Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 987: opportunity for development

At present, most people in domestic academic circles support the promotion of Changtian Technology's controllable nuclear fusion technology, but a small number of people hold opposing opinions. Among them, Professor Yu Yang from Shuimu University is the most famous.

"You'd better give a plausible reason, otherwise I'll see how you explain to history." Dean Qian kept a dark face at the seminar, holding back his anger and not putting the word "hj" on Yang's head.

Yu Yang didn't panic at all, he had seen this problem a lot.

He studied in the United States in his early years, and after he came back, he said all kinds of good things about the United States and criticized all kinds of uncivilized phenomena in the country. It started from him. Every criticism has a template, and every time he says it can be rounded up. He always Emphasizing that he stands in the perspective of thinking about the development of the country, and then looks like a "big righteousness", like a scholar who does not care about his own reputation for the righteousness.

Yu Yang calmly said four reasons.

"First of all, this technology involves the energy pattern of the people of the whole country and even the whole world. We should be more cautious in technology.

It has only been a month since Changtian Technology's nuclear fusion was started up.

It is only recently that it has been fully monitored by you. We need to spend a little more time to see whether the laboratory in Northwest China can output current stably for a long time without safety accidents before making a decision. "

"Then how long do you think it takes to observe to prove that the technology is mature?" Dean Qian suppressed his anger.

Yu Yang said, "At least two more years."

"No way! Do you have common sense? It only takes one hour for this kind of technology to prove that it has been completely tamed. You are holding back!" Another physics expert couldn't help but cursed out.

"No, I am thinking about the people and development. You know, such a choice affects several generations. Two years of observation is really not a long time. Please don't interrupt my speech. Now is the stage of expression. , not yet at the stage of discussion." Yu Yang didn't budge.

Dean Qian waved his hand to let Yu Yang continue.

"The second reason is that this technology has just been interviewed, and the United States and many European countries did not participate in it. Changtian Technology may not have enough strength.

The third reason is that relying solely on nuclear fusion is too risky.

Eggs cannot be put in one basket. We still need to pay attention to traditional energy sources such as oil and natural gas.

The fourth reason is that oil and natural gas are resources that the world participates in. If we stop buying all of them at once, we will offend the energy countries of the world and the international trading system based on this. "

After Yu Yang finished speaking, Dean Qian's face was full of anger.

Dean Qian himself refuted: "What is the difference between your thinking and the decadent court in the last years of the Q Dynasty? At that time, Daxia bought **** from the great powers. The pot was full. Then our silver wealth flowed out in large quantities, the great powers became stronger and stronger, and the Xia Kingdom became weaker and weaker. You must know the history!"

"You said that Da Qing bought Y chips, but energy is not Y chips, they are the blood of modern industry, and now our entire industrial system is based on these energy sources, how much would it cost to replace them all? "

Yu Yang's psychological quality is very high. He is mentally prepared to embark on this controversial road. He earns money abroad in a chic way, and he has already paved the way back, so he is not afraid at all.

"Nonsense! Everyone knows that the development of energy is the process of removing oil and natural gas. How do you say that the West is desperately studying nuclear fusion? What about the currency system?

Midao is anchored by oil and natural gas, why don't you say that the world harvests wealth?

Aren't they awesome? After so many years of development, they haven't developed controllable nuclear fusion to the point of Changtian Technology, and their technical reserves are not as good as Changtian Technology. What's the use of their participation?

Energy security can only be in our own hands. Going away from oil and natural gas is also the trend of historical development, and there is no conflict at all! "Dean Qian angrily refuted Yu Yang.

Yu Yang still didn't panic: "You will also say that energy security is in your own hands. Then I also want to ask, who owns this technology now? It is in the hands of Changtian Technology! We have not thoroughly understood it at all. If one day Changtian Technology gets in the way and all those devices go on strike, I will ask you what to do?"

"Don't worry, we have cooperated with Changtian Technology to build a nuclear fusion laboratory. The later equipment manufacturing is produced by our own production line. It only provides part of the technology, and the production is planned by ourselves. Changtian Technology doesn't even know about us. How to control the production parameters? You are spitting blood." Dean Qian continued to fire.

