Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 178: Butcher knife of capital group

It was very late, and Chen Xiao didn't plan to go back to school, so he rested on the sofa in the laboratory office.

At this time, Chen Xiao discovered that his plan to buy a house in Jiangzhou had been shelved for half a year.

In the past, the economy was tense and there was no such condition, but now there is this condition, but there is no such time.

Early the next morning, Chen Xiao sent Sun Dong a text message.

Let Sun Dong go to the various buildings in Jiangzhou to screen.

In the real estate around 2000, there is nothing to choose from, almost all of them are the same.

In addition to the house, the car has to be resolved, and he also asked Sun Dong to see the car.

Chen Xiao In October, you applied for a driving school near the school. In this era, the management of learning hours with a driver's license is not very strict.

Chen Xiao bought a Huazi for the coach and a few bottles of good wine, and let the coach arrange the exam first.

Next week, Chen Xiao will take subject three, and he will be able to get his driver's license after passing subject three.

Chen Xiao was originally an old driver, but now he needs to retake his driver's license. Maybe the road in 2000 will turn a little bit.

The sun in the early winter morning was not warm at all. After Chen Xiao had breakfast, he continued to devote himself to the experiment.

He hopes to increase the capacity of carbon crystal storage to 512 megabytes with the current technical means, and it can still be done.

According to the experimental principle, it is relatively easy to increase the capacity of carbon crystal storage to 512 megabytes, because the requirements for accuracy will be stricter.

Chen Xiao is ready to settle down and conquer this technology in a few months.

What is very distressing is that he does not have many helpers at present, and the experiment of carbon crystal storage can only rely on himself.

Chen Xiao's life has become a simple two-point line. Except for special classes that require going back to school, he spends most of his time in the laboratory.

At the same time, research papers and experiments on carbon crystal storage are being carried out simultaneously.

As for whether the paper is to be published, this requires in-depth consideration, after all, the technology is too advanced.

Toyo, east longitude.

Netac's vice president is conducting tripartite talks with representatives from Sony and Toshiba.

The content of the tripartite talks is about the use of Toshiba flash memory in Lingyue MP3.

Netac and Sony kept stressing that this incident not only endangered the interests of the two companies, but also endangered the interests of Toshiba.

Shiro Tanaka, a representative of Sony, said: "The company violated relevant patent regulations, set a bad example to the world, and seriously affected your company's image."

The words on the table say so, but in fact it is still a matter of interest.

Sony is more anxious at this time. Whether it has the MP3 market of Xia Guo is a trivial matter. The most important thing is that Changtian Technology has mastered the lithium battery technology, and it is more advanced than itself.

In terms of the use of lithium batteries in mobile phones, Sony and Motorola and Nokia and other communication companies have been negotiating on and off for nearly a year.

Among them, Nokia and Motorola have used Sony's lithium batteries in some mobile phones, but the two sides have not yet fully cooperated.

Sony has a complete technical monopoly on the application of lithium batteries. He believes that as long as the negotiations continue, Sony, Motorola and Nokia will be able to reach a corresponding agreement.

I just didn't expect that Changtian Technology appeared at the critical moment of the negotiation.

For such emerging companies, consortia around the world will take the same approach - strangling them in the bud.

Therefore, Changtian Technology and its subsidiary Lingyue are regarded as threats by Sony.

Sony assisted Netac to negotiate with Toshiba this time, hoping to block the development of Lingyue from the aspect of survival.

Sony and Toshiba are both partners and competitors, but in the face of Xiaguo enterprises, the two sides are definitely partners.

Of course, Toshiba knew about Lingyue's purchase of Toshiba's flash memory chips.

At the beginning, Toshiba was based on the principle of opening up more markets in Xiaguo, so under the introduction of the middleman, it was only with the intention of reaching a relevant purchase agreement.

Toshiba did not think that its flash memory chip would be applied to MP3 at that time.

As far as Lingyue's share is concerned, this little money is nothing to Toshiba.

Under the leadership of Sony, Toshiba and Netac once again confirmed the patent of flash memory.

Flash memory produced by Toshiba will not be able to be used as raw materials for secondary processing by third-party companies.

Since then, this has provided important legal support for Netac's lawsuit against Lingyue.

On New Year's Eve, Netac sent more sufficient evidence to the Shenzhen Court.

Among them is the agreement on the use of flash memory patents between Toshiba and Netac.

Toshiba also provided Netac with the relevant basis for Lingyue's purchase of its flash memory through lawyers.

The first court hearing was after New Year's Day in January 2001. The current situation is very unfavorable for Lingyue.

With the continuous flow of news from Netac to Wang Xiang's side, Wang Xiang's head is getting bigger.

He sat opposite Chen Xiao, and everyone discussed ways.

Wang Xiang said to Chen Xiao with the information in his hand: "Now there is a most serious problem! Netac sued us in Xia Guoshen Market and Dongyang Dongjing at the same time."

"The worst case scenario is that if Toyo goes to court and declares us against the case, Toshiba will immediately stop selling flash memory chips to us."

"Maybe without a court session, Toshiba will take the above approach."

Sun Dong also attended the meeting, and when he heard this, he jumped up.

"How is that possible?! It's not just us who wants to sue! Why doesn't he sue Toshiba?"

Wang Xiang sneered and said, "What are you suing Toshiba for? The two parties have reached an agreement in court, and Toshiba has decided to stop supplying us."

The cold winter in Jiangzhou has come.

Things are more serious than Wang Xiang imagined.

Wang Xiang also agreed with Chen Xiao's trick at the beginning, but he did not expect Toshiba to be out of stock.

If it is impossible to purchase flash memory, Lingyue MP3 will definitely not be produced.

Chen Xiao asked, "How much do we have in stock at the moment?"

Zhou Linghua looked at the information in his A month ago, in order to cope with the stagnation of shipments during the Spring Festival, we purchased a batch of flash memory chips in advance. At present, there are about 10,000 flash memory chips in stock, which can still meet the production for a period of time. "

Chen Xiao nodded and said, "I should be able to deal with the peak sales season before the Spring Festival, but there are some troubles after the Spring Festival."

"Have our report been handed in?" Chen Xiao asked again.

This report is about the impact of flash memory on computer development, and elaborated that Netac's patented technology is not aimed at the flash memory chip itself, but the application of the flash memory chip. This patented technology is actually unethical.

The application of flash memory is definitely universal, and Netac's patent is similar to a man who invented the posture of a man standing to pee.

Wang Xiang said: "The report has been handed in, and the relevant departments have confirmed that there will be a reply in the next two days."

At this moment, the office staff came over and said, "Mr. Wang, your phone number."

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