Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 175: Motorola: 00,000 orders!

After Chen Xiao formulated a response policy, Wang Xiang led the legal department to act immediately.

This incident is also a challenge to Changtian Technology, which helps Changtian Technology to improve the company's internal structure and functional responsibilities, especially to let some young employees of Changtian Technology experience the dangers of the market.

Netac's lawsuit against Changtian Technology for infringement has also received extensive attention from many media.

Obviously, Netac's grasp of Xia Guo's public opinion field is not so accurate.

A few days ago, Changtian Technology was named and praised by "Renren Daily", and Changtian Technology is also known as a model of entrepreneurship.

How long does it take? Netac was sued for patent infringement.

Many scientific and technological people and ordinary audiences combined the two reports before and after, and felt that Netac was suspected of touching porcelain.

And compared to the giant Netac, Lingyue and its parent company, Changtian Technology, are both very young and innovative technology companies.

Comparing the strong and the weak, everyone will of course sympathize with the weak. This is human nature.

In addition, Chen Xiao has shares in Baidu, and Baidu has a very good relationship with several Internet celebrities. Therefore, in the online media, whether it is Xinlang or Huohu, news involving disputes between Lingyue and Netac, in fact, the reporting angle is more inclined to Lingyue.

Chen Xiao said that the war between Lingyue and Netac was an asymmetrical war.

This is not just at the technical level, but also at the Internet level.

Although Lingyue is a small company, its right to speak on the Internet is much stronger than Netac.

Lingyue can also make a statement to the outside world, expressing its willingness to start a dialogue for Netac.

The statement is very euphemistic. In fact, Wang Xiang's legal department has already started a lawsuit, and according to Chen Xiao's request, he wrote a report on the prevalence of flash memory and computer development and submitted it to the relevant departments.

Chen Xiao clearly felt that he was missing someone.

In the entire company, only Wang Xiang and Sun Dongding were there.

Because of his personality and experience, Sun Dong is more suitable for running the market, and only Wang Xiang can really control the overall situation.

Therefore, the negotiation with Motorola was left to Gao Miao by Chen Xiao.

Gao Miao is a natural scholar and a natural scientific researcher.

Some people in the laboratory will go crazy within an hour, but Gao Miao stayed in the factory in Jiangzhou for more than a month and did not come out.

She watched her designed products turn from drawings to reality, a pleasure that many people can't appreciate.

"Why did you think of asking me out for dinner?" Gao Miao helped her glasses.

Gao Miao is myopic, but the degree is not very high.

However, when she was working in the factory, she was used to wearing glasses.

On the one hand, it is to avoid mistakes in the process of experimenting or supervising production, and on the other hand, it is to see people more clearly and understand the expressions of the technicians or workers below.

"How about the production?" Chen Xiao asked.

There was a hint of joy in the eyes of Takamiao when he said that.

This is what makes Gao Miao different.

Talking to other girls about technology and production, now girls will definitely be very impatient, and only talking about handsome guys will shine.

Takamiao is also the opposite.

Gao Miao said: "At present, two production lines have been opened, and our production capacity is definitely no problem."

Gao Miao's meaning is very clear. At present, the production capacity of lithium batteries in the Jiangzhou factory can fully meet the demand for lithium batteries for Lingyue MP3 and there are still surplus.

Chen Xiao nodded and said, "You've got the factory done in two months, should I give you a toast?!"

Gao Miao smiled embarrassedly and said: "The technology and production specifications have been formulated, it is just to implement the corresponding technology, there is nothing difficult."

"I would like to toast you as well, and wish us success in starting a business!" Gao Miao smiled and lifted the drink cup. She did not regard herself as a migrant worker, but as an entrepreneur with Chen Xiao.

Gao Miao cherishes the opportunity to work with Chen Xiao very much.

During this period of research and development and production of lithium batteries, Gao Miao felt that the work was very comfortable, and he was much happier and happier than when he went to the company for an internship before.

Chen Xiao said: "Will the business be successful? It depends on this order!"

Gao Miao's ears perked up, and she asked, "What order?"

During this time, she devoted herself to production and was somewhat isolated from the outside world.

