Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 795: This line is profiteering

Latest website: After the high-level meeting ended, Chen Xiao left Qu Ping, Wang Xiang and others alone to discuss the new business of Wanze Biomedical Technology Co., Ltd.

Some things still need to be said to Qu Ping alone, and some guidance should be given to Qu Ping.

After all, the matter of biochips is too shocking.

It is also impossible for Chen Xiao to directly hand over the relevant research and development process of this technology to Qu Ping, so that Qu Ping can directly follow this process to do experiments.

If Chen Xiao directly revealed all the relevant technologies, it would definitely arouse Qu Ping's suspicion.

After all, Chen Xiao was not born with a major in biomedicine. Of course, the most important thing is that the technology of biochips is too advanced, and has completely surpassed the current level of human technology.

Chen Xiao could only let Qu Ping and his team discover by themselves that the laboratory can also make biochips through continuous guidance.

Only in this way is the process of obtaining all technologies a matter of course.

After the meeting, Qu Ping hadn't reacted yet.

It's not because she was appointed as the person in charge of Wanze Biotechnology Company, but because Changtian Technology is going to advance to the technology related to artificially synthesized human organs.

The impact on human biomedicine is absolutely unprecedented.

Qu Ping was also a surgical student at the beginning, and she experienced a very cruel operation.

Of course we know the importance of organ transplantation to patients.

What impressed Qu Ping the most was during a liver transplant operation, a middle-aged patient couldn't find a suitable liver for a long time, and was boiled to death.

There are even more patients, even if they find a suitable liver or other organs, they still need to take anti-rejection drugs for a long time. This process is quite painful.

Moreover, most of the organs currently used for transplantation are very expensive.

For example, for a liver transplant, the cost of the liver plus the cost of the entire operation usually costs about 500,000 yuan, and the cost of a kidney transplant is 100,000 to 200,000 yuan.

The high price is unacceptable to many patients' families.

What Changtian Technology wants to do is to make the corresponding organ transplant surgery easier and cheaper.

Qu Ping is also very clear in her heart that under the current shortage of medical resources in the Changtian Technology Intensive Care Center, it is absolutely impossible for Changtian Technology to send every critically ill patient to the Intensive Care Center for treatment.

Therefore, cell totipotent therapy will be a very special and rare therapy for a long time in the future, not a universal therapy.

Under such circumstances, if Changtian Technology can launch a large number of non-rejection organs or tissues that are suitable for various bodies and provide them to patients at an extremely low price, it will definitely be a great event for the benefit of mankind. .

After thinking about this matter, Qu Ping's mind also came to her senses.

Chen Xiao said to Qu Ping and Wang Xiang:

"Brother Xiang, what you have to do now is to contact the relevant departments of the country as soon as possible. We will strive to complete the procedures for artificially cultivating tissues and organs, so that our biological company can complete this work legally and compliantly."

Wang Xiang nodded and said to Chen Xiao: "These things are okay. In fact, after our intensive care center launched the cell totipotent therapy, some relevant leaders and technical experts from the health department asked us."

"I hope we can start from the totipotency of cells to find a way in organ transplantation."

"Now that we have established Wanze Biotechnology Co., Ltd., it is actually in line with the ideas and expectations of relevant state departments."

"So I think this set of procedures should be easy to complete, and the medical industry is still wishing for it."

Chen Xiao nodded.

In fact, look at the world.

At present, only a group company like Changtian Technology has the ability to work **** the cultivation of human organs and has achieved good results.

Chen Xiao wasn't worried about formalities, but was most worried about ethics.

After all, it also involves genetic technology.

And it involves the remodeling of human tissues and organs.

if again

go one step further.

Then the cloning of human embryos can be completed.

This thing is very sensitive.

After all, human embryos are involved, and human cloning is actually only one step away.

Therefore, in order to legalize the cultivation and sales of human organs, in addition to Changtian Technology's own technology meeting the requirements, the most important thing is to obtain the support of relevant state departments in order to gain support from public opinion.

Then Chen Xiao said to Qu Ping: "Mr. Qu, I always believe that there are only two technological factors that affect the future development of human beings."

"One is life science, and the other is artificial intelligence science."

