After the incident, Zhao Xiaoshuang and Wang Yongjie left the company together. Before Zhao Xiaoshuang could accuse him of doing so many things without telling her, the other party took the initiative and accused Zhao Xiaoshuang's boss of not informing her of why she found out and why his card reader had taken photos of customers in the past few days but had not been exported. He was taken away. The order money had been collected and the photos had been taken. What could he give to the customers now? Zhao Xiaoshuang wanted to explain that Accountant Ma had been looking at her, but she had no chance. She opened her mouth but didn't say anything. She thought of what her boss said before, that when faced with other people's doubts, she should not immediately think about proving herself. She carefully looked at the man who was her boyfriend and suddenly felt a little strange. "Brother, he won't really sue you, right?" Zheng Lili asked worriedly. "You're not satisfied after firing me, and you're suing me! Not really. I didn't do anything. I found all my clients myself. Although the store imitated hers, there are counterfeits and plagiarism everywhere on the Internet now, and everyone is fine. Jiang Xue is more expensive, and others can imitate her, but she can't?" Wang Yongjie answered confidently, but when he thought of the lawyer just now, he was a little bit lacking in confidence.

If he really sued, the worst that could happen would be some compensation. He couldn't let him go to jail for such a small matter.

Now that he has resigned, he can take more orders. Thinking of the money he can make from one order, he may be the boss in the future, like Jiang Xue, with several photographers helping him. How much money can he make.

He was going to get rich soon, and his heart was particularly hot!

"Wang Yongjie, don't you have anything to explain?" Looking at him complacently, Zhao Xiaoshuang frowned and asked.

"Xiao Shuang, I'm sorry. You must blame me for hiding it from you. I just started, and I thought I'd tell you when the business gets better. Then we'll quit together, and you'll be the boss's wife, and I'll be the boss."

"You're being too unethical." Zhao Xiao Shuang said.

"Moral, if you talk to your boss about morality, will your boss give you more salary or oppress you less? Don't be silly, if your boss really wants to talk about morality, he won't fire you, after all, you don't know."

Wang Yongjie looked at Zhao Xiaoshuang's face while talking. Seeing that she had no expression on her face, he gently comforted her: "Okay, Xiaoshuang, don't think about it. You are so capable. We will make a lot of money together in the future. I will take pictures, my sister will do makeup, and you will take orders. The money we earn is all ours, not the commission of a few melons and two dates, and we have to look at the face of Jiang Xue, the little girl."

"Think about the good days in the future, don't be sad, smile, let's go eat delicious food to celebrate!" Zhao Xiaoshuang looked at Wang Yongjie and said, "Okay." There was another emotion in her eyes when she lowered her head.

Without the constraints of being a studio employee, and not afraid of being discovered, Wang Yongjie became more blatant.

He also saw Jiang Xue's statement, although the statement had been posted for several days and there was no substantial progress.

Instead, he attracted a lot of onlookers.

He lowered the price of the order and told some people who were joining in the fun that he was a former photographer of Jiang Xue's company. The lower price and the same quality still attracted some cheap people.

He received some orders and took pictures happily, but they were not happy for a few days.

The lawyer quickly filed a lawsuit against Wang Yongjie on two aspects.

First, he violated the labor contract during his time as an employee, and as a worker, he had to bear the liquidated damages.

Second, he violated the labor contract for unfair competition and infringement, which harmed the interests of the company, and he demanded compensation and fines for the negative impact on the company.

Because the total amount was not large and not enough to send him to jail, he could only fight this lawsuit for compensation.

Jiang Xue gave it to the lawyer to handle it. In the end, Wang Yongjie was asked to pay 300,000 yuan in compensation, mainly because he copied and confused the counterfeit stores, the finished product was too poor, and the company's image was tarnished and caused brand impact. The money was asked for, but the final judgment was to compensate Jiang Xue 80,000 yuan.

Wang Yongjie was definitely dissatisfied, but Jiang Xue had a complete chain of evidence.

He also found a lawyer, who said that even if he appealed, the original verdict would basically be upheld.

He could only accept his fate and pay Jiang Xue all the money he had earned with great difficulty.

At the same time, some people who had taken photos of him applied for a refund, saying that he was a liar.

They felt that the product was not what they wanted.

What did they mean by "not what they wanted"? He had no money, the lenses were not as complete and expensive as those provided by Jiang Xue, and his cousin, the makeup artist, might not be up to par. The most important photographer had not changed, so this group of people would follow suit.

In the final analysis, it was Jiang Xue's statement post that was followed by a review.

The verdict had an impact on him. Everyone subconsciously thought he was a copycat. He was about to change his name and make money back later, but he received a system notification from Taobao that his store was restricted from trading and the payment and deposit were frozen.

His cousin blamed him for wasting time and went back to continue selling his own cosmetics.

Zhao Xiaoshuang disappeared long ago when she saw that the situation was not right. He had no choice but to find a job, but Jiang Xue was too ruthless. She spread his story in the photography and makeup group of S City, and basically everyone in the circle knew about it, and no one wanted him.

He could only leave S City in disgrace.

These are all later stories.

At this moment, Jiang Xue reported Wang Yongjie's incident in a meeting at the company.

To sound a warning to the employees.

He took the verdict again and asked the lawyer to contact Taobao to complain that Wang Yongjie copied the copycat Taobao store.

Attached the verdict and asked Taobao to deal with it.

As for what will happen to Wang Yongjie or Zhao Xiaoshuang in the future, she didn't pay attention to it. She is very busy now. Wang Yongjie's incident exposed many problems in her two industries that she had ignored. She had to sort out the two studios in advance.

Regarding the company's problems, although Jiang Xinyi handled the Taobao product shooting studio in an orderly manner, there was an example of a photography studio there, and the Taobao shooting studio had to be reformed together.

Jiang Xue contacted the agency and rented a larger office again.

Zhao Lin arranged and added items to it, and Jiang Xue was busy interviewing people.

The first one was a manager with company management experience, and the headhunting company helped to find one.

No suitable one has been found yet.

The second is the lower departments.

Jiang Xue plans to recruit employees in three departments. The first is the management department, which is divided into finance and human resources.

Just find people with relevant majors.

There is also the customer service department, which has customer service, post-production, and merchandisers responsible for sending out photo albums.

Responsible for pre-sales and after-sales communication with customers, order follow-up, and later, products are sent to stores or sent to customers.

Secondly, it is operation planning.

Responsible for account management, store operation and promotion, and event planning.

The customer service and promotion operations of the two studios were completely separated from the previous store manager. At present, the two studios only need to be responsible for the shooting work.

Orders and customer communication are all handled by the professional team of the newly established company.

Although this cost a lot of employees' salaries, no one, even if Jiang Xinyi resigned, would delay the operation of the company.

The person in charge has not found a suitable one for a long time. The headhunting company found her with relevant management experience, but either her expectations were too high and her skills were too low, or she was particularly bureaucratic.

Jiang Xue then set her sights on all the employees.

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