I don't know where Wang Xiang bought a lot of crayfish, so he fiddled with a stove in the company's kitchen, and then fried a large pot of crayfish with spicy sauce and pickled peppers.

Sun Dong went to the supermarket downstairs to buy a beer again. Everyone wants to have a happy National Day and even hold a celebration feast.

The sales of Lingyue P3 on the first day of the National Day were too amazing.

On the first day, hundreds of thousands of profits were obtained, and of course everyone was very excited.

Buying a little crayfish with a profit of several hundred thousand is nothing. Even if he bought all the crayfish in the Jiangzhou market, Zhou Linghua felt that he would not sneeze.

At this time, Zhou Linghua really admired Chen Xiao's decision.

If it wasn't for Chen Xiao's decisive purchase of flash memory from overseas and the high price of a middleman to buy Sony's lithium batteries, the production of Lingyue P3 would definitely be stagnant.

Chen Xiao's decision increased the cost of Lingyue P3, but it also increased the sales of Lingyue P3.

Electronic fast-moving consumer goods, as long as they can be sold quickly, it does not matter if the profit is less.

Zhou Linghua took the initiative to pour himself a glass of wine, then raised the glass with both hands and said to Chen Xiao, "Chen Xiao, some time ago the two of us were unhappy about the production and sales of P3. I apologize to you today!"

Zhou Linghua is a shrewd businessman and a very good partner so far.

Two people want to cooperate to make money together, not to get married and live together, there is no need to like each other.

So as long as it is beneficial to make money, both parties can cooperate.

Compared to Zhou Linghua's excitement, Chen Xiao seemed very dull.

It seems that all this is what he expected.

And what Chen Xiao is thinking about now is not the sales of Lingyue P3.

The product is only the performance of the technology level. Chen Xiao considers the research and development and production of lithium batteries, as well as the design and calculation of storage chips.

Chen Xiao moved his mouth and swallowed what he wanted to say.

He originally wanted to tell Zhou Linghua to take the explosive sales of Lingyue P3 as an opportunity to expand the scale of his factory.

Let the ADLINK factory not only produce Lingyue P3, but also which part can come out to cooperate with Taiwanese or Toyo businessmen to undertake their integrated circuit processing industry.

For example, we can help them process corresponding motherboard memory chips and other products.

This kind of cooperation will definitely suffer at the beginning, but it can successfully undertake the related semiconductor industry. In the future, after Chen Xiao lights up the semiconductor technology tree, he will be able to make use of the existing production capacity and achieve leapfrog development.

But Chen Xiao thought about Zhou Linghua's character and the difficulty of cooperating with Taiwanese and Oriental enterprises, so he dismissed the idea.

It's better to do these things yourself.

Just when everyone was drinking, the door of the company was suddenly knocked.

Sun Dong remembered Jiujin saying to the outside: "Today the company has closed and is not open for business!"

The door of the company continued to be knocked on, and there was no other way but to open the glass door.

The old acquaintance they saw.

Manager Hao of Jiangzhou State Department Store.

Manager Hao received an order from the chairman that during the National Day, Jiangzhou Department Store must have P3 on the shelves.

Manager Hao just called Lingyue's office, but found that the phone couldn't get through at all.

Since everyone was in Jiangzhou, he thought it wasn't too far away, so he had to make a trip himself.

At this time, it is too late to negotiate with Samsung or Sony's suppliers. Manager Hao can only negotiate with Lingyue, a local enterprise in Jiangzhou.

When seeing Zhou Linghua and others, Manager Hao realized that some time ago, these people seemed to have come to the department store to talk to him, hoping to sell Lingyue P3 in the department store.

Manager Hao regretted it quite a bit. When Zhou Linghua came to him, his attitude was very arrogant.

If the chairman could call himself earlier, then Manager Hao must have reached a cooperation with Zhou Linghua. Not only did they reach a cooperation, but they could even get some rebates from Zhou Linghua.

Manager Hao thought that when Zhou Linghua came to see him last time, he gave him a red envelope.

He knew that Zhou Linghua was someone who was more likely to have trouble.

Manager Hao said very politely: "I finally found out that the headquarters of Lingyue Company is here. I came to visit today because I have something to talk to you about."

Manager Hao took out his business card from his bag and handed it to Chen Xiao and Zhou Linghua.

Manager Hao said: "I'm sorry to disturb everyone in a hurry. We hope that your company's Lingyue P3 can be sold in our department store."

"We can discuss the cooperation model with each other, and we can adopt the consignment model and the retail model."

Manager Hao did not forget to praise his department store at this time.

He said: "Jiangzhou Department Store is the largest daily necessities sales mall in Jiangzhou. We not only sell clothing, food and daily necessities, but more importantly, we have home appliances."

"I think the cooperation between the department store and Lingyue is a win-win situation."

"The last time you came over to discuss cooperation, I cherished the cooperation opportunities between the two sides. After I tried to win the leadership, the leaders agreed, and I rushed over immediately."

Standing behind Manager Hao, Wang Liang understood the cause of the incident.

After a long time, the former Lingyue came to ask for cooperation, but Manager Hao refused.

Wang Liang couldn't help but let out a wry smile, it was indeed bureaucracy that killed people.

If I had promised to cooperate with others, there would be so many troubles now.

If it weren't for the pressure from the superiors on Manager Hao, Manager Hao wouldn't want to come over to do official business during the big festival.

Manager Hao also said with a smile: "I heard that you are a local company in Jiangzhou, and you should support each other."

At this time, Zhou Linghua interrupted Manager Hao.

No matter how stupid Zhou Linghua was, he could see that the state-owned department store was already in decline, and to cooperate with the state-owned department store at this time was to jump into the pit.

Moreover, Lingyue originally had an agreement with Guomei, and Lingyue's products could only be sold in Guomei.

Zhou Linghua said very politely: "Manager Hao, I'm really sorry, we have reached a relevant agreement with Guomei, and Lingyue related products can only be sold exclusively in Guomei."

Manager Hao opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but finally swallowed it.

Zhou Linghua said: "I'm really sorry! If we breach the contract, we will face huge compensation. If there is a chance in the future, we will cooperate again."

"Ah" Manager Hao was speechless, "but I think you only visited our department store a few days ago!"

Sun Dongshen made up for the knife: "It's because you rejected me that I found Guomei."

Wang Liang heard this~www.readwn.com~ was so angry that she wanted to curse her mother!

He must report this matter to the leaders above!

Chen Xiao even said, "Manager Hao hasn't eaten yet? Come here, let's eat crayfish together!"

Manager Hao stood there, stunned for a long time, and ate a fart!

Now open your mouth and ask if there is still room for negotiation?

That would be so shameless.

Manager Hao received the prepared documents, and some reluctantly left the office building.

Of course, Zhou Linghua complained again.

At this time, London, England.

Editorial Office of the journal Nature.

"Nature Biochemistry" under "Nature" has just received a paper from Xia Guo.

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