"Today, Shangtian Technology established Wanze Biomedical Technology Co., Ltd., with the purpose of continuing to make efforts in biomedicine."

"We need to realize our medical achievements. In addition to allowing us to return the invested funds as soon as possible, the most important thing is to make our bioscience investment in R&D and output form a perfect closed loop."

Qu Ping knows her responsibility is heavy.

She said to Chen Xiao very seriously: "But Master, I only have experimental experience, but no business experience."

Qu Ping is still very modest, and is very worried that some problems will arise in the development of the project that the group head office values ​​very much due to her own reasons.

Chen Xiao just waved his hands and said, "The cultivation and sale of human organs does not require us to open up the market, as countless buyers will come to our door."

"So the operation of the entire market is actually very simple. I will assign you enough assistants to help you manage the company. Your task is to realize our scientific research results."

"Wanze Biotechnology Co., Ltd. is not an ordinary operating company, but a biomedical company."

"For biopharmaceutical companies, although the professional brokers we hire know business well, they don't know anything about technology, and the realization of our technology and scientific and technological achievements is more important than operation."

Chen Xiao got up and poured a cup of tea for Qu Ping and said, "Just relax, work as you did before, and work as you do now."

Qu Ping forced a smile, and Chen Xiao couldn't help laughing at the way she drove the ducks to the shelves.

After arranging matters related to Wanze Biotechnology Co., Ltd.

Qu Ping handed over the relevant treatment guidelines of the intensive care center to Chen Xiao and listened to Chen Xiao's opinions.

This time, the critical care center will receive patients with optimized standards based on the previous ones.

Qu Ping said: "Under the optimization, we have three admission principles. The first one is the same as the original one. The basic conditions for admitting patients are based on their physical condition.

The second is to line up in chronological order. Patients who meet the first condition will be lined up in the order in which they came to the intensive care center to register. Intensive care centers will also treat patients in the order in which they are lined up.

The third article is that all patients in the process of treatment, if they have financial difficulties, they can apply for the assistance of the ICU Relief Fund. Certain subsidies. "

Chen Xiao nodded, before the large-scale popularization of cell totipotent therapy in the intensive care center and its inclusion in social medical insurance.

Subsidizing patients in the form of relief funds is the most direct way.

Even if it does this, Changtian Technology will not lose money.

Because the funds of the foundation mainly come from the additional patient treatment fees collected by the overseas branches of the intensive care center and the sponsorship of some companies and individuals at home and abroad.

And this part of the money will be used for business operations to increase value.

The best management method is of course to invest in related projects of Changtian Technology.

So the foundation's money is sufficient so far.

But foundation money is never the answer.

Before the cell totipotent therapy has a complete industrial chain, the cost of treatment will not increase if the cost cannot be reduced.

Unless there is a national medical insurance coverage.

Otherwise, this treatment method will never be popularized in the short term.

Qu Ping said: "We have strict procedures for the relevant procedures.

The monitoring system and investigation system, all employees engaged in the intensive care center will sign our integrity agreement. "

"If we find that an employee in Changtian Technology has violated the relevant system, then we will expel the employee and pursue his legal responsibility. According to the clean government agreement, all bonuses for the year and all bonuses from his clean government bonus pool will be deducted."

The clean government bonus pool is a related system established by Shen Wei after she came to Changtian Technology and became the relevant person in charge of the clean government department.

15% of the bonuses that Changtian Technology distributes to employees each year belong to the integrity bonus. This part of the bonus will not be paid to the employees immediately, but will belong to the integrity bonus pool, and the annualized interest rate will be 5%. After 5 years, if the employee has not violated any integrity issues within these 5 years, then the bonus plus interest will be paid to the employee.

Because Changtian Technology will give employees 5% annualized interest, which is much higher than existing banks, and there is no risk at all. Therefore, many employees have been deducted 15% of the integrity bonus and paid it out after 5 years, and everyone has no objection.

For ordinary employees, if their working experience exceeds 5 years, starting from the 6th year, it can be regarded as receiving a full bonus every year, plus some more interest.

Shen Wei's policy is very in line with the current actual situation of Changtian Technology.

The girl Shen Wei has gradually entered the role of Changtian Technology, and now she is Chen Xiao's most capable assistant and the most trusted person.

