Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 809: The world's No. 1 word-of-mouth company

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Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology Chapter 809 The World's No. 1 Word-of-mouth Company

Suhang City is in the Urology Department of the People's Hospital inpatient department.

The family members of patient Li Hongming watched the news broadcast on the TV in the ward excitedly.

Li Hongming suffered kidney failure a few years ago and has been relying on dialysis for a living.

Later, due to complete necrosis of the kidneys, end-stage renal failure, and other diseases in the body, continuous dialysis is no longer realistic.

The only way is to replace the kidney.

But because Li Hongming's body is very special, he has not been able to find a matching kidney source, and your family's family conditions are not very good, so they can't afford the expensive kidney transplant surgery.

Just when the family was in desperation.

Changtian Biopharmaceutical Company, a subsidiary of Changtian Technology, announced to the public that they have obtained relevant national licenses and can independently cultivate and sell human tissues and organs, and the price is far lower than the market price.

The news made the Li family very excited.

It also made Li Hongming, who was already in a desperate situation, rekindled his hope for life.

Now it has been announced in the news that Changtian Biomedical Technology Co., Ltd. can sell related cultured human organ products.

This made Li Hongming see the light of day.

However, Suhang People's Hospital was originally a cooperative hospital of Changtian Technology.

So if Changtian Biopharmaceutical Company can provide related organ and tissue products.

Suhang People's Hospital should be able to get it first.

Indeed at this time.

Li Hongming's attending doctor, Dr. Liu, walked to the ward with his assistant.

Dr. Liu said to Li Hongming's family: "Li Hongming's family, please come to my office. I want to talk to you about something."

Dr. Liu's sudden invitation to talk surprised Li Hongming, who had just ignited hope.

He also thought that his life was at an advanced stage, and the doctor had something inconvenient to say in front of him.

Uneasy, Li Hongming only watched his wife and went to Dr. Liu's office.

In the doctor's office, Dr. Liu didn't say any nonsense, and went straight to the point.

"This is the situation now, you should read the news just now."

"Changtian Biopharmaceutical Company, a subsidiary of Changtian Technology, has obtained the license for the cultivation and sale of human organs."

Li Hongming's wife Liu Fen was immediately excited and asked quickly, "Does this mean that my husband can quickly obtain a kidney organ and complete the transplant operation?"

Dr. Liu smiled and said, "Family, don't worry, just listen to me and finish the story."

"Changtian Biopharmaceutical Company's self-cultivated kidney organ has two very good points."

"The first is that the price is cheap. We have discussed with the relevant experts of Changtian Biopharmaceutical Company. Like your husband's situation, if both kidneys are replaced at the same time, the cost of organ source and surgery will be about 10%. About ten thousand dollars.”


"After hearing this, Liu Fen couldn't be more excited, she was trembling all over, this was the best news he had ever heard in his life.

Because in the past few years, Liu Fen and Li Hongming have also been to many hospitals and consulted about kidney replacement.

Liu Fen doesn't have such great ambitions, and longs for her husband's two necrotic kidneys to be replaced together.

She just longed for a suitable kidney source, so that her husband could only replace one kidney and live a relatively healthy life.

However, there are many hospitals, and the cruel reality makes the couple who are not very wealthy in their families very embarrassed.

Because the replacement of a kidney includes the kidney source and the entire operation cost, it will cost about 300,000 to 400,000.

And it's not that you can do the surgery right after you give the money, you need to wait endlessly.

Wait for a suitable kidney source.

In addition, even if you are very lucky, you can get a kidney transplant in time.

Because this organ of your body belongs to someone else, and your immune body has a natural resistance to foreign organs.

You need to take anti-rejection drugs for life. This process is not only very painful, hurts the body, but also very expensive.

Ordinary families go through this process and are generally heavily in debt.

After the kidney transplant, you will not be able to work outside like you used to, not even heavy physical labor.

Not to mention that you want to be able to rely on working part-time to make money to pay off your debts.

For these reasons, Liu Fen was extremely emotional after hearing the doctor's words.

This is the hope of life.

Dr. Liu, the attending physician, pressed his hand and said, "Don't get excited first, just listen to me and finish what I have to say."

"The source of organs for the entire kidney transplant and the cost of the operation are the cost of the hospital, and it doesn't make you a penny, because this is the first step for artificially cultured tissue and organs to enter the clinic, and some patients cooperate."

Liu Fen said quickly, "There is no problem with this, we will definitely cooperate!"

"The other thing is the cost. Since this treatment technology is not included in the medical insurance, all the expenses cannot be reimbursed."

Liu Fang quickly said: "This is absolutely no problem!"

Because the treatment cost of 100,000 yuan is much better than the sky-high treatment cost of 300,000 to 400,000 yuan.

Liu Fang believes that even if she works late at night every day, she will be able to pay off the money quickly.

The attending doctor added: "All surgeries are risky, even if the kidney source is provided by Changtian Technology this time, UUkanshu we cannot guarantee the success of the surgery 100%, any sudden Sexual accidents are possible, you have to be mentally prepared."

Liu Fang nodded to show understanding.

Then the attending doctor smiled, which made the atmosphere of the doctor's office a lot more relaxed.

"However, after changing the source of students of Changtian Biopharmaceutical Company, there are also several very good places."

"The first is that taking kidney source will not make the body reject it, so patients will not need to take rejection drugs for a long time in the future."

"The second is that the quality of the kidney source is very good. According to the evaluation of Changtian Science and Technology Biological Laboratory, after completing the kidney transplant operation, as long as active rehabilitation treatment is carried out, in the future, whether it is life or work, it will be the same as a normal person. There is nothing particularly taboo."

This is the best news.

Liu Fang couldn't hold back her heart anymore, and cried out with excitement.

People only realize the importance of the body when they are sick.

Liu Fang has dreamed more than once that she is willing to do nothing, just to keep her family healthy and safe.

Liu Fang plopped down on the ground excitedly.

"Doctor Liu, thank you! I really really don't know how to express..."

This move shocked the attending doctor.

Dr. Liu quickly helped Liu Fang up.

"Oh, what are you doing! It is a doctor's duty to save the world and heal the wounded! What's more, we may not be able to help much."

"If you really want to thank, you should thank Changtian Technology, including me, but also Changtian Technology. If they hadn't made such a major scientific research breakthrough and were able to cultivate and sell organs and tissues on a large scale, we would not have With such a good source of kidneys, surgery can be done.”

Thanks Changtian Technology.

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