The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

She turned her head and saw that it was Liu Qinglin.

For some reason, Liu Yan felt a little guilty when she saw Liu Qinglin.

Considering his previous performance and what he had done, she was still a little afraid of him.

"Mom, stop talking. Come here. I'll introduce someone to you." Liu Qinglin said with a smile.

"Who?" Liu Yan asked puzzledly and stood up cooperatively.

"My dad." Liu Qinglin answered with a smile.

Liu Yan stood up and her left foot tripped over her right foot, and she stumbled.

She asked in shock, "Who are you talking about?"

"My dad, Cui Zihua!" Liu Qinglin repeated.

Who? ? His dad? ? ? Cui Zihua! ! ! !

I haven't heard this name for many years.

When I heard it again, I felt as if I was in another world.

"You mean Cui Zihua?" When she mentioned this name, her tone was full of disbelief.

Her lips trembled a little, " found him, is he also at the scene?" She looked around and didn't see the man in her memory.

"Yes, I'll take you to see him now." He pulled her to the main table.

After walking two steps, Liu Yan resisted, "I...I won't go over."

"See you later if there is a chance."

"I see the dishes are served, I want to go back to eat." There was a little panic in her tone.

"Say hello, it won't take much time." He pulled her wrist and used some strength to pull her to the table with her mother-in-law, father-in-law, and Cui Zihua.

First, he introduced Liu Yan to someone, "Mom and Dad, let me introduce you, this is the mom I told you about."

"These are my wife's parents, this is her uncle, her uncle, and her uncle, aunt..." Liu Yan smiled awkwardly, as a greeting to them.

Her eyes fell on Cui Zihua, who was surrounded by the woman's relatives.

She couldn't smile at Cui Zihua.

Cui Zihua glanced at her, with a strange expression, not much else.

Cheng Guo's relatives didn't know what was going on, so they immediately added stools, changed seats, and let her sit.

Liu Qinglin helped her refuse, "My mom will sit with my uncle later, come over and say hello."

Cui Zihua glanced at his son. He was originally grateful to Liu Yan, grateful that she left him Liu Qinglin as his only child, but when he thought of the complaints Liu Qinglin had made against him, the tragic and painful memories of his childhood, and the hard days he had lived through, he didn't look at Liu Yan in a good mood.

Cui Zihua said to Liu Yan, "Just sit here. Today is my son's wedding day. You will come on stage with me as the groom's parents. After the banquet, don't leave yet, let's reminisce about the past."

Cui Zihua's tone was unquestionable.

"I won't go on stage. I haven't made any preparations." Liu Yan said in a retreating manner, completely losing her usual arrogance.

Cui Zihua frowned at her, "It's fine if you didn't come to my son's wedding day, but if you come, you don't want the guests to know that my son also has a father and a mother, and both parents?"

"Qinglin, what do you think?" Cui Zihua asked Liu Qinglin again.

"I listen to my father. Although I didn't grow up with my mother, it was indeed she who gave birth to me, gave me food to eat and made me grow up. I should offer her a cup of tea."

"Then let's say it this way." Cui Zihua didn't even ask Liu Yan's opinion, and he made the decision directly.

Cui Zihua proposed this because Liu Qinglin said it before to make him feel distressed. When he was a child, he envied other classmates for parent-teacher meetings.

The parents were called to the office to come and pick him up.

He has always been called a wild child without parents.


Just now, the MC said that there was a process for parents to offer tea. Originally, he was the only one on the man's side, and now Liu Yan came just in time.

At least in this occasion, there was someone in the parent's position.

The guest knew that his son also had parents.

But Liu Yan's outfit was not acceptable.

He waved his hand and told the bodyguards who were on standby at the side, "Take her backstage and ask the bride's makeup artist to clean her up and borrow a dress for her."

"Hurry up and don't delay the process."

When he said these words, he didn't avoid other people at all. Liu Yan wanted to run away because of Cui Zihua's disgusted tone and eyes.

But her feet were like roots, and she couldn't run away.

Then, like a puppet, she followed Cui Zihua's people and left.

When applying makeup, the makeup artist said something to make conversation: "Auntie, you are very pretty, but your skin is too dry, with many lines and spots. Although you are old, you still need to take care of yourself."

The makeup artist was also very curious when she heard that this person was the mother of the groom.

She followed the makeup throughout the whole process. The groom's family is quite rich.

The house, gold, and cash in the betrothal gifts almost blinded her eyes. The groom's mother and the groom are not of the same style.

The groom's mother can see that her facial features were good when she was young, but she should be younger than the bride's parents. She looks much older than the bride's mother.

The skin condition and the temperament of the whole person are like a middle-aged woman who has a hard life and needs to work.

This family combination is quite strange.

The makeup artist thought so in her heart, and asked curiously.

"Your son is really generous. I have been following the makeup for so long, and this is the first time I have seen such a big show." Thinking that the groom's mother was not at the scene before, she also asked the assistant to considerately call up the photos taken before to show the groom's mother.

"I heard that the betrothal gift is 990,000." The video she took of a row of neatly arranged cash appeared in front of Liu Yan.

Liu Yan looked at it in surprise.

"Your son earned money to prepare the wedding house and betrothal gifts. He is really excellent at such a young age." The young makeup artist praised.

"Your son's father also added several houses and a lot of gold to the betrothal gifts. The gold is very solid."

"In addition to gold, your husband also gave your daughter-in-law a lot of jewelry, saying that it was left by your mother-in-law. I heard that it is worth tens of millions."

"Your daughter-in-law's family is also good. I heard that both uncles are officials. As for the dowry, each of them gave 100,000 in cash."

"One family is rich and the other family is powerful. It can be regarded as a strong combination." The makeup artist said with emotion.

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