"That's right, even if there is a power shortage due to some special circumstances in the future, what does it have to do with you, and it won't affect your villa in the United States!" Other scientists couldn't stand it, and Dean Qian was too old to get angry.

"Who are you talking about owning a villa in the United States? I don't have such assets under my name." Yu Yang retorted stubbornly.

This can be regarded as poking a hornet's nest.

Many scholars who supported Dean Qian made speeches one after another.

"Professor Yu, we welcome discussions from an academic point of view, but if some people have bad intentions, I suggest not to speak up!"

"Professor Yu, don't forget that there are people who engage in information technology here! I really look down on people like you. Dean Qian returned to China to build nuclear weapons when Xia was in the most difficult time."

"When did you go abroad and when did you return, everyone has a steelyard in mind."

A mighty scientist from the Xia Kingdom slapped the table and scolded Yu Yang. He was Vice President Cheng.

"This is not a place to fight. We just considered it from various perspectives. Didn't a bunch of people oppose the construction of the domestic collider? These things were later found to have advantages and disadvantages."

"The reason why we didn't build a collider at the beginning was to save money and develop basic physics. Now it has been proved that it is true. It doesn't mean that there are too many people. Everyone is doing scientific research. Let's talk about it."

At this time, the host came out to smooth things over. In fact, he still favored Mr. Qian in his heart.

What is there to discuss about a policy that benefits the country and the people?

But the process is to come like this, and he can't help it.

The two sides quarreled and quarreled, but the result was not exceeded. The reasons for the supporters are quite sufficient. This is the first step to break away from the rice knife system, or the first step to energy independence, and it must be done immediately.

But the opposition led by Yu Yang also has its own reasons.

It is said that the country does not yet have the strength to fight against the whole world, and doing so rashly will cause many unnecessary problems.

Both economic and technological, Xia Guo has to consider the international cost, as for how long it will take depends on the changes in the international situation.

Just when the two sides were at a loss for what to do, it entered the early summer of 2022.

The country is facing rare global high temperatures, and many places around the world have been drought-free and rainless. Some countries originally relied on hydropower generation, and their power generation has dropped significantly.

The western part of Xia Kingdom was originally a treasure land, except for a few places, summer is quite comfortable.

But this year, the temperature soared to 40 degrees Celsius in summer, and the weather was too hot and the water level dropped, which seriously affected everyone's life.

Schools have reduced class hours, factories have reduced operating hours, and priority has been given to power supply to key departments such as hospitals.

The air conditioners in the shopping malls can’t be sold, and there is no electricity. The water park is full. Everyone tries their best to find a place to enjoy the cool air. There may not be fish in the creeks outside the suburbs, but there must be citizens of Shanchuan province who are crazy about heat.

Although the whole world is hot, the heat of the Xia Kingdom is still infinitely magnified by the media. When the foreign media originally focused on the shortcomings of the Xia Kingdom, and then broadcast it after amplifying it, how could they miss such a good opportunity?

The whole world is watching Xia Guo's jokes, especially Ah San in the south. They are elated this time, because Xia Guo netizens always mock them on the Internet for being backward and not having 24-hour power supply conditions. Now is a good opportunity to refute.

In fact, it is still a small problem how people outside make jokes, but I live my own life and know that without electricity, production and life will be seriously affected, and then consumption will not be boosted.

Who would shop in a mall without air conditioning?

Seeing that economic development is hindered, what is the use?

Getting angry can't be converted into the power of generating electricity.

"I can't help it. How about asking Changtian Technology for help? I heard that the northwest region has been extremely hot and short of electricity for several years. It seems that Changtian Technology's biological power station has been maintaining the power supply in the northwest region."

"It won't work if it goes on like this! Key departments are almost unable to guarantee electricity consumption. If something goes wrong, it will be troublesome!"

A certain person in charge couldn't stand the heat at the meeting, so he had no choice but to propose this.

Unexpectedly, all the people at the table agreed, and everyone couldn't bear it long ago.

