Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 803: The big move is behind

The latest website: Changtian Technology's work efficiency is very fast.

The cooperation with BOE this time is that Changtian Technology cooperates with BOE in the name of the group company, not its subsidiary, so Wang Xiang is personally responsible for all matters.

The two parties signed a cooperation agreement, and a week later, Changtian Technology and BOE's commissioners made a compromise on the equity transfer and capital injection of both parties.

Moreover, Changtian Technology also transferred 10 billion RMB to BOE, which is the first batch of research funds.

Wang Dong looked at the series of operation measures of Changtian Technology, and felt extremely emotional in his heart.

He said to his subordinates more than once:

"This is really the most important weapon of the country, the backbone of the country."

"If there are more companies in Xiaguo, such as Changtian Technology, which have strong execution capabilities and identify development goals and priorities, how can our country's technology take so many detours."

"Many technology companies waste not only time, but also wasted money!"

Wang Dong was really emotional.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Dong said to the person in charge of the marketing department: "Changtian Technology is now one of the shareholders of our company, so we must provide them with mobile phone screens with quality and quantity."

"This plan is based on my meeting yesterday. On the basis of guaranteed costs, sell it to Hanhai Technology at a lower profit."

"Understood, Mr. Wang!"

In order to ensure the supply of Hanhai's mobile phone screens, BOE returned a lot of high-priced orders, and the entire production line was running at full capacity.


Chen Xiao looked at the calendar on the table and was also counting the time.

It's July 2014, and it's the height of summer.

If nothing else, Apple will release the iPhone 6 in September of the second half of the year.

Because of the excellent chip, excellent screen and excellent system, and the appearance that fits human aesthetics very well.

Before Chen Xiao's rebirth, iPhone 6 became Apple's most popular mobile phone after iPhone 4S.

There is also a very dire statistic.

From the beginning of the birth of iPhone6 ​​to the end, Apple announced the end of its technical support.

It sold a total of 250 million units.

If calculated according to the total of 6 billion people in the world, nearly 4% of them have bought iPhone6.

That is to say, if you randomly find 100 people on the street, 4 of them use iPhone6 ​​mobile phones.

Moreover, the iPhone 6 is completely a product designed by the Cook team, and has nothing to do with Jobs.

Now Apple sees that Hanhai Technology is relatively weak, and most of the mobile phones may be out of stock, so the possibility of Apple launching the iPhone 6 in the second half of the year is very high.

Before and after iPhone6, there will be many domestic mobile phone conferences, so as to benchmark against iPhone6, or take a share of the success of iPhone6.

The time Chen Xiao determined on the calendar.

September 21, 2014.

That is, ten days after Apple's expected launch event.

On this day, Chen Xiao arranged for Jobs to release a new generation of Hanhai mobile phone, Hanhai 2.

Boom boom boom.

It was a knock on the door.

"Please come in." Chen Xiao put down her pen and raised her head.

In came Jobs.

After making up his mind to work in Changtian Technology, Jobs also took his relatives to Changzezhou.

Through one or two years of self-cultivation, Jobs' body has also become very good.

It cannot be seen that he was ever terminally ill.

And through continuous learning, Jobs has been able to use Chinese to communicate well with his team.

"I just contacted AUO conveniently. According to the order between the two parties, we still have about 5 million mobile phone screens per square meter."

"AUO informed us that they will ship according to the established requirements."

This is AUO.

On the one hand, I am very afraid of the means from the other side of the ocean, and I am afraid that I will not even have a factory, let alone make money.

the other party

On the other hand, he very much hopes to complete the order agreement with Hanhai Technology, after all, it is real money.

This is businessman.

He has absolutely no sense of propriety, righteousness, integrity and shame, and he will do whatever is beneficial to him.

Chen Xiao chuckled and said, "Then you should inform AUO now that our agreement has been terminated, and the order for the 5 million mobile phone screens is officially cancelled."

Both parties signed an agreement of intent, which is signed every 5 million pieces.

So when Chen Xiao terminated the agreement, Hanhai Technology would not pay any compensation.

Chen Xiao said to Jobs: "The production plan of the Hanhai 2 mobile phone we made before is proceeding according to the original plan."

"All of them use BOE's screens."

"The mobile phones under Hanhai Technology that are currently on sale are all switched to BOE's tftled screens."

Jobs knew that there was no way for Hanhai Technology to retreat now, and this was the only way to solve the problem.

