The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next day.

Jiang Xue, who had gone out on a bicycle, had already arrived in the town.

She found her home as a teacher based on her memory. It was summer vacation, so she went there early. Teacher Yang had finished her meal and was squatting by the well in the yard washing dishes. She was a little confused when she saw Zhang Xue coming.

"Teacher Yang." Jiang Xue called out. Seeing the face in her memory, her heart ached and her eyes moistened.

Teacher Yang died in an accident the year she was admitted to university.

During the National Day holiday, she rescued a child who fell into the water in a newly opened park and accidentally drowned.

She only learned the news after returning from the Chinese New Year.

Teacher Yang really helped her a lot in her previous life. His salary was not high. In the third year of junior high school, he often invited her and other classmates to his home for dinner, and bought tutoring books and test papers for her and other children from poor families in the same class out of his own pocket.

He said that he and his wife had no children, and there were no children around him. His students were his children.

After living on campus in high school, she was no longer his student. He and his wife would still visit her in high school. Her parents never cared about it, but Teacher Yang and his wife felt sorry for her thin quilt and weak shoes after seeing her, so they sent her a warm quilt and warm and suitable shoes made by his wife.

After graduating from college, she was rarely willing to come back to her hometown, and her parents didn't visit often, but they still made time to visit his wife and often called her. His wife would ask her if she was busy and tired outside, and asked her to eat well and not work too hard.

When she left, she would bring her homemade pickles, bacon, washed fruits, and homemade slippers.

The teacher's wife is more like the image of her mother in her mind, gentle, considerate, and emotionally stable.

She is back in this life, and there are still four years. She will definitely prevent Teacher Yang's death at that time.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?" Yang Anzhi wiped the water on his hands and asked worriedly.

"I want to take a leave of absence, but I will definitely come back. I know that the third year of junior high school is very important. I will study hard outside and not delay my studies. I want to go out and earn a few months' salary and keep it for my high school tuition. I want to go to school and take the high school entrance examination and college." Jiang Xue said her thoughts in one breath.

"Does your family not support you to go to school?" Yang Anzhi asked worriedly.

"Yeah." Jiang Xue nodded.

"Alas, do you want the teacher to tell your parents?" He sighed and asked helplessly.

"No, I want to earn tuition by my own efforts to go to school."

In the end, Yang Anzhi didn't say much about her parents' faults, because there are too many such situations now.

People here value boys over girls, and think that it is useless for girls to go to school. It is better for them to go out to work and earn money to build houses and marry wives for their brothers.

After entering junior high school, the ratio of boys to girls in the whole class was seriously unbalanced. From the first to the third year of junior high school, there were always people who dropped out of school and did not come to class, most of them were girls.

As long as the boys' grades were good, their parents wanted them to study for a few more years. If the grades were good, they would do their best to support the boys to finish school.

On the contrary, he had taught so many girls, and there were many with good grades but poor family conditions. They all sacrificed the girls' upward destiny. They either went out to work and earn money, or got engaged and married early.

"When school starts, I will report to the principal to keep your student status. You must come back to take the exam at the end of the semester, and study hard outside. Only by studying can you go out. If your grades drop sharply, you must return to school immediately to continue classes."

"Thank you, thank you Teacher Yang, I will definitely study hard and get into high school and university! Teacher Yang really thank you very much." After saying that, he bowed deeply.

"Wait for me for a moment." After saying that, he walked into the house. After a while, he took a piece of paper and handed it to Jiang Xue.

Jiang Xue took it and saw a mobile phone number on it, and there was a name behind the number, Tian Yuan.

"Didn't you just say that you were going to work in S City with your relatives? This is my daughter's phone number. If you encounter any difficulties, you can contact her."

Daughter? Don't Teacher Yang and his wife have children? Perhaps seeing her confusion, Teacher Yang continued, "This is my ex-wife and my child. She lives in S City with her mother."

Teacher Yang didn't say much about the rest, and Jiang Xue didn't ask much.

Jiang Xue put away the paper with the current number.

After chatting with the teacher for a while, Jiang Xue said goodbye and left.

She went to the post office in the town to apply for a postal savings card and deposited all 1,200 yuan into it.

In her previous life, she always felt that her ID card was a few years older, which made her older than her classmates.

Her classmates were all older and felt inferior. Now she was very glad that she was a few years older, otherwise she would not be able to do many things as a minor.

After getting the card, she rode her bicycle to her aunt's house.

Before she reached her house, she met Jiang Xiaodie holding a child on the road.

"Xiaoxue, why are you here?"

"Aunt, I came here to tell you that I am going to work with Aunt Qiuxia. When she leaves, I will go with her."

"Qiuxia came back this time and someone introduced her to a date. She originally planned to leave tomorrow, but it will probably be the day after tomorrow. When she leaves, I will call the agency to inform you."

"Okay, then I will go back and will not go to your house. Goodbye." Rejecting the polite words of her aunt to stay for lunch, Jiang Xue rode her bicycle away.

So when Jiang Haiyang called his sister and said, "Xiaoxue will not go out to work with Qiuxia."

Jiang Xiaodie: "Second brother, you two are so funny. Your daughter just came over and said she was going, but you said she was not going. Are you going or not?"

"Did Xiaoxue come to your house and say she was going out to work?"

"Yes, she just left."

"I'll call you back later."

Jiang Haiyang hung up the phone, thinking about what his younger sister said just now, Xiaoxue had just left and might have come back, so he stood at the intersection at the entrance of the village and waited. Sure enough, not long after, he saw his eldest daughter riding a bicycle in front of him.

"Dad." Jiang Xue called out, waiting for Jiang Haiyang to speak.

"You went to your aunt's house and told her that you were going to work with her aunt?"


"You don't want to study anymore?"

"Yes, I plan to go out to work for a few months to earn some tuition to support myself."

"Girl, where are your parents and you need to earn money to support yourself? Your mother has already agreed. I will do more work for your grandmother in the next two days. If your grandmother really doesn't want to take care of you, I will stay at home and take care of you to go to school at home."

"Yes, my parents are here, what's the difference between them being here and not here." Jiang Xue asked with sarcasm in her eyes.

"Isn't it the result you want most that I go out to work? I agreed, shouldn't you be happy? Finally, you don't have to make things difficult for me. No one wants me to be the one who passes the buck."

"No... Me, your mother... Alas." With a sigh, facing his daughter's questioning, he was powerless to refute.

"I'm sorry, it's all because of Dad's uselessness."

"If you really feel sorry for me, I hope you can convince my mom that I won't keep the money I earn for you to use for my own tuition."

"Of course, I'll tell your mom."

"I'm going home." Jiang Xue said and rode away, smiling sarcastically where Jiang's father couldn't see.

His promises always came so casually, and she believed them wholeheartedly, but in the end she would only get a few sorrys, which were Dad's useless apologies.

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