The secretary said, "It was called by the leader of Jiangyang Science and Technology Department Zhang."

Hearing what the secretary said, Wang Xiang hurried to the office to answer the phone.

Chen Xiang, Zhou Linghua and others also followed.

There must be a relevant response to the report submitted by Lingyue on the development of computers and the ubiquity of flash memory.

"Hello, Leader Zhang!"

"Okay, okay."

"Have things turned around?"

"We definitely recognize Netac's patent, but this kind of patent should not become a barrier to prevent the development of Xia Guo's technology."

"I think the market should still adjust."

"Okay, I understand, thank you Leader Zhang for your concern!"

After hanging up the phone, Wang Xiang's face darkened.

Zhou Linghua hurriedly asked, "How is the situation?"

Wang Xiang picked up the tea on the table and poured it into his stomach.

He looked at Zhou Linghua, then at Chen Xiao, and said very depressedly, "Just now, the leader of the Jiangcheng Technology// Office called to say that our report has been submitted to the relevant department above."

After Motorola started the negotiation with Changtian Technology, the cooperation agreement with a total value of tens of millions of RMB was highly valued by Jiangzhou. Changtian Technology has now become a key company in Jiangzhou.

Therefore, after Chen Xiao submitted a report on the universal application of flash memory to relevant departments in the name of Lingyue Company, Jiangzhou also attached great importance to it and made a report to the above in the name of Jiangzhou.

Jiangzhou also wanted to help Lingyue Company. After all, helping Lingyue Company is helping Jiangzhou himself.

Now it seems that the reply to the report has come down, but Wang Xiang's face is not very good.

Wang Xiang put down the teacup, took a deep breath and said, "The situation is really not very good. The above is very considerate of our feelings and understands my report, but at this stage, we cannot implement our suggestions."

Lingyue's suggestion is to admit Netac's patent on flash memory, but the patent belongs to the patent application and the application.

Lingyue has the autonomy to produce and use flash memory technology, and pay Netac's patent fees in accordance with relevant regulations.

Netac shall not prevent or prohibit other companies from selling flash memory to Lingyue, nor shall it prevent Lingyue from producing and using flash memory technology.

Hearing Wang Xiang say this, Zhou Linghua became anxious.

"Is there a specific reason?"

Wang Xiang said: "Yes, it seems that our country will join the WTO this year, and the WTO is very strict in the protection of intellectual property rights."

"Our case this time involves Toshiba and other companies in Toyo, and Netac's patent is not only practical in China, but he also applied for patents in Toyo and the United States."

"At present, Netac is also suing us in Dongyang, and they can even sue us in the United States."

"If the relevant departments agree to our proposal, at this juncture, it may have some negative impact on the WTO's judgment on the protection of intellectual property rights of Xia Guo."

No need for Wang Xiang to say more, Chen Xiao already knew the whole process.

At the juncture of the upcoming entry into the WTO, the most important thing is to seek stability.

Chen Xiao's suggestions on the use of flash memory and patent protection will definitely be supported by relevant departments.

But at this juncture, it is definitely impossible to implement.

Even if it is to be implemented, it will take a few years for Xia to join the WTO and stabilize the transition.

If Netac plays dirty and brings this matter to the International Intellectual Property Arbitration Commission, it will have a serious negative impact on Xia Guo's entry into the WTO.

In terms of Internet discourse, Chen Xiao definitely has the upper hand. But in terms of means and international connections, Netac has the upper hand.

After all, Netac has been established for so many years, and their boss has worked hard in the United States for many years. He is very familiar with the Western system and has a wide network of contacts.

And when it comes to the keywords of intellectual property, one Western country will be more excited than the other.

They were worried that they could not find a weapon to attack the Xia Kingdom. Here, a company from the Xia Kingdom took the initiative to hand over the knife, which was right in their arms.

In this way, Chen Xiao's plan may have some changes.

Zhou Linghua asked again, "Did Leader Zhang give any relevant advice?"

