Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 796: It's not for you to make multiple choice questions

The latest website: Pfizer, Merck and other companies that have a cooperative relationship with Changtian Technology Intensive Care Center have always been very optimistic about Changtian Technology's cell totipotent therapy.

They have repeatedly sent representatives to Changtian Technology, hoping to open cell totipotent therapy in the overseas comprehensive treatment center that cooperates with Changtian Technology.

However, this matter was not agreed by Changtian Technology.

The most important reason is the lack of medical resources for cell totipotent therapy.

This problem can only reduce costs and expand the coverage of technology after the establishment of Wanze Biotechnology Co., Ltd. and the large-scale innovation and promotion of technology.

Therefore, companies such as Pfizer have to temporarily give up allowing Changtian Technology to promote the cell totipotent therapy of the intensive care center to overseas hospitals.

But this time, Pfizer and Merck, upon hearing that Changtian Technology will use cell pluripotent therapy as the basis to pioneer research on the separate cultivation of human organs and tissues, they couldn't sit still.

Both organs and tissues are very important subjects in human medicine.

Every year, the medical industry related to organ transplantation, such as immunosuppressive drugs, has an output value of hundreds or even hundreds of billions of dollars.

If measured by output value.

The output value is second only to the global smart phone.

At present, the output value of global smartphones is close to 300 billion meters.

And these data are just data on the surface.

The so-called data on the surface is the data of those regular hospitals that transplant organs for patients in a formal way.

And those data that are not on the bright side are immeasurable.

After all, through normal means, one is that the price of human organs is too high, and the other is that it is not possible to wait for a matching organ in a short period of time.

Therefore, there are several places in the global market that have spawned a black market for organs, and its output value is also very scary.

In developed countries, such as the United States and Europe, many patients cannot wait for a matching organ for a long time. They will go to Thailand, Cambodia and other places in Southeast Asia to complete relevant surgical treatment.

In the first-tier cities of Xiaguo, many patients go to Thailand to complete organ transplants every year.

It is not how advanced the medical technology in these countries in Southeast Asia is, so that patients all over the world flock to them.

It is that the relevant laws of these countries are very imperfect, leaving patches of black holes.

You can always find body parts that match your body in these places.

Or after you arrive here, the local medical intermediary can always find human organs that match your body according to your physical standards.

How did these organs come from?

Then everyone can imagine boldly.

Moreover, many hospitals and large medical group companies in the West have extensive cooperative relations with intermediary agencies and small clinics in these countries in Southeast Asia.

The doctors in charge of some patients even suggested that the patients should not wait endlessly in the hospital for suitable organs, but go directly to Southeast Asia to find those intermediary institutions for treatment.

Of course, if the patient is inconvenient to travel to those small countries in Southeast Asia due to physical reasons.

Then the hospital can also use private channels to help patients send adapted organs from Southeast Asia to the United States.

But the price will be more expensive.

Pfizer and other companies now know that Changtian Technology has the technology to mass-produce adapters and tissues.

Certainly felt like it was a big deal.

Not only is it a big deal, but it will also be of great help to companies such as Pfizer in improving their related medical industry chains.

So after they got the announcement from Changtian Technology, they immediately sent representatives to Xia Guo with cash.

On the one hand, I hope to have a detailed understanding of Changtian Technology's technology in this area.

On the other hand, they hope to be able to order any tissues and organs produced by Wanze Biotechnology Co., Ltd. in the future, as many as they want.

Pfizer representatives contacted Qu Ping.

This time, the representative of Pfizer came with cash and directly handed over 10 million

The cash was handed over to Wanze Biotechnology Co., Ltd., and I only hope that Wanze Biotechnology Co., Ltd. can accept their order.

Pfizer came here this time as the vice president, and the position is not low.

And said it clearly to Qu Ping.

It doesn't matter that Wanze Biotechnology Co., Ltd. has no goods this time.

Pfizer can wait, and when Wanze Biotechnology Co., Ltd. can supply, he will buy it as soon as possible.

Pfizer's attitude made Qu Ping a little speechless.

This kind of feeling seems to be in rural areas. Before the sows have piglets, the merchants of the pig farms are waiting at the door of the pig pen with money.

