Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 142: you will be eliminated

Minister Wang Wang Liang is a top student majoring in market management in key colleges and universities. He was assigned to work in Jiangzhou Department Store three years ago.

Wang Liang is very down-to-earth, and his current job is very stable, so he cherishes it very much.

But since last year, Wang Liang has felt that the operating profit and customer flow of the department store are not as good as before.

In recent years, the income of people in Jiangzhou has increased significantly, and many households have purchased the latest color TVs, refrigerators, washing machines and other essential appliances.

In addition, many customers have also purchased home appliances that improve life, such as D-machines and family karaokes.

These all show that people's living standards are gradually improving.

However, the traffic of department stores is decreasing.

After careful investigation, Minister Wang found that home appliance stores like Guomei are seizing the business of traditional department stores.

These home appliance stores are not only cheaper than those in department stores, but also have more varieties and better after-sale services.

In fact, this fact is obvious. Department stores are state-owned enterprises. From the managers of the malls to the employees below, everyone relies on wages for food.

Today, the goods sold for 10,000 yuan and the goods sold for 000 yuan will get the same salary.

In this case, from the manager to the person in charge of the purchasing department, they will try their best to make money.

How can I get money?

The best way is to make an agreement with the supplier of the product and get a rebate.

Originally, the market price of a color TV was 5,000 yuan. The manager and the purchasing staff would collude and report to the above that the purchase price of this color TV was 5,500 yuan.

With an extra 500 yuan, most people will not find any problems.

Managers and purchasing staff can then distribute the 500 yuan pro rata.

But when the product is put on the market, the price reflected in the hands of consumers may be 000 yuan more than the actual price.

And Guomei's products are 000 yuan cheaper than department stores.

Consumers vote with their feet, and the choice is obvious where to buy.

In addition, the purchase objects of traditional department stores are fixed, and the products of these fixed purchase objects have obviously been cured and aged.

Products like P3 and ps game consoles, which are popular with young consumers, can be bought in places such as Guomei, but not necessarily in department stores.

Over time, consumers will definitely give up shopping in traditional department stores and turn to home appliance stores such as Guomei.

When Manager Wang visited Guomei this time, he found that Guomei has many new products that are loved by young consumers.

Among them are P3 and ps game consoles.

He suggested to Manager Hao: "We can also purchase corresponding products to our department store to attract young consumers."

"The most profitable business is women and children. P3 and other products are aimed at children. Adults may be reluctant to buy DVDs that cost hundreds of dollars, but if children want P3, they will definitely buy it."

Manager Hao is sitting in the office smoking a cigarette. He is still thinking about going to karaoke and singing with Boss Li, the supplier of the kettle, when he goes to work.

As for P3, Manager Hao has never heard of it.

Manager Hao said, "Xiao Wang, you have to know that what our shopping mall wants is stability, not something unconventional."

"What are you talking about? Is it a necessities for the family? Is it needed by everyone? You don't think it's selling well now, but it won't be long before he'll be eliminated from the market."

Manager Hao also said with an educational attitude: "You are still young, you don't understand many things!"

Hearing what Manager Hao said, Wang Liang was very angry.

He spent a lot of energy to investigate the operation report of Guomei, but Manager Hao didn't even read it.

Wang Liang was helpless, and only said: "The factory of Lingyue P3 is in Jiangzhou. It stands to reason that I have no geographical advantage, and it will be cheaper to get the goods."

"Only today, 00 units of Lingyue P3 have been sold in a store in Jiangzhou. The average selling price of each unit is 700 yuan, and the revenue has reached 70,000 yuan."

"This is only P3. If you include Guomei's TVs, refrigerators, washing machines and other home appliances, the revenue of Jiangzhou Guomei Mall will be about 200,000 on the first day of the National Day."

"On the contrary, our department store's revenue today is less than 00,000 yuan a day, which is a huge gap!"

"And as far as I know, P3's profit is very high. If we can introduce such a product, it will definitely attract a large number of young consumers! We also have a university town in Jiangcheng. There are tens of thousands of college students in the school. It is a potential consumer group!"

Wang Liang felt that he had tried his best, "For these young consumers, we should try our best to let them consume in our department stores, instead of pushing them to Guomei."

Sure enough, Manager Hao was still unmoved, and he didn't want to talk nonsense with Wang Liang.

At this moment, the landline on Manager Hao's desk rang, and Liu Bing, the chairman of the municipal company, called.

The department store was overhauled just last year.

There are department stores and some supply-oriented state-owned enterprises, and the formation of new group companies can be regarded as increasing the competitiveness of department stores.

Liu Bing just came back from the Shanghai Stock Exchange yesterday. The object of inspection is the newly emerging home appliance stores such as Guomei.

I don't know if I don't compare, I'm startled by a comparison.

Compared with Guomei, which has a complete range of home appliances and services, the department store is like a dying old man, following every step of the way.

Liu Bing also saw Lingyue P3 in Guomei yesterday.

This thing sells very well, and can attract young consumers.

As soon as I came back yesterday, Liu Bing was having a meeting with the senior management of the department store.

Finally, three principles of department store reform are determined.

The first is the introduction of P3 and overseas high-quality home appliances and other products.

The second item is to reduce procurement costs and at the same time reduce sales prices to attract consumers with low prices.

The last item is to do a good job in after-sales learn from Guomei, and provide services such as home appliance installation and maintenance for free.

And when Liu Bing knew that Lingyue P3's company and project were in Jiangzhou, he was overjoyed.

Isn't this drowsiness meeting the pillow?

So he immediately called Manager Hao, hoping that Manager Hao could negotiate with Lingyue Company immediately and introduce P3 as soon as possible.

"Fine! I'll do it right away!"

After Manager Hao hung up the phone, he immediately asked Wang Liang: "Do you understand the Lingyue P3 you just mentioned? Is their factory in Jiangzhou?"

Wang Liang rolled his eyes helplessly, and sure enough, his suggestion was useless at all, and the leader had to speak up.

With such a physique, Wang Liang has the urge to quit his job.

Manager Hao frowned again, and he said suspiciously, "Lingyue P3, this name sounds so familiar to me."

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