Jobs’ suggestion to Chen Xiao: “Because there is a gap in the display effect between the subsequent mobile phone screens and the Sharp and large screens we used before, so we must take some measures to explain to consumers.”

"My plan here is that no matter what method is adopted, the price cannot be lowered."

Jobs was a marketing wizard.

He is very clear about the price of the mobile phone and its contribution to the entire mobile phone brand.

If the price of a mobile phone is reduced for various reasons after it is sold, it will be a devastating blow to the entire mobile phone brand.

The price reduction of a flagship mobile phone will have two consequences.

The first consequence is to offend existing users.

Users who were willing to buy Hanhai mobile phones in the past have already shown their trust in the Hanhai brand.

But when these users learn that the mobile phone they bought will be sold at a reduced price after a few months or half a year, they will feel hurt.

Buying things to buy up or not to buy down is a mentality of many people.

Then next time these users may choose a more valuable mobile phone, even if it is because the performance of Hanhai mobile phone is so powerful that consumers cannot do without Hanhai mobile phone, then these old users will choose to wait a little longer and wait for the price of the mobile phone to drop before buying .

The second consequence is that after the price of the mobile phone is reduced, it will become less attractive to new users.

New users know that the price of your mobile phone will definitely be reduced, and they will choose to wait a little longer, which will lead to a drop in the sales level of the entire mobile phone.

So the main reason why Jobs came to Chen Xiao today was to persuade Chen Xiao that after the mobile phone was replaced with a BOE screen, he could not make up for the imbalance of consumers by reducing the price.

Jobs' reasons are very good, and Chen Xiao also thinks they are very reasonable.

Before Chen Xiao was reborn, why did the Apple mobile phone sell so well and survived for decades around the world.

A very important reason is that Apple mobile phones are very valuable.

Chen Xiao said: "My thoughts are the same as your husband's, so I want to hear your husband's opinion."

Jobs came up with the plan of Hanhai Technology.

"We can make up for the imbalance in the hearts of users in the form of after-sales."

"My suggestion is that no matter when a user buys a Hanhai series mobile phone, we will officially extend the warranty for one year."

"For the user who bought the tftled screen later, in addition to extending the one-year warranty, we also give the user a chance to replace the screen for free."

"And for users who have purchased Sharp or AUO screens, we will give a half-price discount when replacing the screen."

Jobs's plan was very appropriate.

Both old users and new users are settled, and it will not have any impact on the credibility of the brand.

Chen Xiao nodded and said, "Just follow Mr.'s plan."

In fact, what Chen Xiao is most worried about now is, when the users know that the flagship mobile phone of Hanhai mobile phone and its subsidiaries Bird and Nokia are all using cheap mobile phone screens, how will they react?

In the mobile Internet era, users view information and obtain information through the mobile phone platform.

So the screen is very important.

However, Chen Xiao has confidence in the performance of Hanhai's mobile phone.

There will never be a perfect product in this world.

Chen Xiao believes that users will also trust Changtian Technology after weighing it.

On the morning of the second day, Hanhai Technology announced two news.

The first news is that Hanhai Technology has voluntarily terminated its cooperation with Sharp and AUO. In the future, all series of mobile phones of Hanhai Technology will use to put tftled screens.

The second news is that Hanhai Technology has a series of preferential measures for new and old users.

As soon as the two news were announced, the entire Internet was blown up.

The Western media couldn't stop laughing, because in their view, this was a major step back for Hanhai Technology.

"***" commented on the global social media platform: "When mobile phone manufacturers around the world are making great strides towards IPS, OLED, and AMOLED, Hanhai mobile phones are still using TFT LEDs with extremely backward technology. They hope Consumers enjoy the joy of feature phones on their smartphones."

"***" even reported on Hanhai Technology with a major setback as the headline: "Without the window to display colors, all the performance of Hanhai mobile phones will be greatly reduced. Hai Technology even gave up OLED and turned to tftled."

Of course, the happiest ones are of course South Korean mobile phone manufacturers such as Samsung and LG.

The human threshold is getting higher and higher.

After users have used IPS and AMOLED technology with more vivid colors, it is difficult to adapt to tftled.

This is like when people get used to watching LCD TVs, they can no longer accept big-bellied picture tube TVs.

"Nanhan Daily" commented: "Changtian Technology is leading users towards 2004."

