Rebirth 1999: Opening the Era of Black Technology Chapter 801 Killing every step

Chen Xiao said: "The third method is very simple. Let's go directly to Samsung to buy it and see if Samsung is happy."

After Chen Xiao said the third solution, Wen Qi and Jobs looked at each other in blank dismay.

They obviously think that the third method must be unreliable.

After all, Changtian Technology has always been in a competitive relationship with Samsung from the semiconductor industry to mobile phones.

The two sides have even reached the point where the fish are dead and the net is broken.

Changtian Technology's carbon crystal semiconductor has reduced the global share of Samsung Semiconductor from more than 70 to less than 40.

The global release of Hanhai mobile phones has almost cut Samsung's mobile phone shipments in half.

At this time, Changtian Technology is asking Shanxing to buy the screen, and it is absolutely impossible for Shanxing to sell the screen to competitors.

Wang Xiang couldn't help but said, "Isn't that appropriate? They will never sell it."

Chen Xiao said that we can actually use two methods: "One is to buy directly from Shanxing, and the other is to go through an intermediary agent."

Wen Qi suddenly realized that if she buys screens from Shanxing or Sharp through a third-party intermediary, she can completely avoid the sales restriction ban in the United States.

But doing so is also risky.

The intermediary organization must obtain benefits from it, which will invisibly increase the procurement cost of Changtian Technology.

Moreover, if this opportunistic method is discovered by the ugly country on the other side, it is possible to modify the relevant policies at any time to plug this loophole.

At that time, the supply of screens in the Hanhai mobile phone industry chain will be cut off again.

But the matter has come to this point, everyone can only follow the method Chen Xiao said, and try one by one.

But Chen Xiao still said to everyone: "No matter what method is used, the current international business environment is very bad, and we must have backup."

"Since the United States believes that the display technology of mobile phones is a key technology, we will treat this technology as a key technology."

"No matter what measures we take, Changtian Technology has decided to invest in LCD screen technology."

No need for Chen Xiao to say much, Wang Xiang also knew what to do.

The best way to invest is to find a suitable domestic LCD screen manufacturer.

Longsky Technology will inject capital into it and hold appropriate holdings.

Changtian Technology provides funds to help the LCD display company it holds to develop technology.

This cycle may be relatively long.

But if the technology has made a breakthrough, then the later stage will be very stable.

With the technology in hand, I have the world.

The industrial chain is in the hands of Changtian Technology, so the entire mobile phone production Changtian Technology has completed the technical closed loop.

Regarding domestic display technology, Chen Xiao actually still has a lot to complain about.

In terms of liquid crystal display technology in China, it can actually be regarded as the second echelon in the world.

Most of the domestic technology comes from the technology transfer of South Korean panel companies.

But South Korean companies are very cunning, and it is absolutely impossible to give you the core technology. Their thoughts on Xiaguo companies are to take advantage of their cheap labor, low environmental costs, and very favorable domestic policies.

Whenever Samsung's South Korean company has a new technological breakthrough, they will sell their outdated technology to Xiaguo's panel manufacturers at a high price.

After Xia Guo bought the relevant technology at a high price, and spent a lot of manpower and material resources to invest in the construction of the factory, the price of the LCD screen was pulled down.

South Korea will immediately throw out newer technology and more advanced LCD panel production technology.

This made the LCD industry chain that Xia Guo spent a lot of effort on laying out become worthless in an instant.

Changhong, the domestic LCD TV giant, has followed South Korea's path.

Around 2006, under the lobbying of internal strategic experts and external experts, Changhong spent a lot of money to acquire Orion Technology in South Korea. It spent a total of 2 billion dollars, betting that the future TV market must be the plasma TV market.

The South Korean government also welcomes this acquisition very much.

In the past, when Xia Guo's technology companies wanted to acquire South Korean technology, the South Korean government resolutely blocked it, but this time it gave the green light.

After the acquisition of plasma technology, Changhong spent tens of billions of RMB to introduce technical personnel, invest in the construction of factories, and lay out the production chain.

When Changhong, the overlord of domestic color TVs, was dreaming of plasma TVs, the South Korean LCD Panel Alliance immediately pushed technology to the LED industry.

Changhong, which has spent tens of billions of yuan on plasma technology, suddenly found that the direction of the entire market has changed, and plasma color TVs will not be accepted by the market at all.

