Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 121: All is ready except for the opportunity

Gorgeous sunlight filtered through the branches, casting mottled spots of light under the shade of the playground next to the playground.

The students who just reported the performance were hiding in the shade and drinking water.

The instructors finally made a summary of the week's military training.

Although the seven-day period was short, it left a deep impression on everyone.

Everyone has suffered and tired together, and finally all the feelings have turned into reluctance.

The young instructor's eyes are also red, one is a college student, and the other is a soldier in the army.

The instructor of the third class of finance major said: "Although we have different identities and different occupations, we have the same purpose."

The instructor held back his tears and said, "I put on a military uniform to defend the motherland, and you all work hard to learn to build the motherland! We are all to make the motherland stronger and no longer be bullied by others!"

If these words are said more than ten years later, some keyboard warriors may find it hypocritical or even disgusting.

But last year, Xia Guo's embassy in the Yugoslavia was just bombed, and the voices and smiles of the martyrs were still in front of them. As long as they were passionate young people, their hearts were full of energy.

Why should Xia Guo be bullied by the West? Why are you being bullied and swallowing your breath! Why, as an ancient civilization with a history of 5,000 years, cannot achieve the territorial unity of the country in the new era?

The reason is that the country is not strong enough.

After the instructor's speech, both the boys and girls began to wipe their tears.

The boys who were punished badly during the military training came up to hug the instructors one after another.

The military training is over, which just means that college life has just begun.

Wen Qi's eyes were also red, and the different emotions infected everyone.

The instructor finally said: "Everyone has it!"

"stand at attention!"

"Take a break!"


After the dissolution, a boy came to Wen Qi with something in his hand.

"Wenqi, that... this is for you!"

The small gift is beautifully packaged and has a love letter underneath.

Seeing this scene, the students in Finance Class 3 started to boo.

Wen Qi was expressionless, this was the third gift she had received in the past few days.

If counting from high school, this is the nth gift and nth love letter she has received.

It is indeed more popular for girls to be beautiful, especially in college. After the hard training in high school, the boys are all crazy. This is a good time to let go of themselves.

The thick-skinned person writes a love letter to the girl directly, while the thin-skinned person is also itchy, but he just doesn't dare to take action.

Wen Qi hurriedly returned the gift to the boy and said, "Thank you, I received it with kindness!"

Wen Qi got up and left quickly, leaving behind an embarrassed boy.

Chen Xiao quickly followed, and on the path to the dormitory, Chen Xiao stopped Wen Qi.

Wen Qi was a little surprised when she saw Chen Xiao holding a box in her hand, thinking that Chen Xiao was also here to confess, but her face was not very good.

Chen Xiao smiled and handed the MP3 over and said, "Guess what's inside?"

Wen Qi frowned, she still had an impression of Chen Xiao.

Wen Qi's family background is very good, her college entrance examination score is actually just enough for Jiangzhou University's transfer line, but not enough for the admission line of finance major.

Being able to come to Jiangzhou University to major in finance, my family still took some setbacks.

Before she came to school, she knew that Chen Xiao was the top student in the college entrance examination in Jiangyang Province.

Seeing her classmate's face, Wen Qi didn't immediately refuse, she shook her head.

Chen Xiao opened the box, took out the Lingyue MP3, and handed it to Wen Qi.

Wen Qi immediately recognized that it was an MP3, and she also had one in her hand, which belonged to Sony.

Wen Qi automatically made up her mind, Chen Xiao wanted to send her MP3 or he wanted to confess.

After all, those boys who sent love letters or some small gifts, the gift Chen Xiao gave was indeed much more lavish.

Wen Qi sighed and said, "I'm sorry, I appreciate your kindness."

This statement made Chen Xiao stunned.

Chen Xiao took off his schoolbag again, which contained a video camera and a camera.

"Wenqi, what I mean is I hope you can help me. I want to take a few pictures and use some product promotion and publicity."

"I have a very good image and temperament for you, especially in line with the positive and sunny attitude towards life of college students in the new era."

Wen Qi was very embarrassed and felt that she was thinking too much.

Chen Xiao had already prepared and showed Wen Qi the works prepared in advance.

This is a seven-year-old girl taken by Chen Xiao. The girl is cute and cute, and she is very good in color and camera sense.

After taking the photo, Chen Xiao used PS software to retouch the photo.

Therefore, when this photo is taken out, its quality is absolutely top-notch in various studios.

In 2000, there were no beautiful pictures, and there were even fewer photographers who knew ps software.

Wen Qi was attracted by the photo.

Every girl wants beautiful photos. This kind of demand has never been outdated in any era. Otherwise, after more than ten years, all kinds of beautiful pictures and filters will become popular.

Chen Xiao thought of an excuse and explained: "This is considered to be using your portrait rights. After the shooting, there must be thousands of yuan in compensation. It doesn't matter whether it is money or not, I mainly fancy the photography award."

Of course he can't say that he needs publicity to open a company, and now is not the time.

Wen Qi couldn't help but chuckle when she saw Chen Xiao's appearance as a fan of petty money.

She didn't believe that Chen Xiao didn't want the reward of thousands of dollars.

In fact, the best way to get close to a girl is to make her curious about you.

Those boys who gave Wenqi gifts, handed them over in a daze, without thinking about what the girls were thinking.

Wen Qi definitely refused.

Chen Xiao is a master, but of course the result is different.

Wen Qi said, "It may be for the sake of my classmates. I'll help with this. You can invite me to dinner if you get the bonus."

Wen Qi asked, "Do you want to shoot now, or I'll change clothes later?"

Now Chen Xiao is happy, he didn't expect things to go so It's okay to start now, it would be better if I could change into a dress for a while and shoot. "

Wen Qi is a girl who just does what she says, "Then let's start now, I'll change clothes after the filming."

Happiness comes too suddenly!

In one afternoon, Chen Xiao took hundreds of photos and several videos for Wen Qi.

Every photo is showing Lingyue MP3, or playing with MP3, or listening to music with MP3.

I have to say, Wen Qi's camera lens feels really good, coupled with his super beautiful face and perfect figure, it's a pity not to study art to become a star.

After the filming, it was already 7 o'clock in the evening. Of course, as a boy, I would take the initiative to invite girls to have dinner together.

Wen Qi hesitated for a while, but agreed to go.

"What shall we eat?" Wen Qi asked.

"Hotpot, you've worked hard today, I must treat you well!"

Atmospheric boys can get the favor of girls.

After dinner, Chen Xiao sent Wen Qi to the door of the girls' dormitory, and did not go back to the dormitory to sleep, but went directly to the company.

It took Chen Xiao a whole night to organize the photos and videos he had taken, preparing some of them to be used in print advertisements (readers, youth digests and stores), and some photos and a 30-second video to be used in online advertisements. (whiteness, 11181 website, etc.).

The slogan has been written - Lingyue, listen to your world.

Chen Xiao will prepare an authorization agreement for Wen Qi, and the authorized portrait rights can only be used in the advertising promotion activities of Lingyue MP3.

Everything is ready, just wait for Wenqi to bookmark the agreement and then advertise the product to launch.

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