In fact, Pfizer's current mood is also particularly complicated.

They are eager to cooperate with Changtian Technology. After all, Changtian Technology has very advanced biomedical technology, and these technologies are not available to Pfizer.

From the first cooperation with Changtian Technology to the present, Pfizer has been continuously researching the related biotechnology of Changtian Technology, but has achieved almost no results.

The only results were also given to the Fort Detrick Laboratory in the United States.

This is also the final reason why the National Biological Laboratory of the United States tried every means to obtain a case of completed surgery and use human experiments to pursue the truth.

After Qu Ping reported the matter to Chen Xiao.

Chen Xiao didn't care, and asked Qu Ping to collect the money.

After all, it is up to Changtian Technology to decide whether to provide corresponding medical products after receiving the money, not Pfizer.

And this money is real. If you don't do anything, you can put it in the bank and the interest is enough. It's not a small income.

This is the normal state of dealing with strong technology companies and weak technology companies.

After you pay the money, you still have the opportunity to get the latest products.

If you don't pay, then there must be no chance of cooperation.

Chen Xiao was drinking tea, her mind was very clear, the matter of Li Minsheng had come to an end, but the matter of Dr. Fang's suicide was indeed very strange

In addition, relevant departments have found the shadow of a certain foundation in Xiangjiang City from Li Minsheng's account.

Therefore, Chen Xiao also sent personnel from the intelligence department of the group company to secretly investigate the situation of the other party's doctor.

It was easy for Chen Xiao to link this incident with the fact that the French Microbiological Power Station had been corrupted by overseas spy agencies for many years.

Regarding the situation of the French microbial power station, Chen Xiao was not in a hurry.

Instead, the intelligence department sent professional intelligence personnel to work in the French Bioelectricity Company for a long time to accept the corruption of the United States.

Through Changtian Technology's own method, we can figure out the operation mode and mode of operation of the US intelligence agency, and know ourselves and the enemy and win every battle.

In the past, Changtian Technology was in the open, and the relevant intelligence agencies of the United States were in the dark.

Now that Chen Xiao has discharged the personnel, it means that the microbial power plant of Changtian Technology is in the open, the intelligence department of the United States is in the dark, and the intelligence department of Changtian Technology is hiding behind the intelligence department.

At this moment, there was a knock on the office door.

Chen Ling glanced at Qu Ping, Qu Ping opened the door, and it was Wen Qi who came.

Wen Qi handed the ready-made mobile phone prototypes named Nokia P1 and Bird Y1 to Chen Xiao.

Qu Ping saw that Chen Xiao wanted to talk about business. After saying hello to Wen Qi, he left the office.

"This is the upcoming Nokia and Bird phone."

After Changtian Technology acquired Nokia, Nokia and Bird Mobile are actually subsidiaries of Hanhai Technology.

So this time Changtian Technology adopts a dual-brand strategy.

The configuration is the same, one for business (Nokia) and one for young people (Bird).

In the European market and the Asian market, Nokia and Bird mobile phones were released respectively, and they were positioned as mid-end markets.

The mid-range mobile phones of the two companies will use carbon crystal storage with 1G memory to 2G memory.

Chen Xiao plans to launch the two types of mobile phones next year, but this time the relevant domestic mobile phone manufacturers have gone too far.

Although there was no blatant internal and external cooperation to kill Changtian Technology, but

It can also be regarded as taking advantage of others, hoping to expand their own market.

In Xiaguo's technological elite, especially in the emerging mobile phone industry, most of the founders of these mobile Internet companies have overseas study or work experience.

They regard Western technology as their standard, and they are even more superstitious about Western technology.

If everything goes smoothly, Hanhai Mobile can successfully gain a firm foothold in the Western and Asian markets, and achieve the same status as Nokia in one go.

So these Internet mobile phone manufacturers in Xiaguo will definitely follow Changtian Technology and jointly build a system ecological chain with Yinghuo OS as the core.

However, as Apple, Samsung, Google and other companies have carried out rounds of strangling Changtian Technology, they are unwilling to give up the global market easily.