Changtian Technology has benefits that countless people envy, and of course it also has a very strict system.

Rights and duties are equivalent.

This is most directly reflected in the salary, treatment and rules and regulations of Changtian Technology.

Changtian Technology is only a private company, not a law enforcement agency, so he cannot fine employees.

Deducting penalty bonuses is a reasonable decision that a company can make.

Chen Xiao believed that after such a policy was implemented.

As long as the employees of Changtian Technology are clear-headed, it is absolutely impossible for them to do things that will ruin their future.

Qu Ping continued: "For patients, we have corresponding treatment measures."

"If a patient enters the Changtian Technology Intensive Treatment Center through improper means, if his treatment has not started or is not over, it will be terminated immediately. If his treatment has ended, then the Changtian Technology Comprehensive Treatment Center will Medicines and medical support for patients during recovery will be stopped."

During the recovery period, the patient needs the support of the culture fluid. Without the culture fluid of Changtian Technology, the patient will only have a dead end even if the operation is successful.

Qu Ping believes that through these two measures, the problems faced by the intensive care center will be properly resolved.

In particular, the announcement of the treatment fund to the outside world can make Xia Guo's patients feel that Xia Guo's intensive care center and the intensive care center for overseas patients are two completely different operating modes.

Chen Xiao signed his name on Qu Ping's relevant policy plan and agreed to the implementation of the plan.

In the afternoon of the same day, the Changtian Science and Technology Comprehensive Treatment Center soon announced the relevant situation of the treatment assistance fund of the intensive care center and the standards for the admission of patients.

In addition, the news of the establishment of Changtian Technology Wanze Biotechnology Co., Ltd. and the main development direction of the company will be announced.

After Changtian Technology announced these two pieces of news.

Many domestic netizens suddenly realized it.

Some time ago, everyone really misunderstood Changtian Technology.

"The rescue fund of Changtian Technology Intensive Care Center has been established a long time ago. I don't know if you have read the news that the widowed old man was discharged from the hospital a few days ago. This old man has no money, no rights, and no children, but he can also live in The treatment in the intensive care center is paid for through the relief fund."

"It's indeed the rhythm of the media! Especially those disgusting Western media and Peng Peng news. I have studied the sources of funds of the Changtian Technology Relief Fund in detail. Most of them come from some patients in the West. They spend a lot of money and high prices to treat the remaining cost of."

"Apologize to Changtian Technology!"

"Xiaguo patients are equal for everyone! I would like to thank Changtian Technology

Apologize. "

"Relevant departments have also announced the investigation results of Wang Feng's family. It seems that Wang Feng and Li Minsheng received assistance from a foundation in Xiangjiang City, which is why they caused trouble in Changzezhou!"

"Hey! They are also low-level people. At that time, I think it is understandable to take money from the foundation in order to have money for medical treatment, but what are the media in Xiaguo doing? Don't ask indiscriminately, just send random messages for the sake of traffic, really too disgusting!"

"Changtian Technology is also aware of the fact that the medical resources in the intensive care center are insufficient, so it urgently established Wanze Biotechnology Co., Ltd., hoping to use the medical technology of the intensive care center to cultivate human tissues and organs on a large scale. Are hospitals treating patients creating opportunities?"

"Speaking of this! I think Changtian's technology is really awesome! If it can cultivate human tissues and, this will definitely be a major breakthrough in human biology!"

Countless netizens flocked to Pengpeng News and the Weibo of various big Vs, swearing at the message boards and demanding an apology from the rumor-mongering media.

These big Vs stood up and apologized without pain, thinking that this matter was considered a turning point.

After all, spreading rumors can get a lot of traffic, and the cost of spreading rumors is very low, an apology is enough.

Immediately afterwards, Changtian Technology announced the method of pursuing accountability for Changtian Technology's unreasonable smearing of relevant personnel in violation of the relevant laws of the Xia Kingdom.

In addition to the usual legal procedures, the personnel here will be blacklisted by Changtian Technology, and they will never be able to use the products of Changtian Technology, including the medical services of the intensive care center.

As soon as the news was announced, many people were dumbfounded.

The establishment of Wanze Biotechnology Co., Ltd. has attracted considerable attention from the West.

Some companies can't sit still.

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