Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 808: Global research mecca

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Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology Chapter 808 The Holy Land of Global Research

Chapter 808 Global Research Mecca

Rebs has analyzed the development history of Hanhai mobile phone in detail during this period.

I also hope that by understanding Hanhai mobile phones, I can grasp the development of Xia Guo and the global smartphone.

Rebs is keenly aware that according to the current technological strength of Hanhai Mobile, it is almost certain that it will completely surpass Android and iOS in the next few years.

The crazy sales of Hanhai's mobile phone has actually explained this problem.

In the desperate situation, Hanhai's second-hand mobile phone also achieved the terrible data of 5 million units sold in one day, which shocked the world even more.

The terrible sales volume of Hanhai mobile phones is very difficult for even Apple and Samsung to compete with them, let alone Xiaomi and second-tier brands such as Blue Factory and Green Factory.

And now Hanhai can not only have high-end Hanhai mobile phones, but also mid-range Nokia and Bird mobile phones, which are almost fully deployed in the mobile phone industry.

This makes other brands very sad.

Rebs realized that, in fact, Changtian Technology did not want to launch two sub-brands of Nokia and Bird under Hanhai Technology at first, but hoped to cooperate with Xia Guo's smartphone company to jointly build the Firefly ecological chain and bring China and China together. The low-end market is ceded to Xia Guo's smartphone manufacturers.

It is a pity that these smartphone manufacturers in Xia Guo are very unsatisfactory, or they completely distrust Changtian Technology and Hanhai mobile phones.

They bet all their principals on the Android system and even fell into trouble, which caused Changtian Technology to be very angry, and also made Xia Guo's domestic mobile phone lose the opportunity to stand with Hanhai Mobile and jointly build the Firefly ecosystem. .

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The most uncomfortable thing is to realize it later. The problem Rebs faces is that in such a cruel smartphone competition market, how can Xiaomi take a place?

Now there are two choices in front of Xiaomi. The first is to continue to follow the old road of Android, but the Android system is significantly behind the Firefly operating system.

In Xiaguo, many application companies in the Android ecosystem will gradually turn to the Firefly ecosystem.

If Xiaomi continues to follow the old path of Android, it will not only face competition from companies such as Samsung, Blue Factory, Green Factory, and Meizu, but also face the pressure of Firefly's ecological chain.

As for value for money?

Without Hanhai Technology, Xiaomi's price/performance ratio is absolutely unbeatable, but now with Nokia and Bird under Hanhai Technology, Xiaomi, as a mobile phone assembly company, is not surprising.

The second way is to choose the same as Huawei, reach a cooperation with Changtian Technology as soon as possible, and integrate into the ecosystem of the Firefly operating system as soon as possible.

But Rebs has some doubts. Now Hanhai Technology has two sub-brands, Nokia and Bird.

And the sales price is even cheaper than Xiaomi's flagship phone.

If Xiaomi joins the Firefly ecosystem, where is its market positioning?

Rebs suddenly realized that what was in front of him was not a multiple-choice question, but a sending-off proposition.

There seems to be no place for Xiaomi in the entire market.

But even so, Rebs was willing to take a chance.

Because he thinks Xiaomi still has its own advantages.

This advantage is that Xiaomi has a fan group that has been operating for a long time, as well as some peripheral products of the rice fan circle and ecological chain that have been built for a long time.

Such as Xiaomi's stereo, sweeping robot, air conditioner', desk lamp and so on.

These have been completely bound to Xiaomi mobile phones, opening up a new way for users' smart life.

Rebs thought that if he brought these things to discuss cooperation with Changtian Technology, then Xiaomi should have a place in the entire Firefly ecological chain.

Rebs also determined that since Changtian Technology established Hanhai Technology Co., Ltd. and launched a smartphone with the Firefly operating system, its goal must be more than that.

Mobile phones should only be part of Changtian Technology's overall smart life strategic plan.

So it seems that Xiaomi still has some advantages.

Thinking of this, Rebs no longer hesitated.

He immediately selected the elite of the team, prepared a cooperation plan, and will go to Changzezhou in person.

He is going to have an interview with Chen Xiao.

Before setting off, Rebs also laughed dumbly as he thought about how he had come this way.

After he resigned from Jinshan, the first choice was to cooperate with Changtian Technology, and he also personally integrated the developed office software into the application matrix of the Firefly ecological chain.

It is a pity that because of various misunderstandings, I still lost the opportunity to cooperate with Changtian Technology, and then I started a new business, started Xiaomi, and took the fast lane of smartphones.

It's been a few years since then.

If I had resolutely joined Changtian Technology, Xiaomi would definitely not have been born, but whether its own development is as good as it is now, this may also be unclear.

Chang Zezhou, Changtian Technology Headquarters.

Chen Xiao got some good news.

After a rigorous evaluation by the relevant state departments, the human organ culture and sales procedures applied by the biopharmaceutical company under Changtian Technology have been completed, and the relevant licenses have also been issued.

This biomedical company under Changtian Technology will become the first company in the country and even in the world that can independently cultivate and sell human organs.

This is an absolute boon for patients around the world who need organ transplants.

Qu Ping has been waiting for the relevant procedures to come down.

After learning the news, she was very excited, and immediately came to Chen Xiao's office and gave Chen Xiao a warm hug.

Qu Ping told Chen Xiao, "I also have good news here."

"Through repeated experiments and method improvements in our laboratory, we are able to cultivate most human organs through the totipotency of cells, and the cost is very low."

Qu Ping handed Chen Xiao a list of costs, including the costs related to the cultivation of major human organs.

Of course, these costs do not calculate the research and development costs of the technology institute, but only the production and training costs.

Taking the liver as an example, medical companies can currently use the totipotency of cells to cultivate a liver that costs only 12,000 RMB.

To cultivate a kidney, only 4200RMB is needed.

It only costs 7000RMB to cultivate a heart.

Only 7300RMB is needed to cultivate a pancreas.

The rest are lungs, stomach, etc. The cost of the human body is also very low.

Taking the liver as an example, the cost of 12,000 yuan has been greatly reduced compared to the previous cost of 300,000 to 400,000 yuan, and almost every patient can afford it.

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