Chapter 248

People are most afraid of comparison and comparison.

In fact, Foxconn is not without any advantages over Jiang Cheng.

After Jiang Cheng’s work is done, not many workers are needed, although it is to solve the employment problem.

At most, it can hold two or three thousand people at most.

However, Foxconn is different, at least, starting five times towards the Hongmeng processing plant.

Dismantled to the training center, that is to start with seven or eight times.

However, Jiang Cheng’s production efficiency is not inferior to Foxconn at all. Internal training and night school are still reasonable food expenses.

Foxconn’s operating method is to train people into tools, and use people as they can. It’s best to use them without machines. For the same effect, the cost of buying machines is too expensive, and labor is much cheaper.

Jiang Cheng’s method of operation is to train people into elites, allowing one person to manage more machines, and let him operate them. In addition, rest and study time are guaranteed, although it may not be a fighter among the elites. , But at least give people a hope.

Jiang Cheng has Jiang Cheng’s model, and Foxconn also has Foxconn’s model.

At this time, Jiang Cheng completely controlled the advantages of the upstream and downstream industrial chain, which is reflected. Whether it is Bocheng or Hongmeng, once new products and new things are developed, as long as they are internally debugged, You can directly allocate funds from Hongmeng Investment to set up a new factory and build a brand-new production line specifically to produce this brand-new product.

As an example.

The Northeast Bocheng CNC also has its own R&D center. Once the equipment developed is effective, it will be put into production immediately. For example, pesticide spraying requires plastic at the beginning, manpower, and compression spray. Now , It was basically replaced by mechanized irrigation, agricultural spraying, in order to absorb some farmers into the factory, and even set up a separate irrigation company, using mechanical equipment to carry out large-scale insecticide.

Later, these lands were simply gathered together and an agricultural company was established.

Focus on plowing, focus on planting!

The mechanized pesticide spraying was designed by several R&D teams of Bocheng CNC. First, they went to a beautiful country for inspection. After the inspection, they took it back and spent money to do research and development by themselves. After research and development, see what core components can be produced by themselves. If you can’t temporarily use foreign ones, there is a very strict standard for pushing them to the market, that is, whether they have core competitiveness.

With core competitiveness, after the cost is controlled, we will promote the market.

Once it is considered that it can be promoted to the market, it is immediately to start forming a new company.

Once the new company is established, the demand for workers will immediately become vigorous, and it will directly absorb some township citizens and farmers. If it is not possible to cultivate the land, then start to organize large-scale mechanical planting, or directly find farmers to concentrate the land. I got up, rented it out, and turned back to set up an agricultural company that was responsible for arable land, which happened to be self-produced and sold.

Some of these equipment for farming and spraying pesticides are sold domestically, and some are sold directly to the Da Mao family and the Er Mao family. In addition, there is Siam. However, Siam is temporarily holding back, but Jiang Cheng Waiting for the Thai baht to plummet, the land in Siam was acquired at a low price.(Read more @

The initial capital of the new company is all provided by the Bocheng Group, providing a market team with sufficient experience. Some teams are only suitable for R&D, but not very suitable for expanding the market. Bocheng has also begun to cultivate a large number of sales. Talent.

Plug and play.

Even if it is placed in a new place, a new enterprise, they can play their role immediately.

After all, the sales team and the marketing team have one role, how to sell the product.

Just like Lin Ruidong and Xu Yajun, these two bought cars before, but now they sell computers and they don’t sell much. They don’t need to know too much relevant professional knowledge, as long as they do well in marketing. Up.

Provide a certain amount of virtual equity for the initial team, and then continue training for new workers recruited, as well as internal assessments, and optimization for machines. Under the Bo City Department, large and small township enterprises are pondering There are two things in the world. One is optimization to make your equipment cheaper. For example, how to reduce the cost of a part and how to improve it.

Twenty percent of the annual profit is untouchable, and it is necessary to make more profit and less profit.

The second is creation, to see if there is any other way to make money.

At the end of each year, Bocheng Group will have a creator contest, which is to see if the following major township and village enterprises can produce market-oriented things. At the same time, it also supports the formation of linkages between different township and village enterprises. It does not require you to do it every year. To produce new things, this is a long-term thing. Once a new product is produced, it is the upgrade of your own industry, so you can get a little more money, right?

If it is a joint venture of several township and village enterprises, then simply merge directly and establish a separate R&D center.

Of course, once a new product comes out with a certain market potential, it is believed that if you split it out separately, the efficiency will be higher, so you don’t hesitate to take it out.

The product sells well, everyone pays more.

As for whether they are willing to merge, whether they are willing to split up, I am sorry, the entire company Bocheng or Hongmeng has absolute controlling rights, and it is completely the final decision.

Of course, if this company develops to a certain level, it will become a giant like Bocheng and Hongmeng in the future, it is not impossible.

If it does appear.

It was still too late for both of them to celebrate.

The newly-born company, I’m sorry, in terms of the shareholding structure, the father and son have the final say.

Whether Hongmeng or Bocheng, these belong to two points, and then continue to extend outwards, extending in the eyes, forming countless nodes. These nodes may survive, or may not survive, and they may merge, or they may be merged. In the state of merging, it will be split out, and between the inside, we will help each other and develop each other as much as possible.

Jiang Cheng’s company may not be big at the beginning, but the more it goes on, the scale of the company will slowly develop. The most painful thing in the early stage is the cultivation of talents. There is a great possibility that your talents are not cultivated. The project It is directly suffocated. This requires a lot of capital mobilization. There is another problem: plagiarism. Yes, their own workers are very likely to copy other people’s businesses and other people’s things. Hongmeng’s powerful volume copied it for you.

As a result, the media gave Bocheng and Hongmeng the big label of plagiarism.

Another problem (Zhao’s Zhao) is that management problems, poor management, if you don’t do it well, the organization will become bloated, and internal friction will abruptly consume you.

Capital, intellectual property, and management.

Capital is okay, but the remaining two are not easy to handle. Intellectual property puts a label on oneself, management problems are not handled well, and passive sabotage, which seriously restricts the efficiency of the enterprise.

These are all issues that Jiang Bo needs to consider.

Foxconn has its own unique advantages, and Jiang Cheng also has Jiang Cheng’s advantages.

Gou Taiming was still very worried at first, everyone ran away, and he wanted to build a hammer factory to improve the treatment of workers, and he still had some money to make a treasury?

But soon, Guo Taiming was relieved.

Because, he can recruit 10,000, 20,000, and Jiang Cheng can accommodate two or three thousand people.

Then worry about a hammer.

Jiang Cheng was actually ready to fight Foxconn. However, apart from Jiang Cheng, Foxconn had a thunderstorm and was exposed by a Southern reporter. .

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