The truth is that the crime was not solved.

Li Xi intended to cause trouble for Jiang Xue. Although she did not carry out the crime, she drove into Jiang Xue out of anger. Fortunately, no casualties were caused.

Legally, this behavior may constitute intentional injury.

But because Jiang Xue was not hurt, it can be considered an attempt.

Because the attempt will be punished with a lighter or reduced punishment, Li Xi insisted that she was just angry and wanted to teach Jiang Xue a lesson, because Jiang Xue, an illegitimate child, obtained her husband's assets.

Hundreds of billions.

She was blinded by anger.

She just wanted to stop her and drove into her impulsively, but she didn't want to kill her. She now deeply realizes her mistake.

She is willing to compensate Jiang Xue for the cost of the car and the compensation fee, and hopes that Jiang Xue can forgive her.

Cui Jingqi and her sister came to ask Jiang Xue to write a letter of apology and let their mother go for once.

Jiang Xue did not write it.

So in the end, the verdict was that Li Xi was the main offender and was sentenced to two years.

The other thugs were sentenced to half a year.

As for Wang Zhicheng or others, there was no problem.

Jiang Xue felt helpless that she had made such a big scene and lay dormant for so long, and this was it?

There was still no evidence to prove that Wang Zhicheng or Li Xi was responsible for Gu Xun'an's death.

Gu Tingxi was accused of many problems, such as hiring a killer to kill and causing a car accident, but because there was no definite evidence, Cui Zihua found someone to dig her out, including the car accident. Jiang Xue was not at fault, but there were other victims, the truck driver, and the people behind the scenes, all of whom were sent to prison by Cui Zihua.

Wang Ruilin was sent abroad by Cui Zihua.

Living expenses and pocket money were sufficient, just like before.

As for Cui Jingqi, Cui Zihua was furious about this eldest daughter.

Cui Zihua showed Jiang Xue the photo of Cui Zishan stretching her foot into Wang Zhicheng's trouser leg.

She went to Wang Zhicheng angrily to ask for an explanation. She went there angrily and came back with a ruddy face.

She explained to her father: "It was my aunt who seduced him. He was sincere to me."

"I believe him. After all, we have been in love for so many years."

"Break up with him!" Cui Zihua said angrily.

"I don't. I have decided on him for this life."

"I want to marry him."

Cui Zihua looked at her deeply, and finally said helplessly, "Okay, okay, whatever you want. Go and marry him. I think he is still sincere to you even if you are not my daughter."

Cui Zihua cut off all her financial resources.

He drove her out of the Cui family.

Cui Jingqi seemed to be bewitched. She stopped studying for a master's degree and moved to Wang Zhicheng's residence, clamoring to marry him.

Prove to dad that his vision is correct.

Wang Zhicheng never tires of doing this.

This matter is temporarily over, and he has not been affected.

But their plan is completely impossible to implement.

Cui Jingqi is now completely exiled by Cui Zihua. Li Xi is in jail, Cui Zishan has been warned by Cui Zihua, and Cui Ziqian, who knows nothing, has also been implicated.

At the same time, Cui Zihua is like a mad dog. His industry, he is caught reporting him, checking him, and making trouble for him.

Target him when you find a problem.

There is no entertainment venue that does not touch the gray area. His current store is terribly clean. He keeps his tail between his legs to do business, for fear of being caught.

At the same time, he also received warnings from several brothers.

His mother flew back from Macau and asked him to break up with Cui Jingqi and Cui Zishan.

His sisters-in-law will help him introduce good girls.

He refused. He was 30 years old and was chased and beaten by his elderly mother.

He didn't want to separate from either of them.

He thought that as long as Li Xi came out of prison, she had told him to treat Cui Jingqi well, and her share would be given to the eldest daughter and him.

Although it was much less than Cui's, it was also the amount he could not earn in his lifetime with his own efforts.

As for Cui Zishan, he couldn't bear to part with her, he still liked her.

Cui Zishan didn't suggest that he dump Cui Jingqi.

