When Cheng Guo gave birth, Jiang Xue was in the hospital.

She saw Cheng Guo groaning and sweating in the hospital while waiting for the birth.

Jiang Xue was so nervous at the time.

But Cheng Guo's mother and sister-in-law were very calm.

They looked like experienced people, directing Liu Qinglin, who was also scared.

Comforting Cheng Guo, and by the way, comforting Jiang Xue, who was seeing this scene for the first time.

"It hurts for a while, and it won't hurt after giving birth."

"Don't be afraid, every woman has to go through it."

"Think about meeting the child soon, and you will be relieved soon."

Cheng Guo's other elders also came with them.

Although I was nervous while waiting for the birth of my child, I didn’t seem to be that nervous.

Several people also talked about their previous experiences of pregnancy and childbirth.

What, severe morning sickness in the early stages of pregnancy, vomiting after eating, and then eating again after vomiting, and then going to the hospital for nutritional injections.

What, swelling all over the body in the late stages of pregnancy, going to the toilet every now and then, and the baby squeezing the bladder.

Spots and lines, and another relative said that her daughter-in-law had a lot of sweat hair, and her armpits and neck were all black after pregnancy.

This is still smooth, and there are also those who say it is not smooth. During pregnancy, you need to take medicine and get injections, which are injected into the belly and buttocks.

Those who need to protect the fetus need to stay in bed all the time.

Giving birth is not so smooth either. Although medical facilities are very advanced now, there is still a risk of death in giving birth.

In addition, there are various problems in the middle of giving birth.

What about difficult labor, heavy bleeding, manual placental removal, and blood clots.

Jiang Xue was stunned when she heard it.

Thinking of what she might experience in the future, she was scared.

Why is she putting it on herself? She doesn't want to have a baby!

Sister Cheng Guo came to the hospital at two or three in the morning. When Jiang Xue came, it was already six in the morning, and she hadn't given birth yet. The doctor said that the cervix was not fully dilated.

Jiang Xue checked what the cervix meant, and read some popular science pictures and texts on the walls of the hospital delivery room. Her determination not to have a baby increased.

"I don't want to have a baby in the future." Jiang Xue said.

After saying that, she glanced at Xu Mo who came with her. Because today was Sunday, they were both in Jiang Xue's house, so they came together.

Jiang Xue didn't just listen to these people's words, Xu Mo also listened.

"Then don't have a baby."

"If you don't want it, don't have it." Xu Mo said.

"Having a baby is too harmful to women." Xu Mo said.

Cheng Guo's sister-in-law heard what the two said and thought that the young couple was frightened by the scene. She said jokingly: "Don't be afraid. Women feel pain when giving birth, but forget it after giving birth. I also gave birth to two children. I vaguely remember that it was painful when giving birth, but I can't remember how painful it was."

"Women forget the pain after the scar heals. After giving birth to my first child, I said I would not have children again, but I gave birth to the second one. My husband's family valued boys over girls at that time, and sometimes it was not up to women to decide whether to have children or not."

"The pain is borne by the woman. In the past, women may not be able to make decisions because of their family status, but now they can decide whether to have children or not." Xu Mo said.

"You kid, my family status is very high!" Cheng Guo's sister-in-law defended.

Aunt Cheng Guo thought he was showing off in front of his girlfriend and arguing with her. Among relatives, they all said that she loved to argue the most, so she immediately argued with Xu Mo, "After you get married, can you accept Jiang Xue not having children? Can your parents and elders accept it?"

"God gave women an extra uterus than men, which is used to reproduce. In my opinion, people who don't have children are selfish. If everyone doesn't have children, mankind will perish."

"All living things have the instinct to reproduce, and humans are no exception." Aunt Cheng Guo said complacently. These two people seem to be the top students of Peking University, but she is not bad either. Look at what she said, humans, living things, instincts, how patterned.

Hearing her say this, Jiang Xue swallowed the words that came to her lips.

She was also curious about Xu Mo's answer.

So she looked at Xu Mo with a little curiosity.

Xu Mo refuted her words one by one, in a calm and non-aggressive tone, as if discussing an academic topic, "Whether Jiang Xue will have children in the future has nothing to do with me or my parents."

"I think having children is a unilateral decision of women, not the belly, but the brain. It doesn't mean that you have to use this function,"

"A woman who is willing to have children,

, is willing to bear this pain to exchange the child for this world. She gave birth to this child for herself, not for anyone else. "

"Now China is not the old society. The law absolutely protects women's autonomy to give birth or not. No individual or organization can deprive you of any other legal rights because you do not give birth."

"Similarly, not giving birth does not need to rise to the level of moral kidnapping. A person's decision to give birth or not has little impact on the entire human race. And to label this behavior as selfish and force women to change is actually moral kidnapping."

Xu Mo can say this, and it is also related to Xu Mo's mother.

At that time, Xu's mother tasted the forbidden fruit and got pregnant unexpectedly.

After getting married, when quarreling with Grandma Xu, the two quarreled that if Xu's mother was not pregnant at the time, Grandma Xu said that she would never let her son want her.

"I got pregnant because I was young and ignorant, and I didn't know enough. I couldn't get pregnant by myself. It took two people to get pregnant."

"I was not old when I got pregnant, but I paid for what I did. ”

“I was planning to abort Xu Mo at that time. I chose to get married and give birth to him after careful consideration for a long time.” These were the answers of Xu’s mother at that time.

After arguing with Xu’s grandmother, she said to Xu Mo: “Your arrival may be an accident, but it is also the fruit of the love between your father and me.”

“I gave birth to you not because of how much money your grandmother made outside or how good the Xu family’s conditions were, but because I wanted to give birth to a child with your father, and I wanted to give birth to my own child.”

“Your father respected my opinion at that time. The uterus is in my body. Other people are just factors I consider. The decision is up to me. ”

So he said these words because he really thought so. His mother told him many thoughts when he was very young. When he grew up and had his own judgment, he would keep what he thought was right and change his mind if he thought it was wrong.

It was Cheng Guo's mother who came to mediate and ended the discussion.

Because of Xu Mo's words, her fear of pregnancy and childbirth was diluted a lot.

Before continuing to say anything more on this topic, she was interrupted by the nurse, who said that she had given birth.

2014, November 23, Sunday.

8:21 in the morning.

A boy weighing 6.8 catties was born.

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