Chen Xiao said: "The representatives of Motorola and Nokia will come to Jiangzhou to negotiate with us. Motorola's representatives have arrived in Jiangzhou. They have provided a cooperation plan. I think it is up to you to negotiate."

Gao Miao was stunned for a while while eating, and then said excitedly, "You mean that Motorola, the world's most famous electronic communication company, wants to discuss cooperation with us?"

Chen Xiao nodded affirmatively and said, "The plan may be delivered tomorrow. You have to read it first and then make some comments, and then the two of us will make a final agreement."

Gao Miao swallowed and said, "Can I do it?"

Chen Xiao encouraged: "You are a graduate student of Jiangzhou University, and you are the specific person in charge of lithium batteries. No one is more suitable than you."

Chen Xiao said so, and Gao Miao no longer shied away.

She said, "Then I will specifically hand over to President Wang and prepare a reception plan."

Chen Xiao picked up the drink cup, "If the cooperation this time is successful, Changtian Technology will also be successful."

Gao Miao: "Cheers!"

A day later, Peng Li, vice president of Motorola Xiaguo, and Luo Joss, head of the global production technology department, met Gao Miao at the Changtian Technology Jiangzhou lithium battery factory.

Peng Li is a Chinese of rice origin (from Xiangjiang City), and was appointed as the Vice President of Motorola Daxia in 2000.

Rojos, on the other hand, is a native American.

This time it was also the first time that Pengli and Rojos came to the second-tier city of Xiaguo.

Peng Li is okay. She has worked in Xiangjiang City and Yanjing for a long time, and she is more familiar with the environment of Xia Guo.

Rojos, on the other hand, flew to Xia Guo from the United States, and Xia Guo’s backward environment surprised him a little.

Get off the plane at Shanghai Airport and transfer to Jiangzhou.

In such a backward city, is there really a lithium battery with advanced technology than Sony?

Anyway, Rojos is not very hopeful.

Even though "Renren Daily" fully reported that Changtian Technology has produced a powerful lithium battery, Motorola still has some doubts about Changtian Technology's technology.

But since they are here, Motorola is still willing to know the specific situation.

At the gate of the Jiangzhou factory, Gao Miao and his team met Peng Li and Rojos.

Gao Miao greeted them both in pure English and Chinese.

As soon as the top student opened his mouth, he immediately added enough points to Changtian Technology.

Especially Rojos, who actually heard pure London accent in the backward city of Xia Guo (English teaching in the 1990s used London accent, after 2005, Xia Guo’s English was used for teaching), he felt very cordial .

And Gao Miao's academic temperament makes Motorola's team look different.

After the simple welcome ceremony, Gao Miao did not directly talk about business, but brought the team to the production site of lithium batteries.

Talk with strength first, and then negotiate business later. This is how Chen Xiao told Gao Miao before negotiating.

If the other party does not see the true performance of lithium batteries, all negotiations are nonsense.

The production line of lithium batteries is very advanced, and the operating procedures of both equipment and workers are very standardized.

Even compared to the production lines of Toyo or South Korea, it is not far behind.

Just kidding, Chen Xiao comes from the future and used to be in business.

He has the most advanced factory management concept.

Rojos gave Gao Miao a thumbs up and said: "This is a very good production line. I have visited Sony's factory, and it is not bad at all compared to Sony's factory."

Gao Miao said very modestly: "Our company has just started, and there is still a lot to learn."

After visiting the factory, Gao Miao directly showed the performance of lithium battery electronics to the team.

There is no need for a continuous 48-hour test. Gao Miao only needs to show Rojos some parameters such as the production method and energy density of lithium batteries.

Rojos is the head of Motorola's production technology department, and one of the most critical parts of a phone is the battery.

Therefore, Rojos understands the performance of batteries very well. Lithium batteries are a new type of energy battery. Before coming to Xiaguo, Rojos had systematically understood some of the properties of lithium batteries.

After submitting the technical information, Gao Miao also generously handed over 10 standardized lithium batteries to Rojos.

Gao Miao said: "I learned that your company is coming, we made ten cuboid lithium batteries of different sizes according to your company's current mobile phone models."

This preparation has been very careful, which also shows that Changtian Technology attaches great importance to the cooperation with Motorola.