Wang Xiang said: "It is suggested that we settle in court."

"In terms of volume, Netac is several times larger than us, and they are in Shenzhen, we are in Jiangzhou, and the city where we are located is not an order of magnitude, and Shenzhen will not give Jiangzhou much face, and it is very difficult to reconcile. !"

"It's really going to the court, and there will be no sympathy. According to the evidence Netac has provided now, we have a high probability of losing."

"What did the Legal Department say?" Chen Xiao asked.

Wang Xiang immediately called the person in charge of the legal department over.

The person in charge of the legal department has discussed in detail with the lawyer.

"The lawyer said that if we go to court and lose the case, the final result may be that Lingyue cannot produce and sell Lingyue MP3s with flash memory before the Netac patent is authorized to be used."

"In order to avoid trouble, Guomei may also choose to remove our products from the shelves."

Wang Xiang said here, he couldn't help but took out a cigarette and lit it.

Chen Xiao also took a sip of tea and thought about countermeasures.

2001 is the first year of the 21st century, and a lot of great events happened in the Xia Kingdom this year.

Xia Guo launched the Shenzhou 2 unmanned spacecraft. Grandpa Yuan Longping won the highest national science and technology award. Xia Guo successfully applied for the Olympics. Xia Guo’s national men’s football team rushed into the World Cup for the first time. Of course, the most influential person for ordinary people is Xia Guo joining. WTO.

After joining the WTO, many high-quality and high-tech foreign commodities entered Xia Country, and more and more foreign capital invested and built factories in Xia Country.

From this time, to the next 20 years, Xia Guo has become an international manufacturing center, and the economy has also achieved take-off.

Lingyue's current share of Changtian Technology's revenue is not very large.

If Lingyue is temporarily suspended from production and sales, Chen Xiao is not unacceptable.

But since then, it will definitely hit the morale of Changtian Technology, which is very important for the company that has just been established.

And as a strategic partner, Zhou Linghua's factory will definitely be seriously affected.

This will require a soft landing.

Everyone looked at Chen Xiao, waiting for Chen Xiao to speak.

Chen Xiao said, "Brother Zhou, after your factory has finished producing this batch of MP3s, it may be transformed."

"At present, we are negotiating a lithium battery agreement with Motorola. At that time, the factory production line in Jiangzhou may be insufficient, and we need your support."

Zhou Linghua couldn't help but ask: "Is this admitting defeat? Do you really want to stop the production of Lingyue? Have you ever thought of reconciling with Netac Court?"

Chen Xiao showed a smile, how could he admit defeat?

Netac has its own patents and cooperates with Sony, and it is determined to defeat Lingyue. It has caused such a scene, and it is even more difficult to reconcile in court, and it is even more impossible to admit defeat.

He said, "You can pull this face down to reconcile, but I can't."

And Chen Xiao also feels that there is no need to reconcile When carbon crystal storage can be mass-produced, it is also shameful to use this garbage flash memory in his own products.

Chen Xiao has calculated it. At present, the inventory of Lingyue flash memory can still support a few months, and there will be a certain buffer period from the court session to the execution next month.

That is, from now until after the Spring Festival, Lingyue's products should be able to sell normally.

When the mass production of carbon crystal storage comes up, it will be perfectly seamless.

Chen Xiao stood up and said, "Let the colleagues in the legal department prepare for the lawsuit. I'm about to take the final exam. During this time, the company will ask you, Brother Xiang."

Hearing Chen Xiao say this, Wang Xiang and Zhou Linghua stood up immediately.

The two are in a hurry! It means that Chen Xiao is still free to take the exam?

Chen Xiao yawned half-truly and said, "There is a Motorola lithium battery contract there, don't worry, you won't starve to death."

On January 15, 2001, the day of Chen Xiao's final exam, Lingyue Company and Netac Company were involved in a patent infringement case, and a court was formally held in Shenzhen.

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