The money was stolen by her mother.

She didn't keep the five thousand yuan in her previous life. Her mother stole it. She knelt in front of her mother and begged her to return the money, but she only got insults and curses.

"It's inconvenient for a child like you to take so much money."

"What do you mean you earned it? You are still my child."

"I will give you your tuition and living expenses. I will use this money."

"Cry and say that I can't count on you. I raised you to this age. I am capable and make money. I am your mother. You cry and groan when I spend a few dollars on you. You have the ability to return the money I spent on you before. Go away and cry." She worked hard for several months and worked overtime to earn money, but she was deprived of it. Then she couldn't even eat enough food with the living expenses. She woke up hungry in the middle of the night with leg cramps due to calcium deficiency.

Hypoglycemia, fainted several times.

The school doctor said she was severely malnourished, and Jiang's mother, who was called by the teacher, slapped her in the school clinic.

"Tell me, where did you spend your money if you didn't eat well? You must have spent it carelessly." There were other people in the school clinic. At that time, she just wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl into, feeling ashamed.

One of her classmates stood up for her.

"Classmate Jiang Xue is usually the most frugal. She always eats the cheapest dishes. She never eats snacks or drinks. She lives a very tight life."

"Auntie, you can increase Jiang Xue's living expenses."

When she returned home, she was forced to ask: "Are you dating the boy who sent you to the school clinic to speak for you?"

"I sent you to school. If you have an affair with other boys, I will beat you to death." Jiang's mother threatened fiercely.

"No, no, I didn't!!!"

"You'd better not."

"Don't worry, I won't be like you." Jiang Xue's words directly made Jiang's mother explode. She hit her with a broom and cried while hitting her.

"Did your grandma tell you that she's a dead old woman? I'm your mother, and it's not your turn to talk about my affairs!!!"

"Your grandma, that old woman, is not a good person. You little bitch, whatever your grandma says is what it is. I'm your mother, you don't stand by me, but stand by that dead old woman. How can you be so mean?" While scolding, she slapped Jiang Xue on the body. Almost at the moment of landing, the place where she was hit immediately turned into a red slap mark.

Jiang Haiyang came back and learned the whole story. He comforted Jiang's crying mother and asked Jiang Xue to apologize.

Jiang Xue gritted her teeth and didn't apologize. In the end, she didn't eat at home and returned to the dormitory.

Not only that, Jiang's mother didn't give her the living expenses for that week.

She was so hungry that she felt dizzy and dizzy. When everyone had almost finished eating, she went to get a bowl of free soup in the cafeteria. This bowl of soup prevented her from starving to death. The girl in the same dormitory found her problem and would feed her with the excuse that she was not hungry and could not eat more, in order to protect her thin self-esteem at that time.

So she still bowed her head and apologized to Jiang's mother.

Jiang's mother suddenly found a good way to control her. If she did not obey, she would stop paying her living expenses.

At that time, she really could not hold on any longer. She did not want to study anymore and wanted to leave.

Find a factory, the money she earned could at least feed her.

But she wanted to go to college and change her destiny. She persevered.

During the holidays in high school, she would return to her parents' home in the county.

During the growth period, she would eat more and get hungry faster. Her stomach was empty, so she could eat a lot. When eating, if she took an extra bowl of rice or a piece of meat, Jiang's mother would throw her chopsticks.

At that time, the house bought in the county town was only 80 or 90 square meters, divided into three bedrooms, a living room and a dining room, one for each brother and sister, and one for parents.

She usually lived in the dormitory, but she didn't even have a place to live when she returned to her parents' house during holidays.

"I don't want to sleep with my sister. My room is so small that there is no room for me to sleep. Why should I sleep with her! Lin Chao's room is a little bigger than mine, why can't she sleep with Lin Chao? This is unfair."

"Your brother is a boy, and you and your sister are girls." Jiang's father persuaded.

"I don't want it!! This is my room. I have the right not to let others live in it. You must respect me."

Only a child who is loved can be so righteous and pursue the so-called fairness. How unfair it is to her parents who are both two people.

"Xiaoxue sleeps in the living room. Anyway, you live in the dormitory and don't come back often."

Her mother said that she slept in the living room for three years.

She didn't have a desk, so she did her homework on a stool.

She didn't have a wardrobe, so she could only put her clothes in a urea bag and put it in the corner of the living room, behind the curtain.

At once

Even so, Jiang's mother would occasionally scold her for messing up things, saying that her things made the living room a mess.

She became quieter and quieter, less talkative, and withdrawn, except for her good grades.

She remembered the motivation that drove her, to get into college and leave here.

She was still immature, and she needed to stay dormant.

It was the case in her previous life, and it is still the case now.

During this period, Aunt Jiang brought her two sons here. When she learned that Jiang Xue really planned to go out to work, she gave up the idea of ​​letting Grandma Re continue to take care of the children.

At the same time, she looked at Jiang Xue who was going out to work, and her proud daughter was admitted to college this year, and she was secretly happy. Although her daughter only got into a second-tier university, compared with the daughter of the second son who could not finish junior high school, Aunt Jiang felt that the second son's family was better than her.

The eldest of her two sons is more than two years older than Jiang Xue, and went to school earlier. He graduated from junior high school and did not get into high school. He repeated the grade and started again from the first grade of junior high school. He started in the third grade of junior high school at the beginning of the school, and was in the same grade as the younger son and Jiang Xue.

The younger son has had good grades since he was a child, so there is no need to worry too much.

Even if she can't get into No. 1 Middle School, she should have no problem getting into No. 2 Middle School.

Both children have good grades, at least they can go to high school. She suffered from not going to school, and she must not let her children follow her old path.

She will stay at home for another year, and when her children live in the high school dormitory, she can get away to make money.

She looked at the second child's family with a bit of disdain.

The second child's family has made more money than them in recent years by relying on their business, and their house is newer and bigger than hers, and they have a sense of superiority in their words and deeds.

What's the use of being good-looking? They have a short vision. Look, her children will definitely do better than the second child's family in the future.

When Aunt Jiang left, Jiang's mother spat on the ground, looked at her two children writing side by side, and said earnestly: "You two should study hard, and you must do better than your eldest sister in college in the future, and bring honor to your mother."

Jiang Chao and Jiang Lu nodded obediently.

"Jiang Xue, you too, go to work and don't do things that make people look down on me."

Jiang Xue also nodded perfunctorily.

Maybe because she agreed to go out to work, or because she was frightened by her killing a chicken, Jiang's mother suddenly became quiet in the past two days, no longer bothering her, and softened her attitude, pulling her to say some comforting words.

Try to ease the relationship between the two.

Jiang Xue was very busy, sorting out the knowledge she had learned before and making future plans. She had no time to cooperate with her in acting. Seeing that she was unmoved, Jiang's mother thought she was ungrateful and scolded her while crying.

"I know that raising you is useless, and you blame me for being partial. Look at your attitude towards your own mother."

"Don't keep saying that you raised me. I'm fifteen years old this year. You raised me for several years. I grew up by myself!" Being annoyed by the noise, Jiang stopped what he was doing and argued with her.

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