After Jiang Xue saw this post, she contacted the Internet users and added her own account to push the post to the front page, building a tall building so that more people could see it and participate in the discussion of the post.

It also made many people pay attention to the earthquake.

They may not prepare a first aid kit as suggested in the post.

But there will be a vague concept of how to deal with an earthquake, and these things may save lives at a critical moment.

While Jiang Xue was doing this, the date on the calendar was getting closer and closer.

She stopped working and had no intention of studying. Not only that, she had a secret in her heart that she couldn't vent, which caused her to suffer from insomnia, anxiety, and uneasiness.

Her whole state was very bad.

But she could only sit in front of the computer, post and reply to posts, search for abnormal situations posted by some netizens in Shu, and try her best to increase the popularity so that more people can see it.

What ponds that have never dried up have dried up, and the groundwater is very turbid.

What rats move, toads migrate.

It turns out that nature has been reminding humans in advance, but the disaster has not yet arrived, so it has been ignored.

On May 9, netizens from all over the country shared photos of strange clouds in the sky.

Jiang Xue said in a small post that it might be an earthquake cloud and there will be an earthquake in the near future.

And she sent a lot of information she could collect to prove it.

For this reason, she was banned from several small accounts by the moderator for posting water posts and spreading false rumors.

She applied again and continued to post.

At about 14:37 on the afternoon of May 12, a slight aftershock occurred in S City where Jiang Xue was. Jiang Xue knew that what was supposed to happen had already happened.

She seemed to be deflated suddenly, and she didn't want to open the computer to read the relevant news. She lay flat on the bed and looked at the ceiling.

She lay there motionless for a long time.

Thinking of the news she had seen in her previous life, she blamed herself for not being brave enough.

If she had been braver, even if she had sacrificed herself, would it have saved many lives?

Then another voice in her body comforted her, saying, don't think like that, you have done enough, you can't change the natural disaster, don't blame yourself, everyone has their own destiny.

One comforted her, the other blamed her.

The quarrel made her head hurt, and she fell asleep in a daze.

When she woke up, it was already 6:00 the next morning.

She got up and stood in front of the computer, reaching out to open the computer but didn't dare to open it. The mouse and keyboard were like a biting monster, and if she stretched out her hand, the monster might help her swallow it.

She forced herself to calm down. Trembling, she turned on the computer, the screen lit up, QQ automatically logged in, and the pop-up advertisement was black and white.

The news was also all about the earthquake.

In her previous life, she was still in school when the earthquake happened. She knew about the earthquake, and the school organized them to pray for the victims on the playground. However, the personal attention, being in this state, seeing the shocking pictures and words on the news page, was more shocking than the one-sided understanding in her previous life.

She decided to go to the disaster area to take a look.

After making this decision, she was not so depressed.

Jiang Xue immediately implemented it and called the volunteer recruitment number in S City to sign up.

Called Jiang Xinyi, "Organize employees to donate, and how much cash is there in the company's account."

"There are more than 700,000 in cash. There is still a large part that has not been settled and received." Jiang Xinyi replied.

"Donate 500,000 yuan to the disaster area in the name of the company. Tell other shareholders of my decision. If they disagree, the donation will be counted as my share, and the dividends will be calculated at the end of the year. In addition, I want to leave for a while. If there is anything, you should try to make your own decisions. Don't contact me unless necessary."

After hanging up the phone, she called two assistants at the same time to tell them that she planned to go out for a while, stop updating her account, and wait for her to come back.

At the same time, she asked for leave from the cram school.

After making these calls, she packed her luggage, focusing on light and practical. After thinking about the camera, she decided to take the camera with her.

At the agreed time, she got on the volunteer's car. In the car, a batch of material manufacturers she ordered before the earthquake contacted her and said that they had arrived at the emergency material reserve center. They asked whether she donated this batch of things in the form of a private person or a company. If it was a company, it was necessary to indicate the unit or enterprise, and if it was an individual, the accurate name and contact information were required to facilitate the issuance of a unified receipt for public welfare donations after the disaster.

Jiang Xue considered it and donated the materials in her own name.

She had limited funds on her body, and Jiang Xue would receive the dividends from the two stores after the establishment of the company.

There was no further division. The annual office rent for the new company and the transfer fee plus rent for the new store were added.

In the early stage, Jiang Xue invested nearly 500,000 yuan in the store staff’s photography and makeup equipment. Her brother and Yu Juan gave her 210,000 yuan. With these, she had about 700,000 yuan.

So she didn’t order food, water, tents, and other major relief items from the country or society.

Instead, she contacted a well-established domestic sanitary napkin and diaper manufacturer and ordered a batch of baby diapers, women’s sanitary napkins, and women’s disposable underwear.

In addition, she contacted an alcohol stove manufacturer and ordered a lot of stoves and matching alcohol blocks.

After the order was made, it was expected to be shipped during this period. The earthquake came as expected, so Jiang Xue called and said that the two batches of goods ordered for the two manufacturers would be donated to the disaster area.

The bosses of the two factories learned that they didn’t need to ship the goods, and they donated them, and they were unwilling to charge the transportation fee.

The two manufacturers are also in two cities not far from Shu, so they called yesterday to say that this batch of goods didn’t need to be shipped to her and shipped to the disaster area, and the goods arrived today.

Jiang Xue ordered in advance and now she has to donate it. When she ordered, she told the factory owner that the sanitary products were originally intended to be donated to students in poor schools in her hometown and some teachers who were teaching in rural areas, but the alcohol stove manufacturer said that they would purchase them online.

After the earthquake, she called them and said that she would donate the supplies, and asked them to say that she purchased the donations after the disaster if anyone asked.

If Jiang Xue's series of things were really noticed by people with ulterior motives, I don't know how they would be suspected.

But she still had to do it.

After doing all this, Jiang Xue and the volunteers from S City arrived at the outskirts of the disaster area. The worst-hit areas had been completely sealed off.

She and the volunteers took care of the rescued victims together. What Jiang Xue heard most during these days was crying, crying for the damaged homes and the relatives she had lost.

The volunteers turned their backs and couldn't help crying.

Because Jiang Xue had a camera and could take pictures, the person in charge saw the photos Jiang Xue took and assigned her to the reporters who came with her.

Jiang Xue went to the disaster area with the reporter. Jiang Xue saw the devastated buildings and the people who were dug out.

Cracked walls and broken clocks.

Photo albums in the ruins.

A mother crying loudly and a father holding the body of his child.

The vision was blurred when the shutter was pressed, but the camera recorded it clearly.

She stayed in the disaster area for more than 20 days.

The photos she took were sent back by the reporter and published in some newspapers and magazines in mainstream media, so that people who paid attention to the photos felt worried about the city.

In early June, she returned directly to her hometown with her luggage to take the physical examination before the high school entrance examination.

Teacher Yang looked at Jiang Xue, who was dusty, with her suitcase and shoes covered in dust, and her whole appearance had changed from the last time. She was puzzled.

But the exam time was approaching, so Jiang Xue had to take the exam with her classmates first.

After the exam, when Jiang Xue said she came from the disaster area in Shu, Teacher Yang looked at her with admiration, shock, and then heartache.

"You kid..." Teacher Yang didn't know what to say. He blamed her for not doing that, but he couldn't say it in front of the great love.

He could only sigh deeply and say, "Good kid."

After the exam, Jiang Xue didn't wait for the results to come out, but took a bus back to S City. In the car, Jiang Xue firmly believed.

I want to make money, a lot of money, and at the same time help a lot of people.

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