Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 802: What's the matter with letting the king

The latest website: When the screen of Hanhai's mobile phone is facing such a major difficulty, most of the domestic technology companies are all dumbfounded, and no one dares to express their support for Hanhai Technology.

The reason is that it has been squeezed for too long by American technology companies and the capital behind them, and has lost its soul and right to speak.

On the contrary, netizens have been supporting Changtian Technology on Weibo and social media.

And these technology companies dare not say a word, let alone say no to those technology companies in the United States, or criticize and condemn them.

This style of painting is very strange.

But if you carefully sort out the underlying logic of Xiaguo Technology Company and find that most of the technology companies' pigtails are in the hands of Americans, you will find that this situation is actually quite normal.

The quieter the domestic technological environment was, the more Chen Xiao's confidence was strengthened.

Restructure the structure of Xiaguo Technology Company and establish a technology strategic alliance centered on Changtian Technology.

Only in this way can Xiaguo's technology companies be in a leading position in the global technology competition.

Only advanced technology can help Xia Kingdom complete the national rejuvenation and become a world-class power in the next few decades or even hundreds of years.

If the core technology is not in your hands and the initiative is not in your hands, even if you are developing very well and earning a lot of money, you are nothing more than a leek to Westerners, especially to the capitalism of the United States .

When you grow fat, the Anglo-Saxon sickle harvests, and you are left with miserable roots.

Examples of this are happening in many parts of the world.

Although Mizhou is a mainland, the U.S. is an island country. Deep in the genes of the U.S. people, there has never been such a gene and motivation for the world to unify and develop together.

And the allies are also divided into three or six grades. In the 1980s, all the post-war savings accumulated by Toyo for decades were sucked up. This is the conventional practice of the United States.

Yu Dong is reporting to Ren Fei.

After Yu Dong saw Ren Fei, he put down the document in his hand with some sighs and said, "I wonder if you have read the news during this period?"

Of course Yu Dong knew, "Are you talking about the Hanhai mobile phone under Changtian Technology?"

Ren Fei nodded: "I have read a lot of analysts' comments during this period, especially the remarks made by some senior executives of mobile phone companies."

"They were actually happy because Hanhai couldn't buy a suitable screen, and they even naively thought that if Hanhai and its subordinate Nokia and Bird phones couldn't be produced, the market would give them to them."

"Do they think those mobile phone companies in the United States, South Korea, and Japan are vegetarians?"

Of course Ren Fei was very angry.

Especially seeing some mobile phone companies rushing to stand up and say that they will not join Changtian Technology's Yinghuo operating system, but will honestly use the Android operating system and honestly maintain the prosperity of the Android ecosystem. Do not call one place.

Global competition in science and technology has reached the stage of whitewashing.

To put it more bluntly, it is the stage of life and death.

The attitude of American technology companies to Xia Guo technology companies does not mean that they eat meat and you drink soup.

But to eat you in one breath.

Such a cruel reality, many technology companies in the Xia Kingdom did not realize it.

Ren Fei shook his head helplessly and said: "If Hanhai Technology is the one that collapsed today, then Huawei will definitely be the one that collapses next time, and it will definitely be Xiaomi and other technology companies next time."

Yu Dong also said with emotion: "Changtian Technology really makes those technology companies in the United States feel very painful."

"I have drafted an announcement about Warwick. You can see if there is any problem. If there is no problem, we will announce it immediately."

The announcement is very simple, with a total of less than 200 words in a few lines before and after.

It means that Huawei firmly supports the Firefly operating system, global integration, and Xia Guo's industrial progress. Resolutely oppose the use of technical barriers to affect international cooperation, and resolutely oppose the long-arm jurisdiction of some countries.

Ren Fei was very satisfied when he saw this announcement from Huawei.


At this time, if Huawei doesn't stand up, then Xiaguo's scientific and technological circles are really hopeless.

Ren Fei also said to Dong: "In addition to this announcement, which can show our attitude, you have to contact Wang Xiang immediately."

"However, Huawei still has some contacts in the global technology supply chain. You can ask Wang Xiang. If Changtian Technology needs it, Huawei can act as a third-party company to help Hanhai Technology purchase screens, and at the original price Way to sell to Hanhai Technology."

