Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Vol 2 Chapter 989: Shake the world

The people in Daxia are talking about Changtian Technology’s opening of the world’s second nuclear fusion power plant in the northwest region. The word “energy independence” is the most talked about, and it becomes “energy freedom” .

Everyone is afraid of the heat, the taste of summer is too hard, can't play well, sleep well, work hard, everything needs electricity

Even eating is difficult. People of this generation have become accustomed to electric kitchen utensils, and they no longer know how to cook with natural gas stoves.

Also, everyone in the house installed electric water heaters instead of gas for safety.

No matter how you look at it, nuclear fusion power generation is a great thing that benefits the country and the people.

But people like Yu Yang blocked it in every possible way, and even posted a video on the Internet explaining the reasons for their opposition.

These people have long been scolded **** on the Internet.

They boast that they are thinking about the future of the country, but they have too much black material, and they have long been picked up by netizens with great powers.

At this time, Yu Yang and the others began to pretend to be dead silent, because they were sure that the domestic netizens had a bad memory, no matter what the big event was, as long as the time passed, they could cover it up and come out after a while.

A clown will always be a clown, and the fate of the country cannot be stopped.

This time, the implementation of the policy of the first nuclear fusion power plant in China marks the beginning of a new era of energy in Xiaguo.

After approval, reporting, and mobilization, the site of the factory was quickly determined, and the project started quickly.

No way, the country also keenly felt that this was an excellent opportunity!

Changtian Technology is also very busy here. Those who come to ask for supplies of the biological power plant have all lived in the production workshop, fearing that their things will be snatched from the production line.

After long-term operation of Changtian Technology, a certain area in the Northwest has become very prosperous.

This time, Changtian Technology has completed such a large single project. Countless people and machines started working in full swing, giving the surrounding cities and even the entire province great opportunities for development.

The number of employment opportunities alone is not known.

Workers are needed to start construction, and workers are also needed after completion, so the area around the factory will stimulate the growth of the service industry.

Those who sell breakfast, vegetables, beverages, clothes, and entertainment have all formed an industrial chain, and a new city is about to form near Changtian Technology.

With so many people, it will also drive online shopping consumption, and then drive logistics and freight.

Land prices began to appreciate, and real estate was saved.

As for the investment in other related industries, when they see Changtian Technology stationed, they are also very sensible to follow. Their thoughts are very simple, and there should be some soup for them to follow Changtian Technology.

Funds are pouring in like a tide, and greater development opportunities are in front of everyone.

People in the northwest region have long stopped going out to work. There are even people from Changtian Technology and supporting industries, and people from nearby provinces come across provinces to find jobs.

Everyone is very grateful, saying that the geographical conditions here are too poor, there is no other industry except planting fruit trees, wheat is not easy to grow, and they dare not overgraze.

A few years ago, some people went to small coal mines to dig coal, and a lot of things happened, and then many small coal mines were closed. Everyone lost their livelihood, and environmental protection policies became stricter. If they didn’t dig coal, they could only go to coastal areas. work.

The current state is the best, and you can find a good job at your doorstep. The salary offered by Changtian Technology here is similar to that in the coast, which is high enough to live a good life.

They were grateful to Changtian Technology, they praised everyone they met, and envied those relatives who were far away, and they came to find jobs one after another.

The construction of nuclear fusion has also led to a large migration of industries. Seeing that energy policies have begun to favor the Northwest region, those industries with high energy consumption along the coast have begun to relocate to the Northwest.

Electricity is cheap here, and your own production costs will be greatly reduced.

What is a high energy-consuming industry? Smelting, car manufacturing, and chip manufacturing are all big power consumers. A single TSMC has strained the power supply in the Bay Area. With so many companies along the coast of the Xia Kingdom, the power supply has become even more tense.

Well-known big companies such as Baosteel, Gancheng Automobile, and Thought Chip have entered the relocation process, and everyone's response is very fast.

The employees of Gancheng Automobile are very reluctant at this time. They have been in this coastal city for many years, and they are old employees. They have watched the automobile company grow from small to large and then transform.

"Is it really necessary to go?" He asked the workshop director. At this time, the gantry crane in the workshop was hoisting the production lathe, and everyone was busy dismantling it.

