister and I have money!"

"Do the math, tell me how much money you need later."

He was really curious about what was going on in his sister's head? They were born from the same womb, and even if the methods were different, they were deeply related by blood. Why was he compared to his sister,

Does he feel that his brain is often not enough?

"Let's do this today. As you can see, there are many more groups. We can do it step by step. For example, when you receive the goods, you can show them in the group. In addition to sending them out for people to buy directly, you can use any other method."

Jiang Xue sent a few messages to other groups in the same way. Although there were not many responses, she believed that a product that fits her profession so well would definitely be curious and click to see it.

For precise target groups, as long as a certain amount of people click to see it, you can open an order.

"Apply for an account, and I will pull you in later. Next, we will work together to let these people see it. If you want to hire someone, you have to hurry up. When the traffic comes, what we have to do is to grab it and eat it."

Liu Qinglin nodded. Now he listens to his sister.

"By the way, do you remember my friend Chen Hua? I want him to come and help me and give him a salary. Is that okay?"

"You decide for yourself."

It may not be appropriate to find someone temporarily. It is better to find a friend you are familiar with, so he thought of Chen Hua at the first time.

Until the next morning, after a night of fermentation, 15 more orders were placed for the boxes.

The next day, 18 more orders were placed throughout the day.

He had to reply to customer messages and pack.

Not only the makeup boxes, but other small items in the store also drove a lot of sales.

He took the time to call Chen Hua.

When the phone was answered, Liu Qinglin said directly: "The salary is 2,000 at the beginning. Eat with me and live with me. Come?"

"Come!" Chen Hua on the other side answered without hesitation.

"I just got paid, and the boss deducted my money again. The business in the store has not been very good recently. The road in front of the store is being repaired, and there are fewer people. I will go and resign from him now, and he probably won't keep me. So I'm going to resign."

Chen Hua didn't even ask what he was going to do. After a while, he said that he had resigned, gave him the address, and came tomorrow.

Liu Qinglin smiled. It felt so good to be trusted by everyone.

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