After a long time, the money was spent.

In just over two months, there were more than 80,000 yuan on the card.

Seeing Jiang Xue's surprised look, Yu Juan explained to Jiang Xue: "Although my buns are one yuan each, girls usually buy at least two, and boys buy four or five buns, so I can sell more than a thousand a day. The original bun shop went bankrupt because the buns were too bad. My buns taste good, and now they are basically old customers nearby. With some porridge and tea eggs, my daily turnover is more than 1,500 yuan. Without rent and labor, I can make at least 1,000 yuan on a cost of 1,500 yuan."

"As for boxed lunches, there are not many people eating in the restaurant. I can only sell about 30 or 40 at noon. When I bought things before the New Year, I went to many suitable The place where I set up the stall. After the Chinese New Year, I first set up the stall at the construction site with the prepared lunch boxes. Later, they also thought that my family had a large appetite and the taste was good, so they changed to pre-ordering and I would deliver the meals. In addition to the recommendations of old customers, I contacted them myself. At present, I deliver more than 100 lunch boxes every day, with a turnover of 1,200 yuan. After deducting the cost, I can make more than 700 yuan a day. "

"There are three employees, one is 3,500 yuan a month, and the other two are 2,200 yuan a month. In addition to rent and miscellaneous expenses, I can make 35,000 to 40,000 yuan a month!"

"It's really amazing that you can make so much money with such a small two stores!" Jiang Xue praised sincerely.

Yu Juan heard Jiang Xue's praise and smiled happily and proudly. She shared her experiences during this period and the joy that she had nowhere to confide to Jiang Xue without reservation, just to get her friend's affirmation.

"That's great. Are you tired?" Jiang Xue looked at the well-organized shop and the simple bed on the second floor. Then she looked at Yu Juan's messy hair and greasy clothes. She smiled but couldn't hide her tired expression. She asked softly.

"Tired." Yu Juan said, burying her head on Jiang Xue's shoulder.

As if her emotions had found an outlet, she couldn't help crying, "Super tired."

After renting the shop, Yu Juan moved out of Liu Qinglin's house and moved into the second floor of the bun shop.

After buying an electric tricycle, she was busy like a spinning top.

She basically got up at three in the morning and kneaded the dough, woke up the dough, mixed the stuffing, and made the buns with the two aunts she hired.

She was busy until the buns were steamed. At five or six o'clock, people started to buy them one after another and they kept selling them.

After eight o'clock, two aunts stayed to clean up the store, and she started driving a tricycle to the vegetable market to choose fresh vegetables and meat. She had to clean up all the ingredients as soon as possible when she came back.

In the morning, she had to deal with vegetarian dishes. She prepared the meat dishes the night before, such as braised chicken legs, duck legs, large ribs, and large meat, and heated them up the next day.

After the vegetarian dishes were fried and the meat dishes cooked the night before were heated up, she had to do all the preparations before eleven o'clock.

At this time, the aunts had packed the meals ordered the day before and the dishes she prepared. After she finished frying the dishes, she left two aunts to sell them for dine-in customers. She had to ride a tricycle to deliver the ordered lunch boxes to the construction site that had been negotiated, and some small factories and companies that did not provide meals.

After delivering them, she rushed back to the store. There would be some people eating in the store, and she would eat a little.

It was not until nearly one o'clock in the afternoon that the number of people decreased, and the aunts washed the dishes and left. It had been more than ten hours since she got up.

At this time, she would go upstairs to sleep for a while. After sleeping for two or three hours, she would wake up and eat some dinner and prepare the meat dishes for the next day. After finishing everything and cleaning the kitchen, it was nine or ten o'clock. She continued to sleep for four or five hours and woke up at three o'clock the next morning. She repeated the cycle over and over again.

How could she not be tired? She was very tired, but after opening her eyes, she thought about the rent that the store had to pay today and the money she could make, and she was no longer tired.

Jiang Xue comforted her: "Don't be so anxious."

"I can't be calm. I didn't feel it before I made money. After I made money, I felt that if I stopped, it would be a loss."

Jiang Xue actually understood her very well. She was the same when she first started working in her previous life.

The increased savings are like a collecting addiction. For someone who has never had money, being able to make money and the increasing numbers in the bank card are all the motivation.

"When a boss is very busy, the store or company will not develop much. How many people are helping you in your store now?" Jiang Xue asked.

"I hired three aunties, plus me, and there are four of us. One of the aunties who makes dumplings in the morning can't stand the intensity of my work.

, even if they pay more, they are unwilling to work in the morning until 8:30 in the morning. Another auntie and a part-time auntie who comes at 10 o'clock in the afternoon work until 2 o'clock. "Yu Juan replied.

"I see that you are delivering meals by yourself now. There are many people riding motorcycles on the roadside who do odd jobs. You can find a suitable one and give him the delivery business." Yu Juan nodded, because she thought about hiring someone to deliver meals at noon, but the price was not cost-effective. Jiang Xue was right. You can hire someone who has a job and has flexible working hours. This money is an extra income for him, so he will not mind not paying too high a fee.

"Your store has a stable customer base. The meat dishes in the store are all prepared in advance, which is a certain difficulty. You may not be able to delegate it to others for the time being. But for vegetarian dishes, the people you are targeting have a large appetite and like home-style tastes. You can consider hiring an auntie who can cook and let her cook. "Yu Juan nodded as she listened, thinking that what Jiang Xue said was true. She did all the important things by herself, and she felt that what she did was more delicious, so she dared not let go, which caused her to be exhausted.

"You often cooperate with the vegetable and meat stalls. You use a lot of vegetables and meat. In fact, you can ask them to send you fresh vegetables and meat every day."

"Will it be not fresh if you don't choose it yourself?" Hearing this, Yu Juan said hesitantly.

"Not much difference. If they want to cooperate with you for a long time and steadily, they will not send you stale vegetables. If they are not fresh, you can change to another company to cooperate with."

"Be lazy appropriately, and think about how to change next. "After Jiang Xue finished speaking, Yu Juan nodded with admiration. Whether she was selling boxed lunches before or selling rice balls with Chen Hua, she did everything herself.

Now that she has opened a shop, she sells breakfast buns and boxed lunches. She is busier than the two previous businesses and has hired employees, but she has not changed her habit of doing everything herself, so she makes herself so tired.

And Jiang Xue only came here for a while, and she can easily see her problems.

She is really amazing, how can she be so smart!

"Jiang Xue, I really don't know how to thank you. You can always wake me up with a few words. I must have been a good person in my previous life. In this life, I met you. You are really my benefactor!"

"My few words don't really play a big role. You can make money because of your diligence. Keep it up."

"You too, let's all keep it up! ! By the way, your brother said you bought a house. I will work hard to make money and buy a house next to you and be your neighbor! ”

“Sure, don’t go back to your hometown to buy a house, just buy it in S City. You need to pay social security to buy a house in S City. Your previous social security has stopped. Don’t you have a business license? You can pay it. This way, you will be eligible if you really plan to buy a house in the future.”

Yu Juan used to work in an electronics factory. The factory paid her social security, but it stopped after she resigned.

Considering the extra money she needed to pay, she did not pay social security for herself and her employees after applying for a business license. The management was not strict at that time, but thinking that she had paid social security for so many years before, she planned to go to the Social Security Bureau to ask and ask if she could make up for the previous interruption.

Thinking of the extra social security expenses every month in the future, she magically did not feel it wasted and did not want to make up for the extra money. The worst thing was to steam one more basket of buns every day, and the social security expenses would be accumulated in a month.

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