The director nodded, and he was also very reluctant: "We have to go. Other companies have gone. If we don't follow the past, it will be bad for subsequent production. The upstream of car manufacturing is smelting, and the downstream assembly requires various circuit chips, and seat packaging is light industry. If we stay here, the cost is too high."

"And we have just obtained Changtian Technology's new energy vehicle technology, and now we can move the factory next to Changtian Technology Energy Group, which is also an excellent opportunity to cooperate with Changtian Technology."

"Isn't it costly to transport the car from the mainland to the whole country? Isn't the cost to transport the imported materials from the sea to the mainland?" The employees are still not convinced.

The workshop director shook his head: "In the future, we will need to import fewer and fewer things. With Changtian Technology, too many fields have begun to not be afraid of sanctions, and our costs have dropped a lot.

Besides, the company has reached an agreement with Changtian Technology, the production energy in the future will be unimaginably low, and our profit margins will be even greater. "

The employee was very disappointed: "We can't make it through, we already have a family here."

"It doesn't matter, the company has adjusted the industry. The light industry process is here, and you don't have to leave. The words of ordinary workers will be reduced, but don't worry about them. Changtian Technology has driven other industries, and they will not become industrial refugees." The workshop director looked. The employee was depressed and offered words of comfort.

"Really?" The old employee's eyes lit up. What he fears most is that the drastic changes of the times will leave people behind. Now it seems that this drastic change will only have a good impact on ordinary people, and it will not become like the old industrial base in Northeast China. tragedy.

There are countless such enterprises, no matter how big or small, they are all thinking about going to the northwest region, and some are even key production departments.

Without Changtian Technology, they would not have the confidence to engage in industrial transfer.

This idea was put forward by relevant departments many years ago, but it was not realized due to various reasons. With the development of Changtian Technology in the Northwest, it began to land.

On the national highway on the road, you can see large trucks pulling large equipment to the northwest region at any time, just like swarms of hardworking ants transporting food.

New factories are constantly being moved into the planned area near the Northwest Nuclear Power Plant, and those industrial parks are constantly being enriched and exuding new vitality.

In the future, Xia's industry will form a pattern of common development in the northwest and coastal areas.

Energy-intensive manufacturing will be placed in the northwest, while enterprises with strong scientific research capabilities, software, servers, etc. will stay in the coastal areas

Today's Changtian Technology is even busier, busy with energy support for these relocated companies.

Everyone wants a biological power station to ensure production and life, so orders have increased.

In order to deal with different orders, Changtian Technology announced that it will establish Galaxy Building Energy Company under Galaxy Energy Company, which will specialize in undertaking the business of building micro-power stations in communities or buildings, so that they can be handled separately to reduce the pressure.

After all, powering a factory is not the same concept as powering a living area.

In this way, things started to get more organized, but things got busier.

At present, the orders are full, and the orders for the biological power station alone have reached hundreds of billions of RMB, which cannot be produced at all. There are not only ordinary residential communities in the order, but also various extremely high-end famous wealthy communities, such as Tangcheng Yipin and Tangong.

The well-known big shopping malls also have orders, and Fangda Group is on the list.

Changtian Technology scratched its head impatiently, but it could only deliver according to the order in which the orders were placed.

At any rate, Xia Guo still has Changtian Technology to solve the problem, but other countries are not so lucky.

The weather is extremely hot this year, and it is global. The highest temperature on the Arctic Circle has reached more than 30 degrees Celsius. Is it possible to run in other places?

Vicious incidents caused by high temperatures have occurred in many countries.

The three countries have always had a habit of killing people from heat. In any year, it was reported that they started with a hundred people, but this year it is a thousand people.

Countries in the Western world have not avoided it because of their development. There are also poor people in these countries, and some people die from heat.

The rich cut off the electricity of the poor and gave priority to the life of the rich. caused dissatisfaction among the poor.

Those who are peaceful can go to shopping malls and coffee shops to use the air conditioners, and those who are not peaceful can go directly to the rich area for "vacation".

