The old man was very happy, but he was still worried about how to sell the 2,000 boxes he ordered for the second time.

Jiang Xue told him about the boxes. S City was still struggling with how to sell the 2,000 boxes he ordered for the second time. His sister immediately gave him a surprise.

"Didn't I ask you to make two models last time? Send him the other model with a portable cosmetic bag."

"The name of their school needs to be on the box. I'll send you the document later. You can communicate with the factory to see how much extra money you need."

"In addition, there are three shipping addresses, their three campuses. I'll send the specific quantity and address to your account later. You can send it according to the above requirements."

"You are too awesome. I have also negotiated two wholesale stalls recently, but the quantity required for the time being is not too large."

Liu Qinglin no longer knows what tone to use to praise his sister.

Just going back to my hometown to take an exam, I negotiated an order of more than 100,000 yuan.

It's a sustainable order.


Jiang Xue also explained in detail the commissions and profits given out for this order.

"Wouldn't this be bad?" Liu Qinglin asked hesitantly.


"Well... if their boss knew that his employees took kickbacks, would he have a bad impression of us and think that we were in cahoots with each other?"

Jiang Xue thought for a while, organizing her words to consider how to explain.

When she first entered the workplace, she was also very upright, with her own bottom line and persistence, but after working hard at the bottom, she became smooth and sophisticated.

"Kickbacks are widely used in all walks of life."

"If you ask a hundred people, ninety of them may say that it is wrong to take kickbacks, but among these ninety people, when there is an opportunity to take kickbacks, or when they are in a position to take kickbacks, it is estimated that more than half will choose to take them."

"If I were the boss, no one could replace this person, bring benefits to the company, do not harm the interests of the company, and ensure quality and quantity, I would turn a blind eye to employees taking kickbacks from suppliers."

"Because an employee with a handle and a desire for money can attack or defend."

"At the makeup school, I will give 18% of the profit. As for who will distribute this profit and how to distribute it, we have no control over it."

Jiang Xue patiently explained to Liu Qinglin on the other side of the phone.

"Jiang Xue, you are so mature that I always ignore your actual age." Liu Qinglin suddenly said.

"How do you know so much?" He is obviously older than Jiang Xue, but many times he, as an older brother, is more like his younger brother.

Being taken care of and moving forward with her guidance.

"Read more books, there's everything in books."

"Brother, you are a boss now, I will buy you some management books later, you should read more." Jiang Xue laughed, she couldn't tell him that she actually had the soul of a 30-year-old, so it's not that she feels old, but her soul is old.

Liu Qinglin believed Jiang Xue's words without a doubt.

His sister definitely learned it from reading books!

When Jiang Xue was not busy, she often held a book to write and draw.

He also wanted to learn from his sister and read more books when he had nothing to do!

"Well, don't forget what book it is later, or you can give me the name of the book and I will buy it myself."

"I'll buy it, I'll help you choose a few books that are suitable for you now." She wrote the book she bought for her brother on her memo to remind herself not to forget.


As the New Year approaches, the weather is getting colder. When she opened the curtains in the morning, Jiang Xue found that it was snowing.

The decoration company also re-made the decoration plan. Seeing the dark circles under the designer's eyes, Jiang Xue didn't hesitate and agreed directly according to her list and new design drawings.

Construction started after the New Year.

Jiang Xue transferred the first decoration payment.

Things in F City were almost done. Jiang Xue packed her luggage and checked out. She really didn't want to take the train again. Jiang Xue took a taxi to the provincial capital. It took more than two hours to get to the airport, but she bought a plane ticket in advance. She checked in without delay and flew back to S City.

It's good to have money. Although the plane ticket is expensive and time is not saved much, the feeling is much better than the green train.

After getting off the train, although S City is a little south of her hometown, the temperature has dropped a lot and it is also snowing.

She returned to F City on January 10, and it was January 21 when she returned to S City. There is still more than half a month before the Chinese New Year.

The weather is too cold, and there is a trend of getting colder and colder.

I took a taxi back home, put my things away, and

Called his brother and asked him to go to her place for dinner in the evening and invite Yu Juan and Chen Hua.

"You're back?" Liu Qinglin asked.

"Just got home. Let's have hotpot tonight. It's more lively when there are more people."

Jiang Xue heard his brother say to the person not far away on the other end of the phone: "My sister is back. Let's go to her house to eat hotpot tonight."

Yu Juan's voice came from the other side. Yu Juan took the phone and said to Jiang Xue: "Xiaoxue, you are back. Do you want to have hotpot tonight? Your house is too small to move around. Come to our place in the evening. I will go to buy vegetables later."

"Is my brother at home now..."

"No, at the company."

"What about you?"

"It's almost the New Year, and the weather is cold. I have bought things. Some construction sites have closed earlier this year, and they have started to close one after another. I plan to start next year. It just so happens that your brother's business is good and they don't have time to pack. I have been helping your brother pack these days, and he pays me!" Yu Juan heard what Jiang Xue said and explained.

"Well, I need to go to my studio first. I will go to your workplace to find you later, and then go to the supermarket to buy things together."

"Okay, let's put it this way." After saying that, Yu Juan hung up the phone and relayed Jiang Xue's words to Liu Qinglin.


Jiang Xue went to both studios. There were only a few people in the post-production and customer service at the Taobao photo studio.

The others were taking pictures at the cooperative photography base.

Jiang Xue used the customer service computer to check the recent orders and order arrangements.

Whether it was orders or personnel arrangements, Jiang Xinyi arranged them in an orderly manner, and she didn't need to intervene too much.

The photography studio next door had fewer orders because the weather was getting colder. The makeup artists and photographers who didn't have any orders were all playing on the computer in the studio. When Jiang Xue arrived, she saw several people gathered in a circle watching videos.

Seeing Jiang Xue suddenly appear, several people felt a little guilty. They pretended to be birds and beasts, turned off the computer, and pretended to be busy.

After learning about some recent orders from Zhao Xiaoshuang, Jiang Xue said, "I've applied for an account in the name of the studio. I've sent you the account and password. You can post some of the better photos they took on forums, post boards, and other online platforms when you have time."

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