This has also led to a slowdown in the sales of Hanhai mobile phones in Europe and the global market, and even encountered some setbacks.

Take a look at these domestic mobile phone manufacturers and supporting companies.

Wow, amazing!

Or the West has a complete industrial chain, a complete production chain, and strong technology companies.

No matter how powerful Changtian Technology is, it is hard to beat with two fists and four hands.

Some time ago, Changtian Technology suffered a setback in Europe, and encountered unreasonable people like Li Minsheng's family in the domestic market.

This has strengthened the idea that those elites in Xiaguo's science and technology circles can't get out of domestic technology only by their own development, and must rely on powerful overseas technology companies to gain market access.

They also took this opportunity to take over the olive branches thrown by technology companies such as Qualcomm, and quickly purchased Qualcomm chips, Samsung storage, Samsung and Sony cameras, LG screens, etc., completely putting their technological strategic goals on the market. In the Western camp.

After all, only this method can win the market faster and better and make profits.

Taking advantage of the influence of Changtian Technology’s negative public opinion on Hanhai’s mobile phone and the blocked sales situation, Hanhai launched its own new mobile phone as soon as possible, and cooperated with overseas mobile phone manufacturers to fight high-low competition (Samsung and Apple attacked the high-end market, and pulled the Android system and iOS System-based Internet ecosystem, domestic mobile phone manufacturers hit the mid-end and low-end markets, and continue to introduce consumers into the Android ecosystem).

I have to say that this strategy is still very effective.

As Longsky Technology has been hindered in the European market, and some negative news broke out in the intensive care center some time ago

Not only users and consumers, but even Xiaguo's application companies are skeptical about whether Changtian Technology can build a complete Firefly ecological chain by itself.

The sales of Samsung and other mobile phones were very eye-catching during this period.

Therefore, under balance, most of Xia Guo's emerging smartphone groups chose a conservative approach.

That is to cooperate with hardware suppliers in the United States to obtain what they think is the most advanced mobile phone hardware, and use a very crude and simple way to combine it into a mobile phone, and then use brainwashing marketing methods to sell the mobile phone. way to make the most money.

This idea of ​​making money is the same as Lianxiang's idea of ​​making money in the PC field more than 10 years ago and now - it can obtain good cash flow in a short period of time, and even allow a company to grow rapidly.

For example, Xiaomi and Lailanchang Green Factory have seized the cusp of the times and successfully become influential large companies in the region.

However, if this model is adopted, it is also relatively short-sighted, and it can accumulate initial capital relatively quickly to obtain profits. The upper limit is too low, and the development structure is too fragile, and it may die at any time.

After all, the core technology is in the hands of Western companies.

When one day you are upset, or the products you sell affect their own interests, then who can cut off your supply and put pressure on each other to increase the bargaining chip.

There is another way that Changtian Technology and Huawei are practicing.

Enrich your own industrial chain and technology accumulation, and hold your destiny in your own hands.

Although this kind of road is very difficult, and the effect is very slow, and the success rate is very low.

If successful, then you can establish your own technology system and

industrial chain.

This is very stable. Various technologies and systems are the foundation of the entanglement. At that time, it was not easy to bring you down.

Chen Xiao's idea of ​​founding Changtian Technology at the beginning was to create a set of technology and knowledge system in Xia Kingdom that belonged to Xia with a solid foundation and sufficient strength to compete with western technology companies.

He didn't expect that Xia Guo didn't even have any certainty about many fund matters.

Although the society has progressed, human nature has not progressed, and neither mentality nor self-confidence has improved.

The mentality of these technology companies is no different from that of most people in the late Qing Dynasty.

He is afraid that he will be cowardly if he hits him externally, but he only barks his teeth and claws at home, wishing to swallow you whole.

What Chen Xiao has to do now is to let Changtian Technology know that some technology companies that are swinging from side to side set up rules.

Changtian Technology has a time limit for the technological planning of the entire Xia Kingdom.

Now Changtian Technology’s attitude towards these domestic technology companies is not that you can choose to cooperate with me, or you can cooperate with Western technology companies and join their system, but you can either join my system or leave the Xiaguo market. Or die completely.

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