In this way, it is ironic that Hanhai Technology cannot buy a screen.

As the media reported on the use of tftled technology by Hanhai Technology, many naval forces are also helping these overseas mobile phone manufacturers to promote and build momentum.

Thousands of popular science articles on the comparison of various mobile phone screens were published almost overnight.

Without exception, these articles point out that TFT is currently one of the most backward mobile phone screens.

Even if users prefer LED technology without flicker, they should buy OLED screens instead of TFT LEDs.

Immediately afterwards, mobile phone manufacturers at home and abroad took this news as a breakthrough point, and publicized how bright their mobile phone screens are, how much they protect the eyes, and are much better than the screens of Hanhai mobile phones, etc.

The two policies of Jobs did make the die-hard fans of Hanhai Technology have a little bit of understanding.

But on Xia Guo's Internet, the matter about Hanhai's mobile phone using the BOE screen split the netizens into two factions.

Some netizens expressed sympathy and empathy for Hanhai Technology.

Feiyushu: "I have been paying attention to Hanhai's pursuit of screen breakthroughs in mobile phones. Sharp and AUO's sudden failure to supply them really makes people dumbfounded. It is really unreasonable for bandits to do things. I firmly support Hanhai Technology's use of BOE's screens. , even if you come up with something that belongs to you a few years later, don't give in."

Loud Dongfang: "I am a user of Hanhai mobile phones. Even if Hanhai mobile phones will have TFT screens in the future, I will firmly support them! I hope that after the cooperation between Changtian Technology and BOE, we can master the core technology and make our own screens for Xia people."

At that time, I was in the wind: "I don't know if everyone has paid attention to the screen prices of Dongyang and South Korean technology companies during this period. They first expected Changtian Technology to ask them to supply them, but Changtian Technology did not do so, and turned back. The price has been increased by 20% and sold to those mobile phone companies in Xiaguo."

"I also read the related news upstairs, it's really ugly."

"The core technology still needs to be in our own hands! Fortunately, Changtian Technology has developed our own chip for the people of Xia, otherwise the chip would be too bad for the screen."

Another part of netizens is completely on the opposite side, they use all kinds of sarcasm and ridicule to comment on Hanhai Technology.

"Oh my god, it's already 2014, and TFT material is still used. Idiots only buy Hanhai Technology's mobile phones!"

"What is a smartphone? We use our smartphones to browse Weibo, chat, watch movies in Moments, watch series and see pictures. The first medium for us to receive information is not the chip of the mobile phone, but the screen of the mobile phone. The TFT material with extremely poor effect, isn’t this cheating consumers?”

"What kind of **** screen, how much does it cost? Hanhai mobile phone is still so expensive. I will definitely not buy Hanhai mobile phone, and I will never be a guinea pig."

"Spend thousands of dollars to buy a mobile phone with a TFT screen. If you eat too much, don't you have nothing to do? Wouldn't it be nice to buy an iPhone or a Samsung at this price? The mobile phones of Xiaomi and Lianxiang are only two to three thousand dollars." money, and use high-end screens.”

The comments of netizens represent the trend of the market in a certain sense.

After a new batch of Hanhai series mobile phones leave the factory.

Its sales have indeed been affected, and the growth rate has slowed down.

Wen Qi compared the current sales with the sales of Nokia and Bird mobile phones when they were just released, and said with great emotion: "If the screen has not changed, the high-end and mid-range mobile phones in the national market this year must be Hanhai Technology. "

Because the screen of the mobile phone is too backward~ Many professional websites are also pessimistic about the new generation of mobile phones that will be released by Hanhai Mobile in September.

After all, Apple will greatly improve the computing power of the chip this time, and the integrity of its ecological chain is not comparable to the current Firefly ecological chain.

In September 2014, Cook held a grand press conference at Apple headquarters and released the iPhone 6 with the most advanced computing power, the strongest photography ability, and the most advanced screen in Apple's history.

A week after its release, global sales of the iPhone 6 topped 10 million units.

Cook mentioned Jobs without naming him at the celebration banquet, "The success of the iPhone is not due to a certain individual, but because he has the world's most advanced technology, the most fertile scientific research soil, and the world's most dynamic scientific research talents. "

Jobs watched Cook's speech in the office and laughed.

According to Chen Xiao's order, he can announce the news to the public.

Han Hai 2 will be released next week.

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