Warwick just hopes to be able to help participate in science and technology.

After all, in the global mobile phone market, the Firefly ecosystem is still too weak.

If Huawei does not express its position or put it into action, but let Changtian Technology go it alone, then the very advanced Yinghuo operating system developed by the Xia people themselves is likely to be lost in the long river of history.

It is far more important to Changtian Technology to give timely help at critical moments than icing on the cake.

After receiving Ren Fei's instruction, Wang Xiang immediately contacted Wang Xiang, the chairman and CEO of Changtian Technology, and contacted Jobs, Wen Qi, and Simpson respectively.

Said that Huawei is willing to be a third party to help Hanhai Technology series mobile phones purchase related screens.

Wang Xiang must have been very moved after receiving the call.

After all, the environment of Xiaguo's science and technology industry at this moment is too harsh, and Changtian Technology is almost fighting alone.

Wang Xiang told Chen Xiao about this and asked for Chen Xiao's opinion.

Of course, Chen Xiao believes in Huawei's strength. If they cooperate with Huawei and let Huawei find a way to get some screens, it will definitely help Hanhai Mobile to tide over the difficulties.

But this is just a stopgap measure and cannot fundamentally solve the problem.

What's more, the method given by Huawei is not 100% effective. If those capitals in the West do more disgusting things, the situation will definitely be uncontrollable, and it may drag Huawei into the water.

Since the beginning of Changtian Technology's establishment, it has never put its own destiny in the hands of others. What Chen Xiao dislikes the most is not being able to control his own destiny.

So he asked Jobs to reject Huawei's offer on behalf of Hanhai Technology, and immediately asked Wang Xiang to find a solution among the state-owned mobile phone screen manufacturers.

On Huaxing's LCD panel, because there are shadows of the Wanwan company and team in the blood and genes, they came to the mainland of Xiaguo not to help Xiaguo's technological development, but to make money.

Therefore, before Changtian Technology opened its mouth, they rejected Changtian Technology for fear of getting burned.

After all, the technologies of these companies all come from the capital of the United States. If you are not careful, you may not even have to do business.

Apart from China Star, there is only BOE.

At this moment, Samsung jokingly told Changtian Technology through a middleman that Samsung had enough screens, and Changtian Technology could come and purchase them.

Of course, Chen Xiao knew that the infected people thrown out by Samsung had no good intentions at all.

Simply ignore it.

Yanjing, the airport.

After Wang Xiang, Wen Qi and others got off the plane, they were picked up by a special car and went directly to the headquarters of BOE.

After detailed selection, Changtian Technology realized that among the domestic LCD panel companies, only BOE was the most suitable for cooperation.

In order to wait for this moment, BOE's chairman and founder Wang Dong personally greeted Wang Xiang and Wen Qi at the gate of the headquarters.

There was no welcoming ceremony, and after a simple exchange of greetings, everyone immediately came to BOE's Yanjing production plant.

BOE was established in 1993, six years earlier than the year Chen Xiao was reborn.

But it was not until 1998 that BOE officially entered the field of LCD panels.

But after entering this industry, Wang Dong suddenly discovered that Xia Guo was far behind overseas in related technical fields.

This gap does not mean that how much money you invest can make up for this equipment.

Instead, it will take several decades of hard work to catch up step by step.

BOE is well-known in this industry, and it was still in 2003.

In 2003, BOE finally found an opportunity, with 3.

Acquired the generation LCD panel production line of Hynix Semiconductor in South Korea for US$800 million.

Subsequently, BOE invested another 11 billion EMB to build Yanjing's fifth-generation production line, fully producing LCD panels.

The technical backbone in the factory mainly comes from more than 120 South Korean engineers of Hynix (these are hired by BOE, which is much higher than the market talent price. There is no way, because you have no technology, let alone domestic talents, and you must rely on overseas talents) , Xiaguo engineers participated in the form of apprentices.

Among them, the grievances suffered by the Xia people were only known to Wang Dong and those engineers from Xia.