Changhong, who was belatedly aware of it, realized that he was put together by the South Korean company and those experts with South Korean background.

But he had no choice but to lose tens of billions of rmb, and watched the company weaken step by step.

It was precisely because of these reasons that Chen Xiao never felt that those companies in South Korea were reliable.

The food of these companies is more disgusting than the other.

As for the companies in the Wanwan area.

Chen Xiao felt that it was enough.

For example, Huaxing Electronics, jointly established by Shenzhen Municipality and tcl.

On the surface, this is a mainland Xia company.

But in fact, the technical team and management of this company are all from the Wanwan area.

Longteng Optoelectronics, which is relatively good in the third and fourth lines, also has a technical team from the Wanwan area. To be precise, this is a joint venture with the Wanwan area.

As for the computer monitor, the technical team of Huike, which is relatively well-known, is also from the Wanwan area.

It's not that these teams and companies in the Wanwan area are so friendly to the mainland and are willing to help mainland companies develop.

Instead, it is profitable to invest and run enterprises in the mainland.

Compared with the first-line brands with fierce competition.

Sinking into the mainland market to compete for third- and fourth-tier products can allow them to make more money.

The root cause of this phenomenon is that LCD panels belong to the global high-tech industry.

The technology of LCD panels also comes from the industrial transfer of the United States.

Of course, the transfer of the first echelon came to Dongyang and South Korea, and the transfer of the second echelon came to the Wanwan area of ​​Xia Guo.

The leftover dregs of the two families came to the mainland.

Chen Xiao thought about the industrial distribution of LCD panels.

In the end, it set its sights on a domestic company.


Although BOE's technology comes from Hyundai in South Korea.

But this company is different from other companies that have been eating their laurels and only seeking short-term profits.

On the basis of modern ttlcd technology, he vigorously cultivates his own technical team and completes knowledge and technology innovation.

Although the current technology in hand is still a little behind compared with the mainstream first- and second-tier products, the products are usable.

Much better to have something available than nothing available.

When there is really no other way, Hanhai Technology can use the tt screen to come to the rescue.

Although the ttlcd screen is very backward, it has been eliminated by many first-tier mobile phone brands.

But this is also no way.

According to the task assigned by Chen Xiao.

Jobs personally contacted Takashi Okuda, the president of Sharp.

Wang Xiang said that Changtian Technology is willing to buy Sharp's mobile phone screen technology in cash, so as to bypass the unilateral embargo agreement of the ugly country on the other side of the Pacific Ocean.

Doing so is actually a win-win.

Changtian Technology has obtained a stable supply of goods.

Sharp, on the other hand, has obtained a relatively sufficient cash flow, which can ensure that the company can temporarily survive the economic crisis.

Okuda Takashi was overwhelmed by this agreement!

He knew that Changtian Technology would definitely have a solution.

Takashi Okuda immediately started the negotiation window between Sharp and Changtian Technology.

The two sides went through several rounds of arduous negotiations.

It is finally determined that Changtian Technology will pay 1 billion meters to obtain the production technology of LCD panels.

Sharp actually shouted this price out of conscience.

This price is at least 15 times higher than the market price itself.

But they were sure that Changtian Technology would not be able to counter the price.

After all, a large number of Hanhai mobile phone orders are piled up on the production line, waiting to be placed and produced.

Negotiations between the two sides were originally conducted in secret.

But since Sharp is an oriental company, there must be no secrets in the eyes of Miguo's father.

The news of the negotiations between the two parties was quickly known to Cai.

Cai immediately informed the relevant departments of Ugly Country about the negotiation.

Let’s say that Changtian Technology has successfully acquired Sharp’s LCD panel technology.

Then the production of Hanhai mobile phones and its Nokia and Bird mobile phones will be unimpeded.

Some time ago, the US capitalist industry took a series of prohibitive measures against Changtian Technology, which will come to naught.

Ugly country immediately put pressure on Dongyang and stopped the technology transfer agreement between Changtian Technology and Sharp.

The reasons are very good, there are two in total.

The first one is a violation of Ugly Country's domestic long-term laws.

The second is a threat to the Ugly country's own security.

After Okuda Takashi got the news from the United States, he was directly outraged and had a heart attack.

