Chapter 249


At this moment, sitting in front of Jiang Cheng was a tall woman.

The three-star princess, Li Fuzhen.

Jiang Cheng was born in 1976, while Li Fuzhen was born in 1970.

Li Fuzhen is six years older than Jiang Cheng.

Simply speaking of ability, Li Fuzhen is definitely much better than her own useless brother Li Zaiyong.

At the age of 21, Li Fuzhen was taken by her father to practice, and she was known as “Little Li Jianxi”.

Last time, during the car cooperation, Jiang Cheng hooked up with Li Fuzhen. Of course, he only left his contact information. Last year, Li Fuzhen joined the Samsung Welfare Foundation in 1995 and worked as an ordinary employee in the planning support group. .

As for personal ability, Li Fuzhen naturally has no problems. The biggest problem is that she is a woman.

For Nan Bang, who is more patriarchal, the status of property is passed on to men but not to women.

Naturally, Li Fuzhen could not break this tradition. Therefore, Lee Kin-hee passed the seat to Lee Fu-jin’s older brother Lee Jae-yong, and gave her the Shilla Hotel, a humble business in the group. But what is amazing is that in less than 15 years, she has increased hotel sales from 430.4 billion won (approximately 2.54 billion yuan) to 3.25 trillion won (approximately 19.2 billion yuan) in 2015. , An increase of more than 650%.

In 2015, Li Fuzhen was selected as one of the 100 most influential women in the world by Forbes.

However, for most people, they still prefer the story of Li Fuzhen and her security husband.

Calculating the timeline now, Li Fuzhen still did not go to the Shilla Hotel, naturally, that is, he did not meet the security boyfriend.

“Ms. Li, my proposal is that we cooperate in the development of computers, especially laptops, and mobile phones. I think Nanbang is a big market. Samsung’s technology in the electronics industry is also quite good. If we are strong Together, I believe that at least the entire Asian computer landscape can be changed!” Jiang Cheng casually poured Li Fuzhen a cup of tea, but couldn’t help but look at Li Fuzhen more.

I have to say that this little girl is definitely in line with Jiang Cheng’s aesthetic.

If you match it up again, the story between her and her boyfriend, a scumbag security guard, would be utterly complete.

Of course, Jiang Cheng is more optimistic about her personal ability. After Li Zayong entered, she became the most powerful competitor of Samsung Group.

Li Fuzhen picked up the tea cup and fell into contemplation. For a long time, she looked up at Jiang Cheng and slowly said, “I’m just curious, why did you choose me, Mr. Jiang Cheng?”

“If so, if there is anyone in your family who is reliable, I won’t choose you!” Jiang Cheng shrugged and said helplessly: “Your brother Li Zairong is too arrogant, and you My father, Mr. Li Jianxi, I admit that his layout and vision are superior to ordinary people. Otherwise, Samsung Group will not be able to carry forward in your father’s hands, but in terms of cooperation with us, it tends to be conservative. Although I am also researching and developing my own notebook and computer industry, I am unwilling to cooperate with us in some technologies. Of course, I can understand that this is a kind of mistrust of Mr. Li Jianxi to me and to our products. It’s a kind of mistrust, so my proposal is whether Miss Li is interested in opening a joint venture with our Hongmeng Group!”(Read more @

Joint venture?

“Yes, what I hope is that Miss Li can get a part of the patent copyright authorization from Samsung Group, and I also put out a part of the patent copyright, and we will build a brand new sub-brand together!” Jiang Cheng said here and laughed: ” Miss Li, the market here in China is very large, and the European and American markets are also very large, which can accommodate more brands of computers. I can affirm that this world must be inseparable from computers!”

“Our joint venture company does not need more than 49% of the equity in Hongmeng. In addition, the remaining equity is all held by Ms. Li Fuzhen. As for capital and some technology, I am It can be provided to Miss Li Fuzhen!” Jiang Cheng paused slightly, and then continued: “Increase cooperation!”

“I’m curious, Mr. Jiang Cheng, don’t you worry about the poor sales of your Lenovo and Hongmeng computers?” Li Fuzhen laughed curiously.

“This is the case. Although Hongmeng will have its own brand of computers, and we will also establish a strict sales system, we will also hope that the sales of our products will get better and better, but…!” Jiang Cheng laughed, slowly Slowly said: “Don’t forget, we also have the core computer industry, chip generation processing, including our own design of chips, and our software company, etc.!”

“The expansion of the computer market will have a huge impact on our software, our games, including our chips, and the chip generation processing industry. We are not afraid of competition, and we are not afraid of cooperation. Our computers now use Intel. Designed chips, but Intel also needs our Hongmeng technology in some technologies. We will also cooperate with IBM in the server field. The world will be a whole. Therefore, I do not reject cooperation, but I embrace cooperation. !”

For a while, Li Fuzhen didn’t know if what Jiang Cheng said was true or false, but at least it sounds reasonable.

“Moreover, Miss Li!” Jiang Cheng was poured a cup of tea by Li Fuzhen, and slowly said: “You don’t want to try, can you beat your father?”

“Do you hope that in the future others will point to you and say, this is Li Jianxi’s daughter Li Fuzhen, or point to your father and say, this is Li Fuzhen’s father, Li Jianxi?”


Li Fuzhen admitted that he was tempted.

This guy Jiang Cheng is really confusing!

At this time, the secretary Chen Mandong came to the office quickly: “Boss!”

Jiang Cheng glanced, Li Fuzhen smiled and said, “What’s the matter!”

Chen Mandong made a quick judgment, and then quickly said: “Foxconn, there is a thunder!”

“Thunderstorm? What is it?”

There was a puzzled expression on Jiang Cheng’s face. Looking at the newspaper in his hand, he was also a little dumbfounded. His mouth opened and closed, and he couldn’t help but utter two words: “Fuck!”

In all fairness, this is really not Jiang Cheng wanting to engage in Foxconn.

From the beginning, Jiang Cheng gave himself the time to slowly squeeze Foxconn out of the mainland within three and five years.

The main problem with the Hongmeng model is that it can’t get up quickly.

Talents need to be trained, senior technicians need to be trained, and teams need to be trained.

The development of this thing is definitely not what you say, it takes time and accumulation, especially the progress in basic science. Otherwise, the employees underneath will not go out. After that, I pulled down other people’s things and copied them directly, saying that it was a reverse research. In fact, many things are still learning from behind people’s ass.

After plagiarism, you have to consider copyright issues.

How to bypass the patent copyright.

For this reason, Jiang Cheng specially hired a lot of litigation sticks, specially thinking of ways to circumvent the patent copyright, so as not to get a lawsuit and lose himself.

Even so, the Northeast can now bypass Bo City to support the township enterprises that have developed on their own, that is, fewer than five, just like the Broad Group, which makes no money at all.

It was just never expected that Jiang Cheng had started a thunderstorm before he even started Foxconn. The incident was directly stabbed out. The southern media exploded. In the same way, it also directly shocked the capital.

Subsequently, it spread quickly across the country, and the fermentation of the fishing vessel was a bit unbearable.


Resting for a long time, continuous bursting, too tired! .

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