Let him wait a little longer.

"Mom, didn't you know about her plan at the time and acquiesce to it?"

"If it didn't work, you let me go on a blind date and get married, what about Shanshan?"

"Shanshan, Shanshan, I think you will die in the hands of this woman sooner or later." The Queen Mother said angrily, and she didn't care.

She is so old, and her grandchildren are all in a row, so let the old son do what he wants.


Cui Ziqian made an appointment with Liu Qinglin and Jiang Xue to talk.

"My brother, knowing that you are his son

"Is it true?" Cui Ziqian asked Liu Qinglin affirmatively.

Liu Qinglin nodded.

"You and my brother reached a cooperation, so the eldest sister-in-law went to jail for two years. Is that right?" He asked Jiang Xue this question.

"Yes." Jiang Xue also admitted it.

Cui Ziqian smiled bitterly.

Conflicted mood.

"Have you told your sister about Gu Tingxi's previous address?" Jiang Xue asked.

Cui Ziqian thought about it, shook his head, and nodded again.

For a while, his sister was very concerned about his eldest brother's affairs, Gu Tingxi's address. After he learned about it from Jiang Xue, he took his sister through that community once, and he paid more attention to that community.

After a few words from his sister, he found out that the woman and child outside his eldest brother lived in this community.

At that time, he really felt that his sister was safe, and he didn't think that his sister was deliberately asking.

"I talked to Gu Tingxi, and it was from that time that your sister started to contact her. "Jiang Xue said again.

"Why did she approach her?" Cui Ziqian asked puzzledly.

"And that child, do you mean that his kidnapping is also related to my sister?"

"Why did my sister do this?" Cui Ziqian was puzzled.

"Because your sister and Wang Zhicheng are in a relationship." Jiang Xue explained.

"Cui Zihua said that you and Wang Zhicheng were friends before, but they broke up later. I think it may have something to do with your sister."

Jiang Xue didn't say more speculations, anyway, she didn't have definite evidence.

"I have read your father's will before, and I will persuade Cui Zihua to return your share to you." Liu Qinglin took over and said.

Looking at Cui Ziqian who was in deep thought, he continued: "If he doesn't give it, after he leaves, if I take over Cui's, I will give it to you as we agreed before."

"Uncle, you are a good person."

"Because you and your sister are not in the same group, otherwise I wouldn't be sitting here safely. So our agreement can continue. "

"Then thank you." Cui Ziqian said dejectedly.

"Regarding your sister, we have no evidence now, but those who do evil will eventually perish. If there is evidence, we will definitely let her receive the punishment she deserves."

"Please also take good care of her and don't let her do any more tricks. Otherwise, we will catch her sooner or later."

After Liu Qinglin finished speaking, he left with Jiang Xue.

Through the words of the two, Cui Ziqian also thought clearly about many things that he had not thought clearly before.

At the same time, he also knew that what Jiang Xue said about his sister and Wang Zhicheng was true.

Little sister...

He still couldn't believe what little sister did.

He wanted to ask her.


And Liu Qinglin and Cui Ziqian were not afraid that he would tell Cui Zishan and Wang Zhicheng about these things.

Because Cui Zihua had decided to make his son's affairs public.

Including the will.

This decision was also made because, on November 23 of the lunar calendar, Cheng Guo, She gave birth to a 15-pound son to Liu Qinglin through a natural birth.

Cui Zihua wanted to recognize his son and grandson.

He went to see the child. He looked like his father, so he looked a bit like himself.

He also looked a bit like Gu Xun'an when he was just born.

He was soft and had no ability to protect himself.

The child was born, but he kept the birth certificate, hoping that the child and Liu Qinglin could change their surnames back to Cui.

He wanted to recognize Liu Qinglin and hold a grandson with the surname Cui openly.

At the same time, because his health was getting worse, he wanted to keep Liu Qinglin by his side and teach him well, so that Liu Qinglin could learn how to be the next person in charge of the Cui family.

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