The more you do, the more you will be able to do.

"Not only photography photos, but also before-and-after makeup comparisons and post-production color adjustment tutorials. You can post them as you like."

"QQ asked you to add customers who have taken photos with you, and there are also some potential customers who have not placed orders but are still being learned about. You also need to maintain them, send blessing text messages during festivals, and post photos on your space to show your presence."

"Work another week, and then you will have a holiday at the end of the month. You should follow up on some work that has not been completed. In addition, find a time these few days for everyone to have a meal together. You should organize and choose a time, and you can decide on the restaurant."

After explaining everything, Jiang Xue left.

As soon as he left, Wang Yongjie came up to Zhao Xiaoshuang and said, "She ordered you around as soon as she came back. She saw us playing on the computer just now. Our boss must be angry. Look at her stern face. You are the head of the studio, not the assistant. You are asked to book the hotel. It's a waste of talent."

"I don't decide, you decide. Hurry up. The photos you took for several out-of-town clients have not been sent out yet. I am almost driven to death by the clients. Go to the advertising company and urge them yourself." Zhao Xiaoshuang said seriously.

"I'll go later. I bought a movie ticket. Let's go to the movie together after get off work."

"No." There was a hint of anger in his tone.

"Go ahead, go ahead. I'll go directly from the advertising company when I get back. See you there." Wang Yongjie put the movie ticket in Zhao Xiaoshuang's hand and left in a hurry. When he left, he mouthed to her, "Don't forget." Zhao Xiaoshuang took the movie ticket, smiled shyly, and continued to work.


Jiang Xue took a taxi to her brother's workplace.

After getting off the bus, at the door, I saw a courier truck coming to load parcels in the snow, and the electric tricycle was full.

"I was just about to ask you when you would come. Today's parcels have been sent out in advance, so we can be free in advance! I'm waiting for you to go to the supermarket to buy vegetables together. Yu Juan said you wanted to eat hot pot, and it's suitable to eat hot pot in such a cold day. I said I wanted to eat hot pot a few days ago, but no one paid attention to me. It has to be you who wants to eat it." Chen Hua saw Jiang Xue blowing on her hands that were almost numb from the cold, and said.

"Business is good." Jiang Xue pointed to the things that the courier had taken away on the courier truck and asked.

"The logistics will come later. The courier will pick up small things in the store. The boxes are all sent by the logistics, and they will be sent over there later." Chen Hua pointed to the boxes piled high on the side and said proudly.

"Awesome." Jiang Xue praised.

It has only been a short time. She did not expect that in such a short time, her brother's Taobao store has been on track. Jiang Xue came to see it when she rented the house. At that time, there was nothing, especially empty. When she came again, the shelves were full of goods, and there were many products neatly stacked in the boxes under the shelves.

The place is very large, and there are dozens of makeup boxes neatly stacked near the wall.

The number of computers and employees has increased, and the sound of ding-dong and printer printing is one after another.

"Come here." Liu Qinglin greeted Jiang Xue when he saw her coming.

Then he asked Jiang Xue to come and sit in front of the computer, opened his Taobao store, and showed off: "Let's see, how is it."

Jiang Xue opened it, and the homepage of the store was carefully decorated.

Opening the product list, the top-selling one is a box of eyelashes.

More than 2,000 sales have been sold for more than a dozen yuan free shipping.

The second-ranked one is a small spray bottle, which is specially used by hairdressers.

The price is 9.9 and the sales volume is more than 2,000.

The third one is a leather makeup bag with many colors to choose from. It has a sales volume of more than 1,700 at 16.9.

The sales volume of the makeup box for makeup artists is 300, so it can only be ranked on the third page.

"The makeup box can only sell about 10 a day recently, which is a bit saturated. I plan to advertise in some paper media fashion magazines recently. Now the store sells these small things well."

Jiang Xue thought about it and it seemed to be true.

You still need a computer to log in to the forum QQ. Computers are considered luxury goods and ordinary families don't have them. Especially for makeup artists, many of them rent houses outside their hometowns and can only go to Internet cafes to surf the Internet. On the contrary, the sales of some magazines are quite high now, and there are many newspaper and book stalls on the street. His brother is really sharp.

"I see that the products with higher sales volume you sell are all free shipping?" Jiang Xue pointed to several products with free shipping and asked.

"Now I send a lot of express delivery, and the express delivery price is also suitable, so I chose some more competitive products and sold them at a cheaper price.

I also sell them with free shipping."

"The traffic-generating items? Are these small items the profit-generating items?" Jiang Xue pointed to the products in the store that cost less than five yuan and asked.

These items are hairpins that cost two yuan, powder puffs that cost three yuan, curling irons that cost a few cents each, etc.

The unit price is not high, but they are products with great demand.

"Yes. These small items that do not include free shipping cost three or five yuan. Although they are cheap, they are the profit items of my store. Many customers who bought free shipping products can enjoy free shipping by buying these small items that are not included in the shipping but are cheap, so they will bring some. The profit of these traffic-generating items is about 15%, while these cheap small items have more than half of the profit. ”

Jiang Xue continued to look at her brother with admiration. There are actually many such models in the future, but now his brother has realized it and tried it in his own store. He is really sharp.

“Inspired by your posting on the forum, there is also a group of hosts who like to post some content makeup posts in the forum. I joined their group and provided them with products from my store for free. They will use these products when they post, and the products will appear in the photos of the posts. When someone replies and asks, those hosts will mention my store and also help me bring some customers. ”

Liu Qinglin also explained what he had done when the store business was good.

“Did you pay them to promote it? How much is it for one?” Jiang Xue was a little curious about their quotation, so she asked.

“Does it cost money? I didn’t spend money, I just sent the products to them for free. "Jiang Xue only realized at this time that she had taken it for granted. This is not the future, where prices are clearly marked. Now, influencers are still in their infancy. Many people post simply to share. Some merchants are willing to send them products for free. They think they have taken advantage, but they don't know how much profit they have brought to the merchants.

This is also the reason why Jiang Xue used Jiang Lai's account to promote clothes, except for Tian Yuan, no one could accept the advertising fee of 2,000, but was more willing to take a commission for each item.

Many merchants and influencers have not actually realized how much traffic influencers can bring.

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