Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 174: Chen Xiao's trump card

What is the 3rd way? Everyone is very concerned.

After all, this matter involves the life and death of Lingyue Company.

For Chen Xiao or Wang Xiang, Lingyue is dead. After all, there is Changtian Technology, lithium battery technology, and that can make a profit.

But to Zhou Linghua, it was clear that Lingyue Company was everything.

Zhou Linghua quickly asked, "Do you mean to reach a settlement with Netac Company in court?"

Zhou Linghua seemed to be on the point.

In fact, as far as the current situation is concerned, if Netac can reach a settlement in court, even if it compensates Netac for a fee, it will be very beneficial to Lingyue.

But this is not what Chen Xiao considered.

Chen Xiao said: "The current situation is not suitable for us to reach a settlement with Netac. There are two reasons."

"First, if we take the initiative to seek reconciliation with Netac, Netac will definitely be in a strong position in the negotiation, and the demands they put forward at that time may not be more comfortable than those in these documents."

"Second, whether it is Changtian Company or Lingyue Company, we belong to the initial stage of the company's development. At this time, reputation and word-of-mouth are particularly important for the company."

"If we seek peace with Netac, then it will definitely damage our image."

"We violated Netac's patent and illegally used flash memory, and its nature and the nature of false propaganda are actually similar."

"If our reputation and image are compromised, it will be very difficult to become a high-end brand in the future."

Chen Xiao's words made the master quiet down.

At this moment, Zhou Linghua agrees with the two points raised by Chen Xiao.

Zhou Linghua asked eagerly, "Then what is the third way you are talking about?"

Chen Xiao smiled, took a sip of tea and said, "Drag!"


Chen Xiao's statement made everyone confused.

Chen Xiao explained: "We have to delay, no matter whether Toshiba and Netac have reached a relevant agreement that does not allow the use of products as raw materials for third-party products, this will not affect the purpose we want to achieve."

"What we have to do is to actively respond to the lawsuit. This lawsuit involves the three parties of Netac Company Lingyue Company and Toshiba Company, and also involves two countries, Xia Guo and Dongyang."

"We actively responded to the lawsuit, handed over the decision-making power to the relevant departments, and let the court collect evidence."

"At present, Dongyang and Xia Guo have not signed any judicial assistance agreement. According to my understanding of this type of lawsuit, there is basically no problem in two or three years."

"In these two or three years, what should we do or what should we do, what should we do at Lanconai?"

Wang Xiang was a little puzzled, "Then what's the use of us dragging it? If we still get sentenced in the end, according to us we lose?"

This is the crux of the matter.

Chen Xiao said: "How do you think the impact of flash memory products on the computer industry?"

Although products such as solid-state disks have not yet appeared, storage tools such as computer USB flash drives will be more and more widely used.

Wang Xiang and Zhou Linghua are both in this industry, so there is still some basic insight.

Wang Xiang expressed his opinion, "It's very important! It can be said that the computer of the future will definitely be inseparable from flash memory!"

"That's right!" Chen Xiao snapped his fingers and said, "Through this lawsuit, we want to let the relevant departments of the country understand the importance of flash memory."

"Similar to this kind of product with low technical content and very common application, even if a company has a patent, it must not prevent other companies from using the product's technology."

Chen Xiao said two key words of flash memory.

One is that the technical content is not very high, and the other is that it has universal application significance.

"When the relevant departments of the country fully understand what happened, I guess the final treatment must be like this-"

"The state will definitely allow the company to produce and use flash memory products by itself, but will pay Netac some patent fees accordingly during the patent protection period."

"At the same time, Netac must not interfere or prevent these companies from producing and applying flash memory products."

Chen Xiao's remarks were not thought up by himself, but he had a wealth of practical experience.

Before Chen Xiao's rebirth, similar products with relatively low technical content and general application significance were accidentally developed and patented by a company in advance, and in the end there were only two results.

The first result is that the patent is invalid.

The second result is that as Chen Xiao just said, any company can produce and use it, and only need to pay some royalties.

These two results, no matter which one it is, are very beneficial to Lingyue.

The boss of Netac did not come from the future, and it was the first time he encountered such a thing, so he didn't think about the consequences at all.

Zhou Linghua applauded and said, "That's the truth!"

"Netac and the others invented flash memory technology, but they just invented this storage method. At present, the particle chips of flash memory are all from Toyo and the United States."

"And the development and application of flash chip chips (the current flash memory in the market uses MLC chips, and TLC chips have not been widely used at this time) is even more confusing. No company has a patent for such a technology, but it can produce There are only a few companies with flash particle chips.”

Netac's U disk (flash disk) patent is more similar to the flashlight patent.

The light bulb was not invented by Netac, nor was the battery invented by Netac. It was just that Netac used a box to combine these two things, which can be carried around and emit light.

When Chen Xiao said this, everyone suddenly realized.

And Chen Xiao also has a trump card - carbon crystal storage!

This is not the relationship between light bulbs and flashlights, but a storage technology that completely owns its own core technology.

At present, the equipment development of the carbon crystal storage laboratory has reached the most critical It is expected that the equipment can be produced in at most one month.

Chen Xiao uses different parts of the core equipment to allow different workers to produce, and adopts the industrial encryption production method.

So ordinary workers have no idea what they are producing, let alone stealing secrets.

Only after Chen Xiao finally assembles these parts will a complete carbon crystal storage production equipment be born.

According to Chen Xiao's understanding of the carbon crystal storage manual, as long as the carbon crystal storage is produced, don't say anything about the U disk, even if it is the memory (the carbon crystal storage can be used as memory) and the mechanical disk or even the future solid state disk, in its There is absolutely no competition in front of them.

This is Chen Xiao's real trump card.

So whether it can win the lawsuit with Netac is not important at all.

The two sides are not fighting at the same level at all.

It's just that Deng Yun didn't notice it at all.

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