Without technology, you will of course be looked down upon by others.

So Wang Dong understands the current situation of Hanhai Mobile very well, and this time why he came to greet him at the gate of the headquarters in person.

From 2001 to 2013, BOE has been losing money.

In the past 10 years, BOE's revenue has reached more than 200 billion, and the state has invested a large amount of money, but BOE is still losing money.

Because the products produced by BOE do not have any competitive advantage compared with the LCD panel companies in South Korea, Dongyang, and the Bay Area, they are almost exchanging low prices for the market, so that Xiaguo mainland brands can have breathing space in the market.

Under this policy, the total net profit of the product in more than 10 years is only more than 3 billion, and the accumulated net interest rate is only 1.41%.

The reason why the net profit is so low, besides the cheap price of the product, the most important thing is that all the money has been used for research and development.

Wang Dong knew very well that if could not produce products of the same quality as LCD panel companies in South Korea, Dongyang, and Wanwan, then your products would never be competitive, and it would never be possible to occupy the market only by relying on low-price policies. of.

But so far, BOE has not developed an LCD panel that is ahead of the world level. It can only be said that it is close to the overseas level in some fields.

The reason why Chen Xiao chose BOE to cooperate is because of BOE's research and development capabilities and productivity.

Came to BOE TFTled production line.

Wang Dong said with some embarrassment: "On mobile phone screens, our most mature industrial chain is tftled. Low-end mobile phones including ZTE, Coolpad and other brands are buying our screens."

"We are also producing aled, but the yield rate is not high, maybe less than 20%."

Wang Dong is a little helpless. This is the current situation of BOE. We can guarantee whether we have this product, but we cannot guarantee whether we can mass-produce this product and whether it is done well.

But even so, it is already very good!

Wang Dong said: "This has caused our cost to remain high, and mass production is impossible. Only a few experimental products are using aled materials, and most of the mobile phone orders we receive are still TFTLED."

The TFTLED here in BOE is not a more mature TFTLED a few years later.

Whether it is the color or the brightness of its display, it is still far behind.

Compared with Samsung and Sharp's tftled LCD panels, there is also a big gap.

These LCD panels are mainly low-end brands that supply domestic mobile phones.

Chen Xiao and Wang Xiang also talked about this.

Know the status quo of BOE products.

After returning to the office, Wang Xiang gave Wang Dong a cooperation plan.

"Hanhai Technology is preparing to purchase BOE's screens on a large scale. The first batch is 10 million pieces. The subsequent purchase quantity will be discussed according to the situation after the first batch is delivered."

Wang Dong was overjoyed when he heard the news!

What BOE lacks most at present is orders.

Because the order can enable the company to guarantee a strong cash flow, so as to ensure the follow-up scientific research.

An order of 10 million pieces is very scary.

This is only the first part of the collaboration.

Wang Xiang also said: "The current market value of BOE is 102 billion RMB."

"Changtian Technology is willing to invest 25 billion RMB to acquire 20% of BOE's shares at a premium."

"We promise that after acquiring BOE's shares, we will invest in

A total of 300 billion RMB will be provided to BOE's scientific research department for the technical breakthrough of LCD panels. "

Lack of money!

What Wang Dong lacks most now is money.

The financing of the national team has reached 300 billion in the past 10 years.

300 billion, Wang Dong burned all of them, and only then did he achieve today's results.

The money has long since been used up.

If Changtian Technology can invest 300 billion in the next three years, it will be absolutely beneficial to BOE.

And this time, Changtian Technology does not seek to occupy a large amount of equity. Apart from not wanting to drag its own management front for too long, it also wants to give BOE enough autonomy.

In fact, with a 20% stake, apart from Wang Dong’s equity in Yanjing Electronic Tube Factory and the equity in state-related state-owned enterprises, Changtian Technology is already the third largest shareholder.

Wang Dong immediately reported to the relevant departments of the country, and the country is also very supportive of Changtian Technology's entry into the LCD panel industry and investing funds to help key companies achieve technological breakthroughs.

The two parties signed a series of cooperation agreements in less than two days.

The supply of screens for Hanhai mobile phones is secure.

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