Rojos looked at the lithium battery in his hand, and was still ready to make a bargain, he said: "Indeed, from the data you just provided, your company's lithium cobalt oxide battery is indeed higher in energy density than Sony's. "

"But Sony has many years of experience in lithium battery research and development and production, but your company has just been established, the production line seems to be insufficient, and we are not very clear about the stability of the product."

"What are your strengths?"

Gao Miao laughed and called the factory manager.

Director Zheng hurriedly brought a box over.

Inside the box is the L2000, the world's first tri-band phone just released by Motorola.

This mobile phone is the world's most popular product, the only three-network mobile phone, which allows users to truly enjoy the global roaming service of GSM.

The only downside of this phone is the power consumption.

At present, the L2000 is equipped with a lithium battery produced by Sony, a large lithium battery with a very limited capacity, only 480 mAh to be precise.

The factory in Jiangzhou has improved the battery tail plug of the L2000 mobile phone, so that the tail plug can support a 1000 mAh lithium battery.

At the same time, the volume of the battery will become thinner and lighter, and the weight of the mobile phone will also become thinner.

Gao Miao handed the phone back and said, "We just made a simple modification and installed a 1,000mAh lithium battery on the phone. The capacity of the battery is more than twice that of the original battery."

"This kind of equipment is very suitable for business travel. Business people who travel long distances can stop charging for a week or two."

In the era of mobile phones without mobile traffic and games, 1000 mAh can make mobile phones work for a long time.

The L2000 is Motorola's masterpiece, and Rojos and Peng Li are currently using this phone.

But the mobile phone that Gao Miao arrived at was indeed much lighter than his original mobile phone.

Gao Miao said with a smile, "It's okay for us to modify this phone privately. Don't mind the two of you."

"Let's not talk about cooperation today. I hope Mr. Peng and Mr. Rojos can go back and use it for a few days, and then we will talk about cooperation."

Rojos was playing with the L2000 mobile phone and was horrified.

If the battery capacity can really reach 1000mAh, then in this level of mobile phone, Motorola has absolutely no rival.

Motorola's current competitors include Nokia, LG, Samsung and Sony.

Ultra-thin, high-endurance is definitely king.

Gao Miao's words have come to this point, and Rojos also said: "Then let's take the mobile phone back and test it."

Rojos and Peng Li returned to Yanjing first, while Motorola's technicians took the L2000 mobile phone back to the US laboratory.

The test results came in three days later.

Both the charging speed and the serial number capability of the mobile phone are much stronger than the 48 mAh lithium battery provided by Sony.

[Influence +5]

[Influence +5]

After Rojos got the test report, he immediately said to Peng Li: "The US headquarters has called me just now, and let us sign a lithium battery supply contract with Changtian Technology anyway."

In accordance with the requirements of the US headquarters.

Rojos and Peng Li revised the cooperation agreement after negotiating.

In the cooperation agreement, Motorola hopes to obtain the exclusive supply of Changtian Technology.

That is, Changtian Technology's lithium batteries cannot be sold to third-party communication companies.

The purchase contract was placed in front of Gao Miao, who simply flipped through it.

The amount and amount of the contract inside shocked Gao Miao.

Motorola is willing to purchase Changtian Technology's lithium batteries at a price of 35 yuan per block.

The requirement is that the size of the lithium battery should conform to the battery compartment of the Motorola mobile phone (Motorola will provide the design drawings).

At the same time requires that the capacity of each lithium battery should not be less than 1000mAh.

Motorola is willing to purchase 100,000 batteries for the first batch.

If the two parties cooperate happily, there will be multiple batches of procurement plans, and the total number is expected to be around one million.

Seeing this data, Gao Miao was stunned.

A simple calculation, the first batch of 10,000 purchases, the total amount is 3.5 million.

If the total number of purchases in the future is one million, then the total amount will be 35 million.

Looking at the dazzling numbers, Gao Miao quickly closed the contract.

Sometimes it is really hard to earn money. Ordinary workers spend only a few hundred yuan a month in the factory.

But sometimes money is really easy to make, as long as you have new technology and core technology, then you don't have to worry about business.

Gao Miao did not dare to call the shots without authorization, so he quickly took the contract provided by Motorola and went to Jiangzhou University to find Chen Xiao.

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