"Shanchuan Province wants us to help solve the power shortage? It's not a problem. The bio-power station based on energy blocks can still protect key places." Chen Xiao was very straightforward.

Changtian Technology has hoarded a lot of energy blocks.

South Africa and Northwest China, as well as the South China Sea region of Xiaguo are all production bases of energy blocks.

Especially in South Africa, energy blocks are directly used to store nuclear fusion energy, and the production speed is very fast.

Therefore, after reporting and planning, Changtian Technology began to build small biological power stations near key places. These small biological power stations occupy a small area. If you don't look carefully at the sign, you may think it is a small toilet.

However, although the power station is small, the power supply is not small at all.

After improvement, a small bio-power generation reaction pool can drive the electricity consumption of a commercial street, all that needs to be done is to add energy blocks in time.

The ng04 colonies in the pool will treat the energy blocks as things and generate electricity.

This kind of energy block is also the original high-energy energy block, not the kind eaten on the market.

From installation to commissioning to power generation, excluding the time spent on air transportation, the small biomass power station was established in a few days.

"Huh? Is there electricity in broad daylight? Abnormal!"

"Damn Ge, you still have air traffic control? Hurry up and turn on the air conditioner!"


At this moment, the people living in Rongcheng Commercial Street cheered.

Everyone turn on the air conditioner as soon as possible, and try to make the room have enough air-conditioning before the power outage. If you last a little longer, you can at least sleep.

It's so hot every day, it's really bad for everyone to rest, there are more car scratches on the road, and the tram has no place to charge and is lying on the road.

The eyes of all the citizens have become panda eyes, which are the same as the special national treasures of Shanchuan Province.

To everyone's surprise, the power supply during the day was really long-lasting. There was no problem from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. It was rare for everyone to cool off for most of the day.

"It's troublesome, it's better to have a power outage during the day! We have been supplied for a day, so it won't heat us to death at night?"

The citizens were panicked. There was a huge power gap. It would be good to be able to guarantee power supply for half a day. Now that the supply is supplied during the day, it has to be stopped at night. Otherwise, the peak power consumption at night will not be able to support it at all.

However, the result was beyond everyone's expectations. The electricity did not stop at all, and everyone slept through the night, feeling unreal.

"There was no power outage last night?"

"It didn't stop! It's so cool!"

"Eh? The unit has started work? The child is going to class? What's going on, isn't it a lack of electricity?" Many citizens have already discovered the abnormality.

Although you can still hear where there are power outages, the proportion is decreasing rapidly, and the power outage time is also Everyone has received the notice of resumption of work, production and school, and those who are scattered in the lake have returned to their original positions up.

Fortunately, the truth was not hidden for too long, and Shanchuan Province released the news.

According to the news, people from Changtian Technology were building the equipment and then switched on the electricity.

"Attention everyone, this is a small biological power station of Changtian Technology. Please don't touch the surrounding power grids, don't damage them, and don't approach them, otherwise it may cause a power outage. We are especially grateful for the technical support of Changtian Technology." It was short, but the impact it caused was not small at all.

"It turned out that Changtian Technology helped us, it's amazing!"

"What else can't they do?"

"Let me just say, those small houses were built by Changtian Technology. I saw them constructing that day, but the time was too fast. I knew what to do and they left, and then the electricity came!"

"My life was given by Changtian Technology. Without air conditioning and electricity, I would have died of heat!"

The people of Shanchuan Province are really grateful to Changtian Technology, and the more happy thing is that the relevant departments have solved such a big crisis of people's livelihood, and their pressure has been relieved all of a sudden.

"I've always heard about Changtian Technology's biological power station. I always thought it was only found in the Northwest Region, Changzezhou and Yanjing. I didn't expect it to be built in Rongcheng!"

Changtian Technology silently solved such a problem, which deeply shocked the scientific community.

For the first time, Dean Qian felt that it is not enough to develop small biological power plants in a limited way, which seems to be good.

However, this kind of biological power station has great limitations and can only be used for civilian use. National strategic energy planning still has to be implemented through nuclear fusion.

And the best source of energy for energy blocks is nuclear fusion!

One of these reasons is enough nonsense, but he actually found four,

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