Tao Junhui said: "MP3 is a new thing, and it will be popular in the future, but all the technologies are currently in the hands of South Koreans and Orientals."

"In Yanjing and the Shanghai market, MP3 sales are very high, but the price is also very high, which limits the consumer group to a certain extent."

"Our goal of Guomei is to fully cover the consumer group. At present, our color TVs, refrigerators, washing machines and other products have covered the middle-aged and elderly people, and we lack young consumer groups."

"Young people are the future of this society, and they are the main force of consumption in the future."

"I have never heard of Lingyue, but I just learned about their patents and actually used their products. The products are really great!"

"I can say that the quality and performance of the product has surpassed that of Sony and Samsung's MP3, and because it is made in China, the price will be more affordable," Tao Junhui said. "To cooperate with them is what President Huang means."

Tao Junhui said to Manager Zhang, "Manager Zhang, I will return to Yanjing tomorrow to report this matter to President Huang."

"I will keep Secretary Wang and let him assist you in connecting with Lingyue Company, and sign the cooperation agreement between the two parties as soon as possible."

Tao Junhui is indeed a mature businessman and arranges things very well.

"In addition, including you here, all business locations in Guomei's first- and second-tier cities must do a good job in setting up Lingyue MP3 counters. We must strive to fight a good battle during the Mid-Autumn Festival, and thoroughly cooperate with state-owned department stores and People's Mall. gap."

Chen Xiao returned to Changtian Company.

Zhou Linghua was still in the company and did not leave, and both he and Wang Xiang were in anxiety.

In the past, Delong VCD did have sales channels, but most of them were small stores and small shopping malls. It is meaningless to discuss cooperation with these places, and it will not make Lingyue MP3 a phenomenal product.

Moreover, most of the groups targeted by these VCD sales channels are targeting middle-aged and elderly customers who are stingy, not the same as Guomei, who is willing to spend money on imported brands.

Now everyone feels that their products are very good, but there is no way to promote them.

At this moment, Chen Xiao walked in.

The people in the company looked at Chen Xiao in unison.

Chen Xiao sat down on the chair, picked up the mineral water on the table, and said with two mouthfuls.

"It's done."

Zhou Linghua asked excitedly, "Who did you talk to, the department store?"

Chen Xiao said: "Department stores are run by state-owned enterprises. They are old-fashioned and difficult to change. They will not accept new things."

At this time, Chen Xiao also came to a conclusion for the department store.

"With the improvement of people's living standards and the increasingly high service requirements for products, department stores will eventually be eliminated by society. It is the right choice for us not to cooperate with them."

Chen Xiao said: "Guomei and I have negotiated cooperation. The other party wants 2,000 MP3s for the first batch. The 500 we have in hand is far from enough. We need to hurry up to produce this."

"It will only be sold in the direct-sale stores in the first- and second-tier cities of Guomei in the next two days. If the sales are good, they will also increase orders."

Chen Xiao briefly informed everyone about the way of cooperation between the two parties.

Because this is the first time for everyone to cooperate, the cooperation method proposed by Chen Xiao is also very reasonable.

The MP3 is priced by Lingyue Company, and the fruit is divided according to the percentage of the price.

That is to say, Lingyue Company needs to pay for the cost of MP3 production in the early stage.

Chen Xiao and Zhou Linghua are very confident in this point. He does not believe that as long as the product directly faces consumers, all the investment is worth it.

Zhou Linghua was quite excited, patted Chen Xiao on the shoulder and said, "Chen Xiao really has you!"

"I'll go back to the factory right now to supervise production."

Zhou Linghua is responsible for the production, and Chen Xiao is only responsible for producing advertisements for Lingyue MP3.

The advertising words have already been thought out, but there is a lack of protagonists.

Chen Xiao glanced around his subordinates, Sun Dong and others were big and three thick, so it's not bad for them to shoot a kitchen knife commercial, an MP3 player... This looks too greasy.

The engineer who maintains the server is also a technical man and has a bad image.

The only girl in the company... um, she should be the eldest sister in finance.

Sister Wang has retired at the age of 50 and re-employed here.

Because of his rich experience and relatively low asking price, Chen Xiao hired him.

Chen Xiao stared intently at Sister Wang. To be precise, she should be called Auntie Wang. She felt that Auntie Wang was not suitable for this commercial.

If you go out to hire a model or a celebrity, it must be a lot of expense, and the time is too late.

And in Jiangzhou, I don't know if there are professional models.

Suddenly, the image of a girl appeared in Chen Xiao's mind - Wen Qi.

This tall, fair-skinned girl conforms to all the boys' fantasies about their love objects.

Wen Qi's temperament and image conform to the product definition of Lingyue MP3~www.readwn.com~ I just don't know if this little girl is willing to help.

Thinking of this, Chen Xiao asked Zhou Linghua for a camera and a camera and went back to school.

Zhou Linghua made a fortune by relying on CNC machine tools. At first, he followed suit and bought cameras and video cameras.

However, my level is not good, and the photos I take are not flattering.

Now lending to Chen Xiao to shoot commercials can be considered to make the best use of it.

Chen Xiao was a photography enthusiast at the time, and the photos and short videos he took were not bad.

Today is the last day of military training. The freshmen are walking in the playground to report and perform military training.

The principal will have a full sense of accomplishment at this time, because he waved his hand and said, "Hello, comrades."

The students will be uniform, shouting in the loudest voice: "Headmaster!"

The principal waved his hand again and said, "Comrades have worked hard!"

The students would shout, "Serve the people!"

On this day, Chen Xiao also sat on the rostrum and partnered with Shu Ping to host and broadcast.

Shu Ping rolled her eyes at Chen Xiao, as if to say that this kid usually cheats and plays tricks, but he's here to pick peaches today.

Who knows that Chen Xiao is very thick-skinned, and he doesn't mind at all, and he can broadcast it as he wants.

Compared with freshmen, Chen Xiao has an advantage that they don't have.

Because Chen Xiao has two life experiences, he is very thick-skinned and does not have stage fright. Although his basic broadcasting skills are not as good as some major students, his output is stable. In this critical situation, the position of the male broadcaster is really not good. He is none other than him.

After reporting the performance, Chen Xiao declined the request of everyone from the radio station to have a dinner together.

He went to Wen Qi with a brand new MP3.

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