During this period of time, there have been many trespassing incidents in the United States. There are too many houses for the rich to live in, and some poor people break in to live. These people only know that their homes have become a paradise for poor ghosts when they see abnormal electricity bills and call the police.

The United States is just a microcosm, and there are many vicious incidents in other developed countries.

Even though the folk customs in those places are not as "sincere" as in the United States, and gun control is strict, there are still many incidents of fighting to death

Demonstrations broke out in many countries, angrily denouncing the inaction of the authorities, the people are dying of heat, and the executives of the authorities only care about their own vacations to escape the summer heat, regardless of whether the people live or die.

Among so many countries, regions and cities, Paris, France is an exception to cities in developed countries.

The French, who originally liked parades the most, did not parade this time, because they were very content this time, because there is no shortage of electricity in Paris.

Many people are also very strange, why is there no shortage of electricity in the French capital this time in such a hot summer?

turn out to be! Paris, France had Longsky Technology’s biological power station for a long time, and it has to maintain elegance in this global heat crisis.

Other places in Europe are so hot that you have to go to the river to take a bath, and there is no guarantee of power supply for many activities. Paris is lucky, holding fashion weeks one after another, and even taking over Milan and London fashion weeks.

There is no way, the pre-fashion week requires design, venue preparation, model selection and training. We will discuss production later. It seemed like a weekend, but in reality it took more than a month of work. In such a hot weather, those delicate designer models couldn't stay, so they had to go to Paris.

This makes Paris very happy. When these people come, they will drive a lot of production orders, and there will be a lot of tourists. The economic growth rate is significantly higher than that of neighboring countries.

The people in Paris saw this phenomenon, and they were all thankful that their country had reached a cooperation with Changtian Technology a few years ago and owned a biological power station.

The price of energy blocks imported from South Africa is very cheap, much lower than that of natural gas imported from Russia.

Naturally, this phenomenon has not escaped the eyes of mainstream European media. ,

Media people from other countries wrote articles and reports while sweating, and those who were able to go to Paris for a field trip were considered to have burnt incense and drawn a lottery.

"It's unbelievable! Such a small biological power station can guarantee the electricity needs of so many people! If there is such a device, we can make the wine cold in the hot summer, and the seafood in the Mediterranean will be more delicious!" This should be It's an Italian report.

"The electricity cost of the biological power station is extremely low, which is beyond imagination! This technology was provided by the ancient Xia country. Why can't our authorities respond? The efficiency is too slow, and the Labor Party should step down!" This report At first glance, it looks like a newspaper from a corrupt country.

"We can no longer be indifferent. This kind of technology has surpassed our technology by far. If we don't try our best to catch up, our so-called Industry 4.0 is a Soon the traditional generators we produce will be Eliminated by the market! We cannot lose to France, which surrendered the fastest!" This report should have been made by the more radical German media.

European elite groups began to re-examine the relationship between their own countries and Changtian Technology. These countries are not well developed, and those who are most affected are these vested interests. Both public and private should introduce bio-power generation technology.

"It's just that there is still a possibility for us to cooperate with Changtian Technology?" The German Parliament was a little uncertain.

"It shouldn't matter. We didn't deliberately echo the anti-Xia policy of the United States. At most, we just made some moves on the surface. What's the problem with that?" Many people in the parliament are still relatively optimistic.

The minds of Germany are very complicated. They have always wanted to let the United States control Europe, but Europe lacks cohesion. Just look at the United Kingdom. In this five-permanent country, Germany and France alone in Europe are really not enough to fight against the United States.

"Everyone, don't hesitate. The technology of Changtian Technology is so amazing. Our cooperation with it may be the first step for us to break away from the control of the United States! Have you forgotten that other countries fought against the United States and oppressed us to send equipment? What does those lands have to do with us? Not to mention that we have to pay the US military!"

"That's right! Isn't it good to improve our own lives? Why should we accept refugees from countries that have been destroyed by wars in the United States?"

Germany has quickly adjusted its policy towards Xia, and Italy is not far behind. They have changed even faster, and there is not much hatred in themselves.

Many countries in Europe are getting in touch with Changtian Technology openly and secretly, and the thinking of the whole of Europe has undergone great changes, which will eventually shake the existing world structure.

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