It took a long time to rescue him at the Osaka Hospital.

After waking up, Takashi Okuda said only one sentence—Sharp is finished.

And when Okuda Takashi was not discharged from the hospital.

An event that shocked Toyo happened.

The vice president of Sharp who was in charge of negotiating with Changtian Technology, Takumi Yamamura, who had two years of experience in studying abroad in Xiaguo, was found to have committed suicide by turning on gas at home.

After hearing the news, Ryuji Okuda, who had just been rescued, trembled with fright, and then cried bitterly.

He handed over the command of Sharp to his subordinates in the intensive care unit, and no one dared to mention the technology transfer between Sharp and Changtian Technology.

The news reached Changtian Technology.

Chen Xiao stood in front of the window and sighed softly.

He was born again, of course he knew Sharp's fate.

If nothing else, according to Sharp's current economic situation, Sharp can't live for more than two years.

In the end, it will be acquired by Foxconn, and then slowly go downhill.

Chen Xiao didn't regret that the two sides didn't reach a cooperation this time, because all these incidents were within his expectation.

Toyo is a country without sovereignty.

The prosperity and peace are superficial.

In essence, it is a tool country, and most of the companies in this country are tools of US capital.

You can live like a human being when you are needed, and you are not even a dog when you are not needed.

Chen Xiao just felt sorry for Sharp, the fate of the company was not in his own hands.

Chen Xiao also hoped that this matter would make Saab's technology companies suddenly wake up.

In the field of high-tech industry, if you only focus on making money for the immediate benefit and forget your own situation, you will definitely suffer a big loss.

News of Vice President Sharp's suicide spread to Xia Guo.

This also caused Xia Guo's media and netizens to be extremely shocked.

On Weibo, this topic rushed directly, ranking first in the hot search.

"It's really shocking. Sharp's vice president committed suicide because of negotiating with Changtian Technology! What kind of pressure is behind this!"

"Changtian Technology hopes to be able to purchase Sharp LCD panels. The negotiation on production technology must be a mess. Who is the beneficiary behind it? You can know it with your ass."

"Whoever benefits is the one who did it, don't even think about it."

Netizens were outraged.

But domestic technology companies have remained silent.

Because everyone is really scared.

Sharp also has its own technology in its hands.

Many domestic technology companies are actually assembly companies.

This trick of the United States to kill chickens and monkeys is indeed very powerful.

Many mobile phone manufacturers, including Xiaomi, never mentioned the matter of cooperation with Changtian Technology during this period.

Everyone is waiting to see what happens.

Yanjing Lenovo Headquarters.

The back of Yang Qing's head was still sweating a little.

He is quite familiar with the capital of the United States.

I am also very familiar with the way some special departments in the United States handle things. UU reading

The cruelty of the struggle between technology and business is beyond imagination.

Not to mention the bosses of the blue factory and the green factory, the two have already immigrated to the United States.

Although they worked in Xiaguo for a long time, their family and children lived there.

There are some things they dare not do and will not do.

So Blue Factory and Green Factory were the first to jump out, saying that they would stick to the Android ecosystem and provide users with better services.

This statement is very clever.

Not a single word mentioned Changtian Technology or Yinghuo OS.

Correctly and clearly stated that Blue Factory and Green Factory will not use Firefly OS.

Under such circumstances, who would have the guts to cooperate with Changtian Technology?

Everyone is waiting for the response from Changtian Technology.

After negotiations with Sharp to acquire screen technology failed.

Changtian Technology immediately adopted the second option.

Contact AUO, a crooked enterprise.

On the one hand, it is hoped that it can guarantee the supply of existing products.

On the other hand, it is hoped that it will be able to expand its production capacity and provide screens for Hanhai mobile phones.

Who knows that Wan Wan's You Da has been scared to pee.

Directly stated that after completing the contract agreement with Hanhai Technology, there will be no new agreement here.

That is to say, AUO is not only unable to provide screens for Hanhai mobile phones, but in the next two months, when the order in hand is completed, there is no way to provide screens for Nokia and Bird Systems.

Under the banter and ridicule of American capital.

The entire technology industry believes that the three mobile phones being sold by Hanhai Technology Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Changtian Technology, have fallen into production difficulties.

Even if your reputation is good and consumers are willing to pay, your products will not be able to be reproduced.

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