The next step is to find a job that pays well.

What should she do next?

She found a high-paying job right after graduation. All her classmates envied her. When her relatives learned about her salary during the Spring Festival, their attitudes changed.

Her parents also paid more attention to her.

Now that she has been fired, what should she do next?

Can Wang Yongjie be trusted?

She picked up the paper handed over by Accountant Ma and wiped her tears.

Her emotions gradually stabilized, and she cooperated with Accountant Ma to hand over the work she was handling in the studio.

She packed her personal belongings under Accountant Ma's nose.

She was not even allowed to take her daily notebook with her.

She wanted to call Wang Yongjie, but Accountant Ma stopped her.

Accountant Ma is quite experienced in handling such matters. Although the boss did not give instructions, Zhao Xiaoshuang and Wang Yongjie informed them, and Wang Yongjie was prepared, which increased the difficulty of their work.

Let her wait until Wang Yongjie comes back before letting her leave. Before that, Accountant Ma followed her closely no matter what she did.


Jiang Xue checked the various chat records of the account in front of the computer, and did not find any direct solicitation behavior, but it is not ruled out that the records were deleted.

After waiting for a while, the makeup artist who took photos with Wang Yongjie came back and asked about Wang Yongjie. The photographer looked at everyone's serious expressions and said a little scared: "Wang Yongjie and his sister have something to do, and said he will return to the company later."

It is estimated that he went to take photos of his own orders again. This is also one of the reasons why he had to let her leave regardless of whether Zhao Xiaoshuang participated or not. If it were not for the tacit approval of Zhao Xiaoshuang, his girlfriend, as a leader, someone else would dare to be so blatant.

Jiang Xue suddenly thought of a very absurd idea. Wang Yongjie would not use the company's camera to take his orders, right?

Thinking about it, it is really possible. After all, the company has money later. The company's machine lenses are the most advanced on the market, which are very valuable to ordinary people.

Instruct them not to let Zhao Xiaoshuang notify Wang Yongjie in advance. When Wang Yongjie and his cousin come back, don't let them take away the company's USB flash drive, memory card and other information.

Pay special attention to the memory card in Wang Yongjie's camera. If he says that he bought these accessories himself, check the content inside, copy all the photos and information taken in the company, and delete and format the memory card.

This incident also sounded a wake-up call for her.

Jiang Xue was also thinking at the same time.

How to deal with the company's current situation.

She actually planned to expand the photography studio this year and open branches in other cities.

But in terms of management, the current plan is definitely not feasible.

The success of a business model, in addition to making money, is more important for it to be easy to copy.

Only by being easy to copy can you set up a bigger stall and make more money at the same time.

Is the current photography studio easy to copy? Not really.

For example, for some of the more expensive packages, only Chen Xin is currently competent in the studio. If Chen Xin also leaves, in order to maintain the business, she can't come to shoot in person.

Since there are risks, cut it off at the beginning. Jiang Xue plans to give up the high-end market and readjust the package model.

Then we have to think about how to arrange Chen Xin.

There are also management issues. There are too many chores. Zhao Xiaoshuang not only needs to manage the daily operations of the studio, but also needs to act as customer service, operations, and personnel.

These are points that are not easy to copy. If you want to turn it into a replicable model, you still have to be more process-oriented and standardized, so that you can weaken the professionalism of each position in the company and let a company run without anyone.

Even if there are a lot of extra manpower costs, it is better than the studio being seriously injured without someone.

Zhang Xinyue called and said that she had found a lawyer. Now she and the lawyer are on the way to the studio.

Jiang Xue nodded, and waited for Jiang Xinyue to come with a lawyer. Jiang Xue and the lawyer told the few people to resign according to the formal legal procedures, and not to argue later, and then take the next step according to the legal procedures.

In addition, Zhang Xinyue was told to temporarily take charge of Zhao Xiaoshuang's work.

"Me?" Zhang Xinyue pointed at herself in disbelief, and then glanced at Zhao Lin.

Jiang Xue saw all their eye contact lawsuits.

"Yes! You will be responsible first, and then make other arrangements." Zhao Lin was a little dumbfounded. She tacitly agreed to pull Zhao Xiaoshuang down, and she could replace Zhao Xiaoshuang.

But now it seems that the boss obviously has no intention of doing so.

"Then what should I do?" Zhao Lin couldn't help asking.

Jiang Xue looked at Zhao Lin with a faint expression and said, "You are not me.

Assistant? We have a dinner party tonight to do makeup, what do you say? "

"I almost forgot, let's go quickly, don't be late." Zhao Lin thought of the order arrangement, looked at the time, and immediately said anxiously.

With the lawyer, accountant and Zhang Xinyue, Jiang Xue did not stay here to wait for Wang Yongjie to come back to deal with him.

Instead, she took Zhao Lin away, leaving the makeup box in the car, and drove to the client's house to do makeup and styling for the client.

Zhao Lin hesitated to speak along the way, and finally decided to lay it out and make it clear: "Boss, I thought you would let me replace Zhao Xiaoshuang's position."

Jiang Xue, who was still driving, looked at Zhao Lin with a new eye because of Zhao Lin's straightforward question. If Zhao Lin hadn't reminded her in the Zhao Xiaoshuang incident, she might have suffered heavy losses if she realized the problem later, but Zhao Lin's careful thoughts made her unable to ignore it.

But Zhao Lin said her ambition and what she wanted without hiding it, which made Jiang Xue feel that she was very real.

"Do you want to be a store manager? You should continue to be my assistant and I will arrange other work for you later."

"I feel relieved when I hear that the boss has other arrangements for me in the future! I prefer to stay with the boss and continue to learn more!" Jiang Xue glanced at Zhao Lin and smiled dotingly, "Don't worry."

Zhao Lin is really smart.

She is also an ambitious girl.

Jiang Xue likes ambitious girls.

But as an employee, if she is too ambitious and has her own opinions, she must be used with caution.

If she is not placed in the right position, she may not stay for long.

So she must carefully put her in the right position.

"Please help me reduce your subsequent makeup orders. "She has just started her career as a makeup artist, so she has to work slowly and not rush.

She seems to be a little too anxious. Since her rebirth, she has wanted to get involved in many things, such as opening a photography studio, a Taobao product photography studio, being a blogger, posting, and helping her brother open a Taobao store. Now she also wants to be a makeup artist and a beauty account. In the future, she also wants to build a brand and make domestic cosmetics.

Going too fast is like building a house with a weak foundation.

If you leave it alone, it may collapse at any time.

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