Everyone was busy at their own positions, and the time came to April 2008.

Jiang Xue received a message from a comics master Ni Fengxing who she had contacted on the forum before, saying that the comics she had customized were completed.

After Jiang Xue's several accounts became popular on Tianya, they were pulled into the official group by the moderator of Tianya, where Jiang Xue met some powerful hosts in various sections.

Her two accounts are actually more entertaining. If she reposts them occasionally, her fans will still read them. Continuously posting news related to the earthquake may not have such a big response.

So starting from the beginning of the new year, Jiang Xue prepared for the earthquake that was coming in May.

She first contacted the Internet trolls with a small account and posted a lot of posts about earthquake self-rescue guides, earthquake self-rescue tips, earthquake emergency kits, earthquake golden twelve seconds, etc. The content was spread across various forums, post bars, and QQ groups.

But it was far from enough, so Jiang Xue drew a simple version with pictures and put it on the Internet.

However, although the proportion of Internet users in 2008 was only a small part of the population, and whether it was Jiang Xue's simple pictures or texts, it was not enough to understand directly, so Jiang Xue contacted Nifengxing, which has a great style of painting, and paid for customization.

The reason given was that the unit needed to do public welfare publicity. Nifengxing saw that the content was about promoting earthquake public welfare and lowered the price.

Now the finished product is out, Jiang Xue took a serious look and was very satisfied.

The theme is about a girl who can choose the right way to save herself when encountering an earthquake.

The first picture that comes into view in the comic is a girl sitting at a desk, reading a book, and suddenly feels a vibration.

The girl calmly hugged her brother who was playing on the ground, took the pillow and quilt on the bed, and hid in the narrow triangle area of ​​the toilet.

The earthquake came, the house shook and collapsed, and the girl and her brother were trapped in the ruins.

Because they had pillows and quilts to protect their heads, both of them escaped, but they were still injured. The house collapsed and they were trapped in the toilet.

The younger brother was scared and cried, and the girl asked him to stay quiet, comforted him softly, and told the younger brother to save his energy so that he could see his parents.

The young child also realized the seriousness of the problem. The way he wanted to cry but held back made Jiang Xue, who was looking at the pictures, feel particularly distressed.

The girl endured the pain and cleaned up the gravel and tiles around the two people to ensure enough living space.

She simply treated the wounds on the two people and held her brother patiently waiting for rescue.

It took a long time, but it didn't seem to have passed long.

Although the sister said not to talk, she was a little tired, the young brother couldn't help but say some childish words.

"The house collapsed, can mom and dad still find home?"

"Yes." The sister replied.

"You said that Da Huang didn't go into the house because he knew the house would collapse."

"Maybe." The voice was weak.

"Sister, why haven't mom and dad come to find us yet?"

"You use a small stone to knock on the water pipe, and mom and dad will come to save you when they hear the sound."

After hearing this, the younger brother immediately followed his sister's method, and his sister closed her eyes with pale lips.

He knocked for a long time.

He was actually a little tired.

He wanted his sister to help knock for a while, and called several times, but his sister ignored him.

He cried while calling his sister, and he didn't dare to stop his hands, fearing that if he stopped, his parents would not hear.



The boy continued to knock, and vaguely, he seemed to hear the barking of dogs.

Then he heard many sounds coming from all around, and he saw dazzling lights.

He began to shout: "Mom and Dad, are you here to pick me up?"

"Sister, wake up quickly, Da Huang is here to pick us up too."

But his sister continued to frown and close her eyes.

He cried anxiously, and the rescuers cleared the surrounding things according to the crying and found the little boy.

The two were rescued, and the sister was taken away by the doctor for treatment. The ending was a family in the hospital, with the parents sitting around the bed, the sister lying on the bed with her leg in plaster, and the little boy looking through the earthquake self-rescue guide.

Finally, there are some more detailed text descriptions.

The cartoons drawn by Nifengxing are very contagious. Whether it is the girl's tenacious expression, the brother's crying sadness, the ruins after the earthquake, the people injured by the earthquake, and the emotions on the faces of the last family reunion, it is very immersive.

The cartoon is very short, but through such a small story, the earthquake knowledge that should be explained is also given to the readers as the siblings are rescued.


"Amazing, great work." Jiang Xue praised and immediately paid him the balance.

"Ni Fengxing, this set of comics seems to have great promotional significance. Can it be published in some magazines and newspapers later? The name will still be yours, and the royalties will belong to you." Ni Fengxing felt a little strange when he saw the message from the other side, but he did not refuse. Anyway, he had already received the money. It was the customer's decision how to deal with and arrange the customized comics.

So he replied to Jiang Xue: "Okay."

"Ni Fengxing, since it is for promotion, I see that your account has many fans. Can you help post it later so that more people can see it."

"No problem." Ni Fengxing replied.

After Jiang Xue got this high-quality comic, he submitted it to the best-selling magazines at present, and also to various portals.

But this is far from enough.

Jiang Xue found some local magazines and newspapers in Shu, asked about the advertising price, and mailed the money and the copy of the manuscript together. As for whether the other party would publish it or not, it was not her decision. She even mailed it secretly because she was afraid that she would be noticed later, afraid of exposing herself and being pulled for slice experiment.

Then she found some ghost bloggers and posted some divinations about this year's earthquake year and the blank period of strong earthquakes in Shu, so we should prevent earthquakes.

But the response was not very good.

The earthquake did not come yet. On April 24, a 6.1-magnitude earthquake occurred in Baodao.

The relevant news reported this incident, but netizens who read the news only regarded it as a piece of news and did not pay too much attention to it.

The next day, someone moved a post from Baodao BBS to Tianya. The content of the post was: This compatriot from Baodao read the comics of Nifengxing and saved his life! It seems that you can still learn real knowledge on the Internet.

Then there was a screenshot, which was taken from the post of that person on the BBS of Baodao.

In the post, the other party not only posted the group of comics of Nifengxing, but also released some of his own opinions.

Including the contents of the emergency kit at home.

As soon as the post was posted, just looking at the title, it attracted many people to watch.

1st floor: I learned it.

2nd floor: I am in a plain here, there is no earthquake, but I still read it carefully in case it is used.

5th floor: Netizens in earthquake zones really need to study hard, because no one knows when natural disasters will come.

13th floor: Practical, detailed, learned.

19th floor: It's only twelve seconds.

32nd floor: Take shelter in case of an earthquake, get under the table and bed. Protect your body with the load-bearing corners, and find the right opportunity to escape. Stay away from all buildings, squat in an open area during aftershocks.

33rd floor: The summary of the 32nd floor is very smooth and very good, I remember it!

42nd Floor: The 32nd floor is full of